solsim is the Solana complex systems simulator. It simulates behavior of dynamical systems—DeFi protocols, DAO governance, cryptocurrencies, and more—built on the Solana blockchain.
Define your system how you see fit.
solsim will simulate its behavior and collect its results in a structured, straightforward manner.
- Implement
methods. - From each, return the current state, i.e. a dictionary mapping variables to current values.
- Specify the variables you'd like to "watch."
- Instantiate a Simulation, call
. - Receive a pandas DataFrame containing values of "watched" variables at each step in time.
from anchorpy import Context
from solana.keypair import Keypair
from solsim.simulation import Simulation
class SomeSolanaSystem(BaseSolanaSystem):
def __init__(self):
self.account = Keypair()
self.pubkey = self.account.public_key
self.program = self.workspace["my_anchor_program"] # solsim gives a Anchor program workspace (self.workspace).
async def initial_step(self):
self.program.rpc["initialize"]() # Make RPC calls to your Anchor program.
await self.client.request_airdrop(self.pubkey, 10) # solsim gives you a Solana API client (self.client).
return {"balance": await self.client.get_balance(self.pubkey)}
async def step(self, state, history):
ctx=Context(accounts={"account": self.pubkey}, signers=[self.account])
return {"balance": await self.client.get_balance(self.account)}
simulation = Simulation(system=SomeSolanaSystem(), watchlist=("balance"))
results = # Returns pandas DataFrame of results.
class SomeSystem(BaseSystem):
def __init__(self, population):
self.pop = population
def initial_step(self):
return {"population": self.pop}
def step(self, state, history):
return {"population": state["population"] * 1.1}
simulation = Simulation(system=SomeSystem(), watchlist=("population"))
results =
Optionally run your simulations via CLI. Instead of calling
in your code:
- Call
. - Run your simulation as e.g.
python path/to/ run --num-runs 3
solsim gives you a streamlit app to explore results, e.g.
To automatically start this app following simulation, invoke one of the following:
flag in the CLI runner, e.g.python path/to/ run --viz-results
First, install Anchor.
pip install solsim
Install poetry. Then,
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd solsim
poetry install
poetry shell
First, write your Solana program. solsim prefers you do this in Anchor. Then,
- Write a system class that inherits from
. - Call
in its__init__
. - Implement
methods. (Since you'll interact with Solana asynchronously, these methods should beasync
In 2.
, solsim exposes the following attributes to your system instance:
: IDL clients for the Solana programs that comprise your system (via anchorpy).
For example, these clients let you interact with your respective programs' RPC endpoints.
: a general Solana client (via solana-py).
This client lets you interact with Solana's RPC endpoints. Documentation here.
- Define a
: variables (returned ininitial_step
) you'd like to "watch." - Instantiate and run your simulation, e.g.
Simulation(MySystem(), watchlist).run(steps_per_run=10)
- Write a system class that inherits from
. - Implement
methods. - Define a
. - Instantiate and run your simulation.
Agents are randomly paired to exchange random amounts of foo_coin
and bar_coin
via an Anchor escrow contract in each timestep.
- Run:
python -m examples.drunken_escrow
. - Code: here.
- Expected output (numbers may vary):
(.venv) ➜ solsim git:(main) python -m examples.drunken_escrow
👆 Starting Solana localnet cluster (~5s) ...
🟢 run: 0 | step: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:34<00:00, 8.60s/it]
👇 Terminating Solana localnet cluster ...
step run mean_balance_spread mean_swap_amount num_swaps
0 0 0 17.333333 41.333333 3
1 1 0 22.000000 4.666667 3
2 2 0 40.000000 25.666667 3
3 3 0 44.000000 14.666667 3
The Lotka-Volterra model is a classic dynamical system in the field of ecology that tracks the evolution of interdependent predator and prey populations.
- Run:
python -m examples.lotka_volterra
. - Code: here.
- Expected output:
(.venv) ➜ solsim git:(main) python -m examples.lotka_volterra
🟢 run: 0 | step: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 70492.50it/s]
step run food_supply population_size
0 0 0 1000.000 50.00
1 1 0 995.000 60.00
2 2 0 989.000 69.95
3 3 0 982.005 79.84
This example is inspired by cadCAD Edu.
solsim humbly builds on the shoulders of the giants that are cadCAD and tokenspice, among others.