#Enhanced Javascript Syntax for Vim
- Zhao Yi, Claudio Fleiner, Scott Shattuck (This file is based on their hard work)
- gumnos (From the #vim IRC Channel in Freenode) (Who helped me figured out the crazy Vim Regexes)
###Description This file is a fork of this file and the stock one
This version of this file features the following text highlights:
- Parenthesis, curly and regular brackets.
- The semicolon or comma at the end of line.
- Browser, DOM and "Ajax" keywords like objects, methods, properties and others.
- Operation, comparison and logical symbols (
To enable code folding add the following to your .vimrc
au FileType javascript call JavaScriptFold()
###Note This is a syntax plugin, not an indentation one. For indentation, this is the recommended one by Preston Koprivica.
###TODO You can help me improve it too.
- The separate highlight of the arguments
- I know this is a syntax file, but having an autocompletion file.
- Add keywords for the popular third-party libraries like jQuery, YUI, Prototype, etc.
###Screenshots This is the stock Javascript syntax file
This is with the Enhanced Syntax file
###License The same as Vim