- London, Canada
- https://cboden.dev
restangular Public
Forked from mgonto/restangularAngularJS service to handle Rest API Restful Resources properly and easily
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2013 -
brackets-automatch-pairs Public
Forked from maityarkodeb/brackets-automatch-pairsBrackets extensions to enable automatic pairs matching.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 2, 2013 -
brackets-editor-nav Public
Forked from peterflynn/brackets-editor-navBrackets extension adding new file-navigation shortcuts
JavaScript UpdatedJun 26, 2013 -
angular-socket-io Public
Forked from btford/angular-socket-ioSocket.IO component for AngularJS
JavaScript UpdatedJun 26, 2013 -
guzzle Public
Forked from guzzle/guzzleGuzzle is a PHP HTTP client and framework for building RESTful web service clients
PHP-DI Public
Forked from PHP-DI/PHP-DISimple and practical Dependency Injection for PHP
frisby Public
Forked from vlucas/frisbyFrisby is a REST API testing framework built on node.js and Jasmine that makes testing API endpoints easy, fast, and fun.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 18, 2013 -
MusicBrainz Public
Forked from mikealmond/MusicBrainzA PHP library to access MusicBrainz's Web Service v2
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2013 -
Gummi-Reflection Public
Forked from sschmid/Gummi-ReflectionReflection for Objective-C
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 10, 2013 -
Gummi-Injection Public
Forked from sschmid/Gummi-InjectionA lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C
Objective-C UpdatedFeb 10, 2013 -
truenorthphp Public
Forked from pmeth/truenorthphpThe git project for the True North PHP Conference. The website is at http://www.truenorthphp.ca
JavaScript UpdatedNov 1, 2012 -
BadFaith Public
Forked from winmillwill/BadFaithphp content (emphasis) negotiation. WORK IN PROGRESS
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 15, 2012 -
symfony Public
Forked from symfony/symfonyThe Symfony2 PHP framework
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2012 -
wamp Public
Forked from wamp-proto/wamp-protoWAMP - The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol
Python UpdatedMar 26, 2012 -
html5please Public
Forked from h5bp/html5pleaseGraded Feature Support
JavaScript UpdatedJan 23, 2012 -
alloy Public
Forked from alloyphp/alloyREST-centered modular Hierarchal MVC PHP 5.3 framework