added SemVer
task by @jadb
output method added
task FileSystemStack
added by @devster
switched to Symfony Filesystem component
ask can now hide answers
Trait Executable added to provide standard way for passing arguments and options
added ComposerDumpAutoload task by @pmcjury
added FileSystem task by @jadb
added CommonStack metatsk to have similar interface for all stacked tasks by @jadb
arguments and options can be passed into variable and used in exec task
passing options into commands
[BC] taskGit
task renamed to taskGitStack
for compatibility
unit and functional tests added
all command tasks now use Symfony\Process to execute them
enabled Bower and Concat tasks
added printed
param to Exec task
codeception suite
method now returns $this
timeout options added to Exec task
Codeception task added
PHPUnit task improved
Bower task added by @jadb
ParallelExec task added
Symfony Process component used for execution
Task descriptions taken from first line of annotations
added to use tasks as parameters
PHPUnit basic task
fixed doc generation
changed generated init template
[PackPhar] ->executable command will remove hashbang when generated stub file
[Git][Exec] stopOnFail option for Git and Exec stack
[ExecStack] shortcut for executing bash commands in stack
release process now includes phar
phar executable method added
git checkout added
phar pack created
Dynamic configuration via magic methods
added WriteToFile task
Result class for managing exit codes and error messages
Merged Tasks and Traits to same file
Added Watcher task
Added GitHubRelease task
Added Changelog task
Added ReplaceInFile task
You can’t perform that action at this time.