A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
Package gorilla/websocket is a fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go.
A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go
📚 《Go语言高级编程》开源图书,涵盖CGO、Go汇编语言、RPC实现、Protobuf插件实现、Web框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题(完稿)
A web GUI client of Project V which supports VMess, VLESS, SS, SSR, Trojan, Tuic and Juicity protocols. 🚀
A golang framework helps gopher to build a data visualization and admin panel in ten minutes
Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
Arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in Go
handling 1M websockets connections in Go
Stochastic flame graph profiler for Go programs
Distributed mutual exclusion lock using Redis for Go