Elead - Sales - Customers
This API allows for the management of prospect/customer information inside the Elead CRM.
This API is for dealers and vendor partners who need to manage prospect/customer data within the Elead CRM.
This API includes the following capabilities and features for managing prospect/customer information.
• Add prospect/customer information such as name, phone numbers, email addresses and physical address.
• Update prospect/customer contact information tied to an existing Elead ID.
• Retrieve prospects/customers by their Elead ID.
• Search prospects/customers by their name, email address, or phone number
• Retrieve prospect/customer owned vehicles by their Elead ID.
You will need the following to proceed
• To use the connector, you need to be a Fortellis user.
• You need to create a solution in Fortellis to generate client id and secret to be used while calling the APIs