Stars - schemas and supporting software
Test suites for Web platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others
A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
Deliverables of the HTML Working Group until October 2018
Helps you easily create GitHub-style buttons and toolbars using links, buttons, and inputs.
Digitization of the Garamond shown on the Egenolff-Berner specimen
The PubSubHubbub protocol specification.
E2guardian is a web content filter that can work in proxy, transparent or icap server modes
Web Annotation Working Group repository, see README for links to specs
A Jekyll quick start to getting up and going with the IndieWeb
Highly performant, lightweight framework for linked data processing. Supports RDFa, JSON-LD, RDF/XML and plain text formats, runs on Android and GAE, provides integration with Jena, Sesame and Cler…