-*- mode: org; comment-column: 0; -*-
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:vedang/reponame.git
$ git checkout -b <branchname> <commit>
$ git checkout -d <branchname>
$ git checkout -m <branchname> <newbranchname>
$ git merge <branchname>
$ git push <remotename> <localbranchname>:<remotebranchname>
$ git push <remotename> :<branchname>
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/newbranch $ rm .git/index $ git clean -fdx
$ git checkout –orphan newbranch $ git rm -rf .
$ git filter-branch –subdirectory-filter trunk HEAD $ git remote add trunk /path/to/trunk $ git push trunk master
$ git checkout masters_original_HEAD $ git checkout -b tmp $ git merge -s ours master $ git checkout master $ git merge tmp $ git reset –soft HEAD^
$ git checkout <branch_name> $ git branch –set-upstream-to=origin/<branch_name>
$ git merge -s ours <branchname>
$ git checkout develop $ git merge -s ours master $ git checkout master $ git merge develop
[~/testing (develop *+|MERGING u+7)] $ git status
$ git checkout –ours README.txt $ git add README.txt $ git commit
$ git remote add -f projA /path/to/projA $ git merge -s ours –no-commit projA/master $ git read-tree –prefix=subdirA/ -u projA/master $ git commit -m “merging projA into subdirA”
$ git rebase -p <branchname>
$ git merge-base <branch1> <branch2>
$ git revert M -m 2
$ git tag -u <key-id> <tagname> <commitid>
$ git push <remotename> <tagname>
$ git push <remotename> <branchname> –tags
$ git tag -s <tagname> <commitid>
$ git fetch –tags origin
$ git tag -l
$ git tag –list –sort=version:refname
$ git tag -a
$ git describe –match v*
$ git describe –tags `git rev-list –tags –max-count=1`
$ git show v2.5:fs/locks.c
$ git rev-parse name
$ git tag -d 12345
$ git push origin :refs/tags/12345
$ git tag –contains <SHA>
$ git diff –name-only rev1 rev2
$ git show –pretty=”format:” –name-only <commitid>
$ git log –pretty=oneline
$ git log –author=foo
$ git log –pretty=format:’%C(bold red)%h%Creset -%C(bold yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(bold green)(%cr)%Creset %C(bold blue)[%an]%Creset’ –graph
$ git log –author=$USER –format=”- %B” –since=-7days –reverse
$ git diff –name-status master..branch
$ git log -p <filename>
$ git shortlog master..branch
$ git log –branches –not –remotes
$ git log –pretty=format:’%C(bold red)%h%Creset -%C(bold yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(bold green)(%cr)%Creset %C(bold blue)[%an]%Creset’ –graph
$ git log –branches –not –remotes –simplify-by-decoration –decorate –oneline
$ git log @{u}..
$ git diff origin/master..HEAD
$ git diff rev1:filename rev2:filename
$ git diff [commit-id-before] [commit-id-after] > my.patch
$ git format-patch -3
$ git format-patch -k -s –stdout R1..R2 | git am -3 -k
$ git cherry-pick R1..R2
git format-patch master –stdout > diff-with-master.patch
$ git apply –stat diff-with-master.patch
$ git apply –check diff-with-master.patch
$ git am -3 –signoff < diff-with-master.patch
$ git submodule add path_to_git_repo local_dir $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
$ git clone –recursive <path-to-remote-repo>
$ git rm –cached path_to_submodule # (no trailing slash)
$ git pull –recurse-submodules #requires git 1.7.3+
$ git submodule update –recursive
$ git subtree split –prefix=subdir/ –annotate=’(split)’ -b split_dir $ git push [email protected]:yourname/your-repo.git split_dir:master
$ git subtree add –prefix=path/in/curr/repo –squash \ git://github.com/yourname/your-repo.git master
$ git subtree pull –prefix=path/in/curr/repo –squash \ git://github.com/yourname/your-repo.git master
$ git subtree split –prefix=subdir/ –annotate=’(split)’ -b split_dir_latest
$ git push [email protected]:yourname/your-repo.git split_dir_latest:master
$ git add -p
$ git cherry-pick <commit-id>
$ git commit –amend
$ git commit –amend -C HEAD
$ git clean -dxf <path>
$ git bisect start $ git bisect good v2.6.18 $ git bisect bad master
$ git bisect good # or $ git bisect bad
$ git bisect reset
$ git bisect run my_script
$ git fsck –lost-found –no-reflog
git reflog
$ gitk v1.5.0.. <filenames/directorynames>
$ gitk –since=”2 weeks ago” – <filename>
$ gitk –max-count=100 –all – <filename>
$ gitk –all $( git fsck –no-reflog | awk ’dangling commit {print $3}’ )
$ git reset –soft HEAD@{1}
$ git commit -C HEAD@{1}
$ git reset –soft HEAD^1
$ git stash
$ git pull origin <branchname>
$ git stash pop
$ git log -g # Walks reflog and shows you a history of your actions
$ git reflog show –no-abbrev <branch name>
$ git checkout -m <file>
$ git apply –whitespace=fix
$ git filter-branch –commit-filter ’ if [ “$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL” = “original_email_address” ]; then GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=”FirstName LastName”; GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=”new_email_address”; git commit-tree “$@”; else git commit-tree “$@”; fi’ HEAD
$ git commit –amend –reset-author
$ git daemon –reuseaddr –verbose –base-path=. –export-all ./.git
$ git config –global alias.serve ‘!git daemon –reuseaddr –verbose –base-path=. –export-all ./.git’
$ git clone git:// project
$ git config –global user.name “FirstName LastName”
$ git config –global user.email “[email protected]”
$ git config –global color.ui “auto”
$ git config –global rerere.enabled 1
$ git config –global branch.autosetuprebase always
$ git config branch.*branch-name*.rebase true
$ git config –global branch.autosetupmerge always
$ git config –global merge.summary true
$ git config –global user.signingkey <keyid>
$ git config –list