A python logging bundle to send logs using GELF. This is a rewrote of Djehouty
First, install logging-gelf using pip:
pip install -U logging-gelf
The following example shows how to send log in Graylog TCP input
import logging
from logging_gelf.formatters import GELFFormatter
from logging_gelf.handlers import GELFTCPSocketHandler
logger = logging.getLogger("gelf")
handler = GELFTCPSocketHandler(host="", port=12201)
handler.setFormatter(GELFFormatter(schema=MyGelfSchema, null_character=True))
logger.debug("hello !")
Logging adapter, extra, custom schema and many other stuff are available in the full documentation available at http://logging-gelf.readthedocs.io/ .
- Python >= 3.3
- Docs: http://logging-gelf.readthedocs.io/
- PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/logging-gelf
- Issues: https://github.com/cdumay/logging-gelf/issues
Apache License 2.0