title: Kubernetes on Azure tutorial - Update application | Microsoft Docs description: AKS tutorial - Update Application services: container-service documentationcenter: '' author: neilpeterson manager: timlt editor: '' tags: aks, azure-container-service keywords: Docker, Containers, Micro-services, Kubernetes, DC/OS, Azure
ms.assetid: ms.service: container-service ms.devlang: aurecli ms.topic: tutorial ms.tgt_pltfrm: na ms.workload: na ms.date: 10/24/2017 ms.author: nepeters ms.custom: mvc
After an application has been deployed in Kubernetes, it can be updated by specifying a new container image or image version. When doing so, the update is staged so that only a portion of the deployment is concurrently updated. This staged update enables the application to keep running during the update. It also provides a rollback mechanism if a deployment failure occurs.
In this tutorial, part six of eight, the sample Azure Vote app is updated. Tasks that you complete include:
[!div class="checklist"]
- Updating the front-end application code
- Creating an updated container image
- Pushing the container image to Azure Container Registry
- Deploying the updated container image
In subsequent tutorials, Operations Management Suite is configured to monitor the Kubernetes cluster.
In previous tutorials, an application was packaged into a container image, the image uploaded to Azure Container Registry, and a Kubernetes cluster created. The application was then run on the Kubernetes cluster.
An application repository was also cloned which includes the application source code, and a pre-created Docker Compose file used in this tutorial. Verify that you have created a clone of the repo, and that you have changed directories into the cloned directory. Inside is a directory named azure-vote
and a file named docker-compose.yml
If you haven't completed these steps, and want to follow along, return to Tutorial 1 – Create container images.
For this tutorial, a change is made to the application, and the updated application deployed to the Kubernetes cluster.
The application source code can be found inside of the azure-vote
directory. Open the config_file.cfg
file with any code or text editor. In this example vi
is used.
vi azure-vote/azure-vote/config_file.cfg
Change the values for VOTE1VALUE
, and then save the file.
# UI Configurations
TITLE = 'Azure Voting App'
VOTE2VALUE = 'Purple'
SHOWHOST = 'false'
Save and close the file.
Use docker-compose to re-create the front-end image and run the updated application. The --build
argument is used to instruct Docker Compose to re-create the application image.
docker-compose up --build -d
Browse to http://localhost:8080 to see the updated application.
Tag the azure-vote-front
image with the loginServer of the container registry.
Get the login server name with the az acr list command.
az acr list --resource-group myResourceGroup --query "[].{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" --output table
Use docker tag to tag the image. Replace <acrLoginServer>
with your Azure Container Registry login server name or public registry hostname. Also notice that the image version is updated to redis-v2
docker tag azure-vote-front <acrLoginServer>/azure-vote-front:redis-v2
Use docker push to upload the image to your registry. Replace <acrLoginServer>
with your Azure Container Registry login server name.
docker push <acrLoginServer>/azure-vote-front:redis-v2
To ensure maximum uptime, multiple instances of the application pod must be running. Verify this configuration with the kubectl get pod command.
kubectl get pod
azure-vote-back-217588096-5w632 1/1 Running 0 10m
azure-vote-front-233282510-b5pkz 1/1 Running 0 10m
azure-vote-front-233282510-dhrtr 1/1 Running 0 10m
azure-vote-front-233282510-pqbfk 1/1 Running 0 10m
If you do not have multiple pods running the azure-vote-front image, scale the azure-vote-front
kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/azure-vote-front
To update the application, use the kubectl set command. Update <acrLoginServer>
with the login server or host name of your container registry.
kubectl set image deployment azure-vote-front azure-vote-front=<acrLoginServer>/azure-vote-front:redis-v2
To monitor the deployment, use the kubectl get pod command. As the updated application is deployed, your pods are terminated and re-created with the new container image.
kubectl get pod
azure-vote-back-2978095810-gq9g0 1/1 Running 0 5m
azure-vote-front-1297194256-tpjlg 1/1 Running 0 1m
azure-vote-front-1297194256-tptnx 1/1 Running 0 5m
azure-vote-front-1297194256-zktw9 1/1 Terminating 0 1m
Get the external IP address of the azure-vote-front
kubectl get service azure-vote-front
Browse to the IP address to see the updated application.
In this tutorial, you updated an application and rolled out this update to a Kubernetes cluster. The following tasks were completed:
[!div class="checklist"]
- Updated the front-end application code
- Created an updated container image
- Pushed the container image to Azure Container Registry
- Deployed the updated application
Advance to the next tutorial to learn about how to monitor Kubernetes with Operations Management Suite.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Monitor Kubernetes with Log Analytics