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Create an Azure Application Gateway - Azure CLI 1.0 | Microsoft Docs |
Learn how to create an Application Gateway by using the Azure CLI 1.0 in Resource Manager |
application-gateway |
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davidmu1 |
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azure-resource-manager |
c2f6516e-3805-49ac-826e-776b909a9104 |
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infrastructure-services |
07/31/2017 |
davidmu |
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Azure Application Gateway is a layer-7 load balancer. It provides failover, performance-routing HTTP requests between different servers, whether they are on the cloud or on-premises. Application gateway has the following application delivery features: HTTP load balancing, cookie-based session affinity, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offload, custom health probes, and support for multi-site.
To perform the steps in this article, you need to install the Azure Command-Line Interface for Mac, Linux, and Windows (Azure CLI) and you need to log on to Azure.
If you don't have an Azure account, you need one. Go sign up for a free trial here.
In this scenario, you learn how to create an application gateway using the Azure portal.
This scenario will:
- Create a medium application gateway with two instances.
- Create a virtual network named ContosoVNET with a reserved CIDR block of
- Create a subnet called subnet01 that uses as its CIDR block.
Additional configuration of the application gateway, including custom health probes, backend pool addresses, and additional rules are configured after the application gateway is configured and not during initial deployment.
Azure Application Gateway requires its own subnet. When creating a virtual network, ensure that you leave enough address space to have multiple subnets. Once you deploy an application gateway to a subnet, only additional application gateways are able to be added to the subnet.
Open the Microsoft Azure Command Prompt, and log in.
azure login
Once you type the preceding example, a code is provided. Navigate to https://aka.ms/devicelogin in a browser to continue the login process.
In the browser, enter the code you received. You are redirected to a sign-in page.
Once the code has been entered you are signed in, close the browser to continue on with the scenario.
azure config mode arm
Before creating the application gateway, a resource group is created to contain the application gateway. The following shows the command.
azure group create \
--name ContosoRG \
--location eastus
Once the resource group is created, a virtual network is created for the application gateway. In the following example, the address space was as as defined in the preceding scenario notes.
azure network vnet create \
--name ContosoVNET \
--address-prefixes \
--resource-group ContosoRG \
--location eastus
After the virtual network is created, a subnet is added for the application gateway. If you plan to use application gateway with a web app hosted in the same virtual network as the application gateway, be sure to leave enough room for another subnet.
azure network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group ContosoRG \
--name subnet01 \
--vnet-name ContosoVNET \
Once the virtual network and subnet are created, the pre-requisites for the application gateway are complete. Additionally a previously exported .pfx certificate and the password for the certificate are required for the following step: The IP addresses used for the backend are the IP addresses for your backend server. These values can be either private IPs in the virtual network, public ips, or fully qualified domain names for your backend servers.
azure network application-gateway create \
--name AdatumAppGateway \
--location eastus \
--resource-group ContosoRG \
--vnet-name ContosoVNET \
--subnet-name subnet01 \
--servers,, \
--capacity 2 \
--sku-tier Standard \
--routing-rule-type Basic \
--frontend-port 80 \
--http-settings-cookie-based-affinity Enabled \
--http-settings-port 80 \
--http-settings-protocol http \
--frontend-port http \
--sku-name Standard_Medium
For a list of parameters that can be provided during creation run the following command: azure network application-gateway create --help.
This example creates a basic application gateway with default settings for the listener, backend pool, backend http settings, and rules. You can modify these settings to suit your deployment once the provisioning is successful. If you already have your web application defined with the backend pool in the preceding steps, once created, load balancing begins.
Learn how to create custom health probes by visiting Create a custom health probe
Learn how to configure SSL Offloading and take the costly SSL decryption off your web servers by visiting Configure SSL Offload