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A tour through Analytics in Azure Application Insights | Microsoft Docs
Short samples of all the main queries in Analytics, the powerful search tool of Application Insights.

A tour of Analytics in Application Insights

Analytics is the powerful search feature of Application Insights. These pages describe the Log Analytics query language.

Let's take a walk through some basic queries to get you started.

Connect to your Application Insights data

Open Analytics from your app's overview blade in Application Insights:

Open, open your Application Insights resource, and click Analytics.

Take: show me n rows

Data points that log user operations (typically HTTP requests received by your web app) are stored in a table called requests. Each row is a telemetry data point received from the Application Insights SDK in your app.

Let's start by examining a few sample rows of the table:



Put the cursor somewhere in the statement before you click Go. You can split a statement over more than one line, but don't put blank lines in a statement. Blank lines are a convenient way to keep several separate queries in the window.

Choose columns, drag them, group by columns, and filter:

Click column selection at upper right of results

Expand any item to see the detail:

Choose Table, and use Configure Columns


Click the header of a column to re-order the results available in the web browser. But be aware that for a large result set, the number of rows downloaded to the browser is limited. Sorting this way simply sorts the returned result set and doesn't always show you the actual highest or lowest items. To sort items reliably, use the top or sort operator.

Query across applications

If you want to combine data from multiple Application Insights applications, use the app keyword to specify the application along with the table name. This query combines the requests from two different applications using the union command.

	union app('fabrikamstage').requests, app('fabrikamprod').requests

Top and sort

take is useful to get a quick sample of a result, but it shows rows from the table in no particular order. To get an ordered view, use top (for a sample) or sort (over the whole table).

Show me the first n rows, ordered by a particular column:

    requests | top 10 by timestamp desc
  • Syntax: Most operators have keyword parameters such as by.
  • desc = descending order, asc = ascending.

top... is a more performant way of saying sort ... | take.... We could have written:

    requests | sort by timestamp desc | take 10

The result would be the same, but it would run a bit more slowly. (You could also write order, which is an alias of sort.)

The column headers in the table view can also be used to sort the results on the screen. But of course, if you've used take or top to retrieve just part of a table, clicking on the column header will only re-order the records you've retrieved.

Where: filtering on a condition

Let's see just requests that returned a particular result code:

    | where resultCode  == "404"
    | take 10

The where operator takes a Boolean expression. Here are some key points about them:

  • and, or: Boolean operators
  • ==, <>, != : equal and not equal
  • =~, !~ : case-insensitive string equal and not equal. There are lots more string comparison operators.

Find unsuccessful requests

Convert a string value to an integer to use greater-than comparison:

    | where isnotempty(resultCode) and toint(resultCode) >= 400


By default, your queries are restricted to the last 24 hours. But you can change this range:

Override the time range by writing any query that mentions timestamp in a where-clause. For example:

    // What were the slowest requests over the past 3 days?
    | where timestamp > ago(3d)  // Override the time range
    | top 5 by duration

The time range feature is equivalent to a 'where' clause inserted after each mention of one of the source tables.

ago(3d) means 'three days ago'. Other units of time include hours (2h, 2.5h), minutes (25m), and seconds (10s).

Other examples:

    // Last calendar week:
    | where timestamp > startofweek(now()-7d)
        and timestamp < startofweek(now())
    | top 5 by duration

    // First hour of every day in past seven days:
    | where timestamp > ago(7d) and timestamp % 1d < 1h
    | top 5 by duration

    // Specific dates:
    | where timestamp > datetime(2016-11-19) and timestamp < datetime(2016-11-21)
    | top 5 by duration

Dates and times reference.

Project: select, rename, and compute columns

Use project to pick out just the columns you want:

    requests | top 10 by timestamp desc
             | project timestamp, name, resultCode

You can also rename columns and define new ones:

    | top 10 by timestamp desc
    | project  
            response = resultCode,
            ['time of day'] = floor(timestamp % 1d, 1s)


  • Column names can include spaces or symbols if they are bracketed like this: ['...'] or ["..."]
  • % is the usual modulo operator.
  • 1d (that's a digit one, then a 'd') is a timespan literal meaning one day. Here are some more timespan literals: 12h, 30m, 10s, 0.01s.
  • floor (alias bin) rounds a value down to the nearest multiple of the base value you provide. So floor(aTime, 1s) rounds a time down to the nearest second.

Expressions can include all the usual operators (+, -, ...), and there's a range of useful functions.


If you just want to add columns to the existing ones, use extend:

    | top 10 by timestamp desc
    | extend timeOfDay = floor(timestamp % 1d, 1s)

Using extend is less verbose than project if you want to keep all the existing columns.

Convert to local time

Timestamps are always in UTC. So if you're on the US Pacific coast and it's winter, you might like this:

    | top 10 by timestamp desc
    | extend localTime = timestamp - 8h

Summarize: aggregate groups of rows

Summarize applies a specified aggregation function over groups of rows.

For example, the time your web app takes to respond to a request is reported in the field duration. Let's see the average response time to all requests:

Or we could separate the result into requests of different names:

Summarize collects the data points in the stream into groups for which the by clause evaluates equally. Each value in the by expression - each unique operation name in the above example - results in a row in the result table.

Or we could group results by time of day:

Notice how we're using the bin function (aka floor). If we just used by timestamp, every input row would end up in its own little group. For any continuous scalar like times or numbers, we have to break the continuous range into a manageable number of discrete values. bin - which is just the familiar rounding-down floor function - is the easiest way to do that.

We can use the same technique to reduce ranges of strings:

Notice that you can use name= to set the name of a result column, either in the aggregation expressions or the by-clause.

Counting sampled data

sum(itemCount) is the recommended aggregation to count events. In many cases, itemCount==1, so the function simply counts up the number of rows in the group. But when sampling is in operation, only a fraction of the original events are retained as data points in Application Insights, so that for each data point you see, there are itemCount events.

For example, if sampling discards 75% of the original events, then itemCount==4 in the retained records - that is, for every retained record, there were four original records.

Adaptive sampling causes itemCount to be higher during periods when your application is being heavily used.

Summing up itemCount therefore gives a good estimate of the original number of events.

There's also a count() aggregation (and a count operation), for cases where you really do want to count the number of rows in a group.

There's a range of aggregation functions.

Charting the results

       | summarize count=sum(itemCount)  
         by bin(timestamp, 1h)

By default, results display as a table:

We can do better than the table view. Let's look at the results in the chart view with the vertical bar option:

Click Chart, then choose Vertical bar chart and assign x and y axes

Notice that although we didn't sort the results by time (as you can see in the table display), the chart display always shows datetimes in correct order.


Show how many events there are each hour:

      | summarize event_count=sum(itemCount)
        by bin(timestamp, 1h)

Select the Chart display option:


Multiple series

Multiple expressions in the summarize clause creates multiple columns.

Multiple expressions in the by clause creates multiple rows, one for each combination of values.

    | summarize count_=sum(itemCount), avg(duration)
      by bin(timestamp, 1h), client_StateOrProvince, client_City
    | order by timestamp asc, client_StateOrProvince, client_City

Table of requests by hour and location

Segment a chart by dimensions

If you chart a table that has a string column and a numeric column, the string can be used to split the numeric data into separate series of points. If there's more than one string column, you can choose which column to use as the discriminator.

Segment an analytics chart

Bounce rate

Convert a boolean to a string to use it as a discriminator:

    // Bounce rate: sessions with only one page view
    | where notempty(session_Id)
    | where tostring(operation_SyntheticSource) == "" // real users
    | summarize pagesInSession=sum(itemCount), sessionEnd=max(timestamp)
               by session_Id
    | extend isbounce= pagesInSession == 1
    | summarize count()
               by tostring(isbounce), bin (sessionEnd, 1h)
    | render timechart

Display multiple metrics

If you chart a table that has more than one numeric column, in addition to the timestamp, you can display any combination of them.

Segment an analytics chart

You must select Don't Split before you can select multiple numeric columns. You can't split by a string column at the same time as displaying more than one numeric column.

Daily average cycle

How does usage vary over the average day?

Count requests by the time modulo one day, binned into hours:

    | where timestamp > ago(30d)  // Override "Last 24h"
    | where tostring(operation_SyntheticSource) == "" // real users
    | extend hour = bin(timestamp % 1d , 1h)
          + datetime("2016-01-01") // Allow render on line chart
    | summarize event_count=sum(itemCount) by hour

Line chart of hours in an average day


Notice that we currently have to convert time durations to datetimes in order to display on a line chart.

Compare multiple daily series

How does usage vary over the time of day in different countries?

     | where timestamp > ago(30d)  // Override "Last 24h"
     | where tostring(operation_SyntheticSource) == "" // real users
     | extend hour= floor( timestamp % 1d , 1h)
           + datetime("2001-01-01")
     | summarize event_count=sum(itemCount)
       by hour, client_CountryOrRegion
     | render timechart

Split By client_CountryOrRegion

Plot a distribution

How many sessions are there of different lengths?

    | where timestamp > ago(30d) // override "Last 24h"
    | where isnotnull(session_Id) and isnotempty(session_Id)
    | summarize min(timestamp), max(timestamp)
      by session_Id
    | extend sessionDuration = max_timestamp - min_timestamp
    | where sessionDuration > 1s and sessionDuration < 3m
    | summarize count() by floor(sessionDuration, 3s)
    | project d = sessionDuration + datetime("2016-01-01"), count_

The last line is required to convert to datetime. Currently the x-axis of a chart is displayed as a scalar only if it is a datetime.

The where clause excludes one-shot sessions (sessionDuration==0) and sets the length of the x-axis.

What ranges of durations cover different percentages of sessions?

Use the above query, but replace the last line:

    | where isnotnull(session_Id) and isnotempty(session_Id)
    | summarize min(timestamp), max(timestamp)
      by session_Id
    | extend sesh = max_timestamp - min_timestamp
    | where sesh > 1s
    | summarize count() by floor(sesh, 3s)
    | summarize percentiles(sesh, 5, 20, 50, 80, 95)

We also removed the upper limit in the where clause, in order to get correct figures including all sessions with more than one request:


From which we can see that:

  • 5% of sessions have a duration of less than 3 minutes 34s;
  • 50% of sessions last less than 36 minutes;
  • 5% of sessions last more than 7 days

To get a separate breakdown for each country, we just have to bring the client_CountryOrRegion column separately through both summarize operators:

    | where isnotnull(session_Id) and isnotempty(session_Id)
    | summarize min(timestamp), max(timestamp)
      by session_Id, client_CountryOrRegion
    | extend sesh = max_timestamp - min_timestamp
    | where sesh > 1s
    | summarize count() by floor(sesh, 3s), client_CountryOrRegion
    | summarize percentiles(sesh, 5, 20, 50, 80, 95)
      by client_CountryOrRegion


We have access to several tables, including requests and exceptions.

To find the exceptions related to a request that returned a failure response, we can join the tables on session_Id:

    | where toint(resultCode) >= 500
    | join (exceptions) on operation_Id
    | take 30

It's good practice to use project to select just the columns we need before performing the join. In the same clauses, we rename the timestamp column.

Let: Assign a result to a variable

Use let to separate out the parts of the previous expression. The results are unchanged:

    let bad_requests =
        | where  toint(resultCode) >= 500  ;
    | join (exceptions) on session_Id
    | take 30


In the Analytics client, don't put blank lines between the parts of the query. Make sure to execute all of it.

Use toscalar to convert a single table cell to a value:

let topCities =  toscalar (
   | summarize count() by client_City 
   | top n by count_ 
   | summarize makeset(client_City));
| where client_City in (topCities(3)) 
| summarize count() by client_City;


Use Let to define a function:

    let usdate = (t:datetime)
      strcat(getmonth(t), "/", dayofmonth(t),"/", getyear(t), " ",
      bin((t-1h)%12h+1h,1s), iff(t%24h<12h, "AM", "PM"))
    | extend PST = usdate(timestamp-8h)

Accessing nested objects

Nested objects can be accessed easily. For example, in the exceptions stream you can see structured objects like this:


You can flatten it by choosing the properties you're interested in:

    exceptions | take 10
    | extend method1 = tostring(details[0].parsedStack[1].method)

Note that you need to cast the result to the appropriate type.

Custom properties and measurements

If your application attaches custom dimensions (properties) and custom measurements to events, then you will see them in the customDimensions and customMeasurements objects.

For example, if your app includes:

    var dimensions = new Dictionary<string, string>
                     {{"p1", "v1"},{"p2", "v2"}};
    var measurements = new Dictionary<string, double>
                     {{"m1", 42.0}, {"m2", 43.2}};
    telemetryClient.TrackEvent("myEvent", dimensions, measurements);

To extract these values in Analytics:

    | extend p1 = customDimensions.p1,
      m1 = todouble(customMeasurements.m1) // cast to expected type

To verify whether a custom dimension is of a particular type:

    | extend p1 = customDimensions.p1,
      iff(notnull(todouble(customMeasurements.m1)), ...


You can pin your results to a dashboard in order to bring together all your most important charts and tables.

  • Azure shared dashboard: Click the pin icon. Before you do this, you must have a shared dashboard. In the Azure portal, open or create a dashboard and click Share.
  • Power BI dashboard: Click Export, Power BI Query. An advantage of this alternative is that you can display your query alongside other results from a wide range of sources.

Combine with imported data

Analytics reports look great on the dashboard, but sometimes you want to translate the data to a more digestible form. For example, suppose your authenticated users are identified in the telemetry by an alias. You'd like to show their real names in your results. To do this, you need a CSV file that maps from the aliases to the real names.

You can import a data file and use it just like any of the standard tables (requests, exceptions, and so on). Either query it on its own, or join it with other tables. For example, if you have a table named usermap, and it has columns realName and userId, then you can use it to translate the user_AuthenticatedId field in the request telemetry:

    | where notempty(user_AuthenticatedId)
    | project userId = user_AuthenticatedId
      // get the realName field from the usermap table:
    | join kind=leftouter ( usermap ) on userId
      // count transactions by name:
    | summarize count() by realName

To import a table, in the Schema blade, under Other Data Sources, follow the instructions to add a new data source, by uploading a sample of your data. Then you can use this definition to upload tables.

The import feature is currently in preview, so you will initially see a "Contact us" link under "Other data sources." Use this to sign up to the preview program, and the link will then be replaced by an "Add new data source" button.


The stream of telemetry received from your app is accessible through several tables. The schema of properties available for each table is visible at the left of the window.

Requests table

Count HTTP requests to your web app and segment by page name:

Count requests segmented by name

Find the requests that fail most:

Count requests segmented by name

Custom events table

If you use TrackEvent() to send your own events, you can read them from this table.

Let's take an example where your app code contains these lines:

       new Dictionary<string,string> {{"query", sqlCmd}},
       new Dictionary<string,double> {
           {"retry", retryCount},
           {"querytime", totalTime}})

Display the frequency of these events:

Display rate of custom events

Extract measurements and dimensions from the events:

Display rate of custom events

Custom metrics table

If you are using TrackMetric() to send your own metric values, you’ll find its results in the customMetrics stream. For example:

Custom metrics in Application Insights analytics


In Metrics Explorer, all custom measurements attached to any type of telemetry appear together in the metrics blade along with metrics sent using TrackMetric(). But in Analytics, custom measurements are still attached to whichever type of telemetry they were carried on - events or requests, and so on - while metrics sent by TrackMetric appear in their own stream.

Performance counters table

Performance counters show you basic system metrics for your app, such as CPU, memory, and network utilization. You can configure the SDK to send additional counters, including your own custom counters.

The performanceCounters schema exposes the category, counter name, and instance name of each performance counter. Counter instance names are only applicable to some performance counters, and typically indicate the name of the process to which the count relates. In the telemetry for each application, you’ll see only the counters for that application. For example, to see what counters are available:

Performance counters in Application Insights analytics

To get a chart of available memory over the selected period:

Memory timechart in Application Insights analytics

Like other telemetry, performanceCounters also has a column cloud_RoleInstance that indicates the identity of the host machine on which your app is running. For example, to compare the performance of your app on the different machines:

Performance segmented by role instance in Application Insights analytics

Exceptions table

Exceptions reported by your app are available in this table.

To find the HTTP request that your app was handling when the exception was raised, join on operation_Id:

Join exceptions with requests on operation_Id

Browser timings table

browserTimings shows page load data collected in your users' browsers.

Set up your app for client-side telemetry in order to see these metrics.

The schema includes metrics indicating the lengths of different stages of the page loading process. (They don’t indicate the length of time your users read a page.)

Show the popularities of different pages, and load times for each page:

Page load times in Analytics

Availability results table

availabilityResults shows the results of your web tests. Each run of your tests from each test location is reported separately.

Page load times in Analytics

Dependencies table

Contains results of calls that your app makes to databases and REST APIs, and other calls to TrackDependency(). Also includes AJAX calls made from the browser.

AJAX calls from the browser:

    dependencies | where client_Type == "Browser"
    | take 10

Dependency calls from the server:

    dependencies | where client_Type == "PC"
    | take 10

Server-side dependency results always show success==False if the Application Insights Agent is not installed. However, the other data are correct.

Traces table

Contains the telemetry sent by your app using TrackTrace(), or other logging frameworks.



Advanced queries:


Next steps

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