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PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell (Preview) Quickstart | Microsoft Docs |
Quickstart for PowerShell in Cloud Shell |
Azure |
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azure-resource-manager |
azure |
infrastructure-services |
vm-linux |
na |
article |
09/25/2017 |
damaerte |
This document details how to use the PowerShell in Cloud Shell in the Azure portal.
A Bash in Azure Cloud Shell Quickstart is also available.
- Click on Cloud Shell button from the top navigation bar of the Azure portal
- Select the PowerShell environment from the drop-down and you will be in Azure drive
Run regular PowerShell commands in the Cloud Shell, such as:
PS Azure:\> Get-Date
Monday, September 25, 2017 08:55:09 AM
PS Azure:\> Get-AzureRmVM -Status
ResourceGroupName Name Location VmSize OsType ProvisioningState PowerState
----------------- ---- -------- ------ ------ ----------------- ----------
MyResourceGroup2 Demo westus Standard_DS1_v2 Windows Succeeded running
MyResourceGroup MyVM1 eastus Standard_DS1 Windows Succeeded running
MyResourceGroup MyVM2 eastus Standard_DS2_v2_Promo Windows Succeeded deallocated
List your subscriptions
PS Azure:\> dir
to your preferred subscriptionPS Azure:\> cd MySubscriptionName PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName>
View all your Azure resources under the current subscription
to list multiple views of your Azure resources.PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName> dir Directory: azure:\MySubscriptionName Mode Name ---- ---- + AllResources + ResourceGroups + StorageAccounts + VirtualMachines + WebApps
Type dir
under AllResources
directory to view your Azure resources.
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName> dir AllResources
You can go to the ResourceGroups
directory and inside a specific resource group you can find virtual machines.
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName> cd ResourceGroups\MyResourceGroup1\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\ResourceGroups\MyResourceGroup1\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines> dir
Directory: Azure:\MySubscriptionName\ResourceGroups\MyResourceGroup1\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines
VMName Location ProvisioningState VMSize OS SKU OSVersion AdminUserName NetworkInterfaceName
------ -------- ----------------- ------ -- --- --------- ------------- --------------------
TestVm1 westus Succeeded Standard_DS2_v2 WindowsServer 2016-Datacenter Latest AdminUser demo371
TestVm2 westus Succeeded Standard_DS1_v2 WindowsServer 2016-Datacenter Latest AdminUser demo271
You may notice that the second time when you type dir
, the cloud shell is able to display the items much faster.
This is because the child items are cached in memory for a better user experience.
However, you can always use dir -Force
to get fresh data.
By entering into the StorageAccounts
folder you can easily navigate your storage resources
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\StorageAccounts\MyStorageAccountName\Files> dir
Directory: Azure:\MySubscriptionNameStorageAccounts\MyStorageAccountName\Files
Name ConnectionString
---- ----------------
MyFileShare1 \\MyStorageAccountName.file.core.windows.net\MyFileShare1;AccountName=MyStorageAccountName AccountKey=<key>
MyFileShare2 \\MyStorageAccountName.file.core.windows.net\MyFileShare2;AccountName=MyStorageAccountName AccountKey=<key>
MyFileShare3 \\MyStorageAccountName.file.core.windows.net\MyFileShare3;AccountName=MyStorageAccountName AccountKey=<key>
With the connection string, you can use the following command to mount the Azure File share.
net use <DesiredDriveLetter>: \\<MyStorageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<MyFileShareName> <AccountKey> /user:Azure\<MyStorageAccountName>
For details, see Mount an Azure File share and access the share in Windows.
You can also navigate the directories under the Azure File share as follows:
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\StorageAccounts\MyStorageAccountName\Files> cd .\MyFileShare1\
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\StorageAccounts\MyStorageAccountName\Files\MyFileShare1> dir
Mode Name
---- ----
+ TestFolder
. hello.ps1
You can find all your virtual machines under the current subscription via VirtualMachines
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\VirtualMachines> dir
Directory: Azure:\MySubscriptionName\VirtualMachines
Name ResourceGroupName Location VmSize OsType NIC ProvisioningState PowerState
---- ----------------- -------- ------ ------ --- ----------------- ----------
TestVm1 MyResourceGroup1 westus Standard_DS2_v2 Windows my2008r213 Succeeded stopped
TestVm2 MyResourceGroup1 westus Standard_DS1_v2 Windows jpstest Succeeded deallocated
TestVm10 MyResourceGroup2 eastus Standard_DS1_v2 Windows mytest Succeeded running
Please refer to Troubleshooting remote management of Azure VMs.
Assuming you have a VM, MyVM1, let's use Invoke-AzureRmVMCommand
to invoke a PowerShell scriptblock on the remote machine.
Invoke-AzureRmVMCommand -Name MyVM1 -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroup -Scriptblock {Get-ComputerInfo} -EnableRemoting
You can also navigate to the virtualMachines directory first and run Invoke-AzureRmVMCommand
as follows.
PS Azure:\> cd MySubscriptionName\MyResourceGroup\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\MyResourceGroup\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines> Get-Item MyVM1 | Invoke-AzureRmVMCommand -Scriptblock{Get-ComputerInfo}
You see output similar to the following:
PSComputerName :
RunspaceId : 2c2b60da-f9b9-4f42-a282-93316cb06fe1
WindowsBuildLabEx : 14393.1066.amd64fre.rs1_release_sec.170327-1835
WindowsCurrentVersion : 6.3
WindowsEditionId : ServerDatacenter
WindowsInstallationType : Server
WindowsInstallDateFromRegistry : 5/18/2017 11:26:08 PM
WindowsProductId : 00376-40000-00000-AA947
WindowsProductName : Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
WindowsRegisteredOrganization :
You can use Enter-AzureRmVM
to interactively log into a VM running in Azure.
Enter-AzureRmVM -Name MyVM1 -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroup -EnableRemoting
You can also navigate to the virtualMachines
directory first and run Enter-AzureRmVM
as follows
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\ResourceGroups\MyResourceGroup\Microsoft.Compute\virtualMachines> Get-Item MyVM1 | Enter-AzureRmVM
By entering into the WebApps
folder you can easily navigate your web apps resources
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName> dir .\WebApps\
Directory: Azure:\MySubscriptionName\WebApps
Name State ResourceGroup EnabledHostNames Location
---- ----- ------------- ---------------- --------
mywebapp1 Stopped MyResourceGroup1 {mywebapp1.azurewebsites.net... West US
mywebapp2 Running MyResourceGroup2 {mywebapp2.azurewebsites.net... West Europe
mywebapp3 Running MyResourceGroup3 {mywebapp3.azurewebsites.net... South Central US
# You can use Azure cmdlets to Start/Stop your web apps
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\WebApps> Start-AzureRmWebApp -Name mywebapp1 -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroup1
Name State ResourceGroup EnabledHostNames Location
---- ----- ------------- ---------------- --------
mywebapp1 Running MyResourceGroup1 {mywebapp1.azurewebsites.net ... West US
# Refresh the current state with -Force
PS Azure:\MySubscriptionName\WebApps> dir -Force
Directory: Azure:\MySubscriptionName\WebApps
Name State ResourceGroup EnabledHostNames Location
---- ----- ------------- ---------------- --------
mywebapp1 Running MyResourceGroup1 {mywebapp1.azurewebsites.net... West US
mywebapp2 Running MyResourceGroup2 {mywebapp2.azurewebsites.net... West Europe
mywebapp3 Running MyResourceGroup3 {mywebapp3.azurewebsites.net... South Central US
Under Azure
drive, type Get-AzureRmCommand
to get context-specific Azure commands.
Alternatively, you can always use Get-Command *azurerm* -Module AzureRM.*
to find out the available Azure commands.
You can run Install-Module
to install modules from the PowerShell Gallery.
Type Get-Help
to get information about PowerShell in Azure Cloud Shell.
PS Azure:\> Get-Help
For a specific command, you can still do Get-Help followed by a cmdlet.
PS Azure:\> Get-Help Get-AzureRmVM
You can create a script, say helloworld.ps1
, and save it to your CloudDrive
to use it across shell sessions.
cd C:\users\ContainerAdministrator\CloudDrive
PS C:\users\ContainerAdministrator\CloudDrive> vim .\helloworld.ps1
# Add the content, such as 'Hello World!'
PS C:\users\ContainerAdministrator\CloudDrive> .\helloworld.ps1
Hello World!
Next time when you use PowerShell in Cloud Shell, the helloworld.ps1
file will exist under the CloudDrive
folder that mounts your Azure File share.
You can customize your PowerShell environment, by creating PowerShell profile(s) - profile.ps1
or Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
. Save it under the CloudDrive
so that it can be loaded in every PowerShell session when you launch the Cloud Shell.
For how to create a profile, refer to About Profiles.
To clone a git repo in the Cloud Shell, you need to create a personal access token and use it as the username. Once you have your token, clone the repository as follows:
git clone https://<your-access-token>@github.com/username/repo.git
Since sessions in Cloud Shell do not persist when you sign out or the session times out, the Git config file will not exist upon the next logon. To have your Git config persist, you must save your .gitconfig to your CloudDrive
and copy it or create a symlink when the Cloud Shell gets launched. Use the following code snippet in your profile.ps1, to create a symlink to CloudDrive
# .gitconfig path relative to this script
$script:gitconfigPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .gitconfig
# Create a symlink to .gitconfig in user's $home
if(Test-Path $script:gitconfigPath){
if(-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $Home .gitconfig ))){
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path $home -Name .gitconfig -Value $script:gitconfigPath
Type exit
to terminate the session.