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Quickstart: Cassandra API with .NET - Azure Cosmos DB | Microsoft Docs |
This quickstart shows how to use the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API to create a profile application with the Azure portal and .NET |
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11/15/2017 |
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This quickstart shows how to use .NET and the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API to build a profile app by cloning an example from GitHub. This quickstart also walks you through the creation of an Azure Cosmos DB account by using the web-based Azure portal.
Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed multi-model database service. You can quickly create and query document, table, key-value, and graph databases, all of which benefit from the global distribution and horizontal scale capabilities at the core of Azure Cosmos DB.
[!INCLUDE quickstarts-free-trial-note] Alternatively, you can Try Azure Cosmos DB for free without an Azure subscription, free of charge and commitments.
Access to the Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API preview program. If you haven't applied for access yet, sign up now.
In addition:
- If you don't already have Visual Studio 2017 installed, you can download and use the free Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. Make sure that you enable Azure development during the Visual Studio setup.
- Install Git to clone the example.
[!INCLUDE cosmos-db-create-dbaccount-cassandra]
Now let's switch to working with code. Let's clone a Cassandra API app from GitHub, set the connection string, and run it. You'll see how easy it is to work with data programmatically.
Open a git terminal window, such as git bash, and use the
command to change to a folder to install the sample app.cd "C:\git-samples"
Run the following command to clone the sample repository. This command creates a copy of the sample app on your computer.
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-db-cassandra-dotnet-getting-started.git
Then open the CassandraQuickStartSample solution file in Visual Studio.
This step is optional. If you're interested in learning how the database resources are created in the code, you can review the following snippets. The snippets are all taken from the Program.cs
file installed in the C:\git-samples\azure-cosmos-db-cassandra-dotnet-getting-started\CassandraQuickStartSample folder. Otherwise, you can skip ahead to Update your connection string.
Initialize the session by connecting to a Cassandra cluster endpoint. The Cassandra API on Azure Cosmos DB supports only TLSv1.2.
var options = new Cassandra.SSLOptions(SslProtocols.Tls12, true, ValidateServerCertificate); options.SetHostNameResolver((ipAddress) => CassandraContactPoint); Cluster cluster = Cluster.Builder().WithCredentials(UserName, Password).WithPort(CassandraPort).AddContactPoint(CassandraContactPoint).WithSSL(options).Build(); ISession session = cluster.Connect();
Create a new keyspace.
session.Execute("CREATE KEYSPACE uprofile WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' : 1 };");
Create a new table.
session.Execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uprofile.user (user_id int PRIMARY KEY, user_name text, user_bcity text)");
Insert user entities by using the IMapper object with a new session that connects to the uprofile keyspace.
mapper.Insert<User>(new User(1, "LyubovK", "Dubai"));
Query to get all user's information.
foreach (User user in mapper.Fetch<User>("Select * from user")) { Console.WriteLine(user); }
Query to get a single user's information.
mapper.FirstOrDefault<User>("Select * from user where user_id = ?", 3);
Now go back to the Azure portal to get your connection string information and copy it into the app. The connection string information enables your app to communicate with your hosted database.
In the Azure portal, click Connection String.
Use the
button on the right side of the screen to copy the USERNAME value.
In Visual Studio 2017, open the Program.cs file.
Paste the USERNAME value from the portal over
on line 13.Line 13 of Program.cs should now look similar to
private const string UserName = "cosmos-db-quickstart";
Go back to portal and copy the PASSWORD value. Paste the PASSWORD value from the portal over
on line 14.Line 14 of Program.cs should now look similar to
private const string Password = "2Ggkr662ifxz2Mg...==";
Go back to portal and copy the CONTACT POINT value. Paste the CONTACT POINT value from the portal over
on line 15.Line 15 of Program.cs should now look similar to
private const string CassandraContactPoint = "cosmos-db-quickstarts.documents.azure.com"; // DnsName
Save the Program.cs file.
In Visual Studio, click Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console.
At the command prompt, use the following command to install the .NET Driver's NuGet package.
Install-Package CassandraCSharpDriver
Click CTRL + F5 to run the application. Your app displays in your console window.
Press CTRL + C to stop exection of the program and close the console window.
You can now open Data Explorer in the Azure portal to see query, modify, and work with this new data.
[!INCLUDE cosmosdb-tutorial-review-slas]
[!INCLUDE cosmosdb-delete-resource-group]
In this quickstart, you've learned how to create an Azure Cosmos DB account, create a collection using the Data Explorer, and run a web app. You can now import additional data to your Cosmos DB account.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Import Cassandra data into Azure Cosmos DB