title: 'Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB Graph APIs | Microsoft Docs' description: Learn how you can use Azure Cosmos DB to store, query, and traverse massive graphs with low latency by using the Gremlin graph query language of Apache TinkerPop. services: cosmos-db author: dennyglee documentationcenter: ''
ms.assetid: b916644c-4f28-4964-95fe-681faa6d6e08 ms.service: cosmos-db ms.workload: data-services ms.tgt_pltfrm: na ms.devlang: dotnet ms.topic: article ms.date: 11/15/2017 ms.author: denlee
Azure Cosmos DB is the globally distributed, multimodel database service from Microsoft for mission-critical applications. Azure Cosmos DB provides the following features, which are all backed by industry-leading SLAs:
- Turnkey global distribution
- Elastic scaling of throughput and storage worldwide
- Single-digit millisecond latencies at the 99th percentile
- Five well-defined consistency levels
- Guaranteed high availability
Azure Cosmos DB automatically indexes data without requiring you to deal with schema and index management. It is multimodel and supports document, key-value, graph, and columnar data models.
We recommend that you watch the following video, where Kirill Gavrylyuk explains how to get started with graphs on Azure Cosmos DB:
[!VIDEO https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/Graphs-with-Azure-Cosmos-DB-Gremlin-API/player]
The Azure Cosmos DB Graph API provides:
- Graph modeling.
- Traversal APIs.
- Turnkey global distribution.
- Elastic scaling of storage and throughput with less than 10 ms read latencies and less than 15 ms at the 99th percentile.
- Automatic indexing with instant query availability.
- Tunable consistency levels.
- Comprehensive SLAs, including a 99.99% availability SLA for all single region accounts and all multi-region accounts with relaxed consistency, and 99.999% read availability on all multi-region database accounts.
To query Azure Cosmos DB, you can use the Apache TinkerPop graph traversal language, Gremlin, or other TinkerPop-compatible graph systems like Apache Spark GraphX.
This article provides an overview of the Azure Cosmos DB Graph API and explains how you can use it to store massive graphs with billions of vertices and edges. You can query the graphs with millisecond latency and evolve the graph structure and schema easily.
Data as it appears in the real world is naturally connected. Traditional data modeling focuses on entities. For many applications, there's also a need to model or to model both entities and relationships naturally.
A graph is a structure that's composed of vertices and edges. Both vertices and edges can have an arbitrary number of properties. Vertices denote discrete objects, such as a person, a place, or an event. Edges denote relationships between vertices. For example, a person might know another person, be involved in an event, and recently been at a location. Properties express information about the vertices and edges. Example properties include a vertex that has a name, age, and edge, which has a time stamp and/or a weight. More formally, this model is known as a property graph. Azure Cosmos DB supports the property graph model.
For example, the following sample graph shows relationships among people, mobile devices, interests, and operating systems:
Graphs are useful to understand a wide range of datasets in science, technology, and business. Graph databases let you model and store graphs naturally and efficiently, which makes them useful for many scenarios. Graph databases are typically NoSQL databases because these use cases often also need schema flexibility and rapid iteration.
Graphs offer a novel and powerful data modeling technique. But this fact by itself is not a sufficient reason to use a graph database. For many use cases and patterns that involve graph traversals, graphs outperform traditional SQL and NoSQL databases by orders of magnitude. This difference in performance is further amplified when traversing more than one relationship, like friend-of-a-friend.
You can combine the fast traversals that graph databases provide with graph algorithms, like depth-first search, breadth-first search, and Dijkstra's algorithm, to solve problems in various domains like social networking, content management, geospatial, and recommendations.
Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed graph database that offers global distribution, elastic scaling of storage and throughput, automatic indexing and query, tunable consistency levels, and support for the TinkerPop standard.
Azure Cosmos DB offers the following differentiated capabilities when compared to other graph databases in the market:
- Elastically scalable throughput and storage
Graphs in the real world need to scale beyond the capacity of a single server. With Azure Cosmos DB, you can scale your graphs seamlessly across multiple servers. You can also scale the throughput of your graph independently based on your access patterns. Azure Cosmos DB supports graph databases that can scale to virtually unlimited storage sizes and provisioned throughput.
- Multi-region replication
Azure Cosmos DB transparently replicates your graph data to all regions that you've associated with your account. Replication enables you to develop applications that require global access to data. There are tradeoffs in the areas of consistency, availability, and performance and corresponding guarantees. Azure Cosmos DB provides transparent regional failover with multi-homing APIs. You can elastically scale throughput and storage across the globe.
- Fast queries and traversals with familiar Gremlin syntax
Store heterogeneous vertices and edges and query these documents through a familiar Gremlin syntax. Azure Cosmos DB utilizes a highly concurrent, lock-free, log-structured indexing technology to automatically index all content. This capability enables rich real-time queries and traversals without the need to specify schema hints, secondary indexes, or views. Learn more in Query graphs by using Gremlin.
- Fully managed
Azure Cosmos DB eliminates the need to manage database and machine resources. As a fully managed Microsoft Azure service, you don't need to manage virtual machines, deploy and configure software, manage scaling, or deal with complex data-tier upgrades. Every graph is automatically backed up and protected against regional failures. You can easily add an Azure Cosmos DB account and provision capacity as you need it so that you can focus on your application instead of operating and managing your database.
- Automatic indexing
By default, Azure Cosmos DB automatically indexes all the properties within nodes and edges in the graph and doesn't expect or require any schema or creation of secondary indices.
- Compatibility with Apache TinkerPop
Azure Cosmos DB natively supports the open-source Apache TinkerPop standard and can be integrated with other TinkerPop-enabled graph systems. So, you can easily migrate from another graph database, like Titan or Neo4j, or use Azure Cosmos DB with graph analytics frameworks like Apache Spark GraphX.
- Tunable consistency levels
Select from five well-defined consistency levels to achieve optimal tradeoff between consistency and performance. For queries and read operations, Azure Cosmos DB offers five distinct consistency levels: strong, bounded-staleness, session, consistent prefix, and eventual. These granular, well-defined consistency levels allow you to make sound tradeoffs among consistency, availability, and latency. Learn more in Using consistency levels to maximize availability and performance in DocumentDB.
Azure Cosmos DB also can use multiple models, like document and graph, within the same containers/databases. You can use a document collection to store graph data side by side with documents. You can use both SQL queries over JSON and Gremlin queries to query the same data as a graph.
You can use the Azure command-line interface (CLI), Azure PowerShell, or the Azure portal with support for graph API to create Azure Cosmos DB accounts. After you create accounts, the Azure portal provides a service endpoint, like https://<youraccount>.graphs.azure.com
, that provides a WebSocket front end for Gremlin. You can configure your TinkerPop-compatible tools, like the Gremlin Console, to connect to this endpoint and build applications in Java, Node.js, or any Gremlin client driver.
The following table shows popular Gremlin drivers that you can use against Azure Cosmos DB:
Download | Documentation |
Java | Gremlin JavaDoc |
Node.js | Gremlin-JavaScript on Github |
Gremlin console | TinkerPop docs |
Azure Cosmos DB also provides a .NET library that has Gremlin extension methods on top of the Azure Cosmos DB SDKs via NuGet. This library provides an "in-process" Gremlin server that you can use to connect directly to DocumentDB data partitions.
Download | Documentation |
.NET | Microsoft.Azure.Graphs |
By using the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator, you can use the .NET Graph API above to develop and test locally without creating an Azure subscription or incurring any costs. When you're satisfied with how your application is working in the Emulator, you can switch to using an Azure Cosmos DB account in the cloud.
Support for validating Gremlin queries against Azure Cosmos DB Emulator is only available via .NET Graph API.
Here are some scenarios where graph support of Azure Cosmos DB can be used:
- Social networks
By combining data about your customers and their interactions with other people, you can develop personalized experiences, predict customer behavior, or connect people with others with similar interests. Azure Cosmos DB can be used to manage social networks and track customer preferences and data.
- Recommendation engines
This scenario is commonly used in the retail industry. By combining information about products, users, and user interactions, like purchasing, browsing, or rating an item, you can build customized recommendations. The low latency, elastic scale, and native graph support of Azure Cosmos DB is ideal for modeling these interactions.
- Geospatial
Many applications in telecommunications, logistics, and travel planning need to find a location of interest within an area or locate the shortest/optimal route between two locations. Azure Cosmos DB is a natural fit for these problems.
- Internet of Things
With the network and connections between IoT devices modeled as a graph, you can build a better understanding of the state of your devices and assets. You also can learn how changes in one part of the network can potentially affect another part.
To learn more about graph support in Azure Cosmos DB, see:
- Get started with the Azure Cosmos DB graph tutorial.
- Learn about how to query graphs in Azure Cosmos DB by using Gremlin.