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Portals for creating and editing log queries in Azure Log Analytics | Microsoft Docs |
This article describes the portals that you can use in Azure Log Analytics to create and edit log searches. |
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bwren |
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09/26/2017 |
magoedte; bwren |
You use log searches in a variety of places throughout Log Analytics to retrieve data from the workspace. For actually creating and editing queries in addition to working interactively with returned data though, you have two options that are described below.
The Log Search page is accessible from the Azure portal. It's suitable for creating basic queries that can be created on a single line. Log Search can be used without launching an external portal, and you can use it to perform a variety of functions with log searches including creating alert rules, creating computer groups, and exporting the results of the query.
Log Search provides multiple features for editing the query without having a full knowledge of the query language. You can get a summary of these features in Create log searches in Azure Log Analytics using Log Search.
The Advanced Analytics portal is a dedicated portal that provides advanced functionality not available in Log Search from the Azure portal. Features include the ability to edit a query on multiple lines, selectively execute code, context sensitive Intellisense, and Smart Analytics. The Advanced Analytics portal is most suitable for designing complex queries that are either saved as a log search or copied and pasted into other Log Analytics elements. You launch the Advanced Analytics portal from a link on the Log Search page.
Because of its advanced features, you'll usually use the Advanced Analytics portal as your primary tool for creating and editing queries. Once you've determined that the query works as expected, then you'll copy and paste it elsewhere such as Log Search page or View Designer. Because the Advanced Analytics portal supports queries with multiple lines though, you need to take the following into consideration when copying a query from this portal.
- Comments must be removed from the query before it's copied and pasted into another location. You can comment a line by preceding it with two slashes (//). When you paste a multiple line query into a single line, line breaks are removed. If comments are included, all characters after the first comment are considered part of the comment.
- Walk through a tutorial on using Log Search to learn how to create queries using the query language
- Check out the Advanced Analytics portal to create sophisticated queries and use as a development environment for your log searches.