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Scenario - Trigger logic apps with Azure Functions and Azure Service Bus | Microsoft Docs |
Create a function to trigger a logic app by using Azure Functions and Azure Service Bus |
logic-apps,functions |
.net,nodejs,java |
jeffhollan |
anneta |
19cbd921-7071-4221-ab86-b44d0fc0ecef |
logic-apps |
multiple |
article |
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integration |
05/23/2016 |
LADocs; jehollan |
You can use Azure Functions to create a trigger for a logic app when you need to deploy a long-running listener or task. For example, you can create a function that listens in on a queue and then immediately fire a logic app as a push trigger.
In this example, you have a function running for each logic app that needs to be triggered. First, create a logic app that has an HTTP request trigger. The function calls that endpoint whenever a queue message is received.
- Create a logic app.
- Select the Manual - When an HTTP Request is Received trigger. Optionally, you can specify a JSON schema to use with the queue message by using a tool like jsonschema.net. Paste the schema in the trigger. Schemas help the designer understand the shape of the data and flow properties more easily through the workflow.
- Add any additional steps that you want to occur after a queue message is received. For example, send an email via Office 365.
- Save the logic app to generate the callback URL for the trigger to this logic app. The URL appears on the trigger card.
Next, you must create a function that acts as the trigger and listens to the queue.
In the Azure Functions portal, select New Function, and then select the ServiceBusQueueTrigger - C# template.
Configure the connection to the Service Bus queue, which uses the Azure Service Bus SDK
listener. -
Write a basic function to call the logic app endpoint (created earlier) by using the queue message as a trigger. Here's a full example of a function. The example uses an
message content type, but you can change this type as necessary.using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; private static string logicAppUri = @"https://prod-05.westus.logic.azure.com:443/........."; public static void Run(string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log) { log.Info($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {myQueueItem}"); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = client.PostAsync(logicAppUri, new StringContent(myQueueItem, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result; } }
To test, add a queue message via a tool like Service Bus Explorer. See the logic app fire immediately after the function receives the message.