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Manage streaming endpoints with .NET SDK. | Microsoft Docs |
This topic shows how to manage streaming endpoints with the Azure portal. |
media-services |
Juliako |
juliako |
cfowler |
0da34a97-f36c-48d0-8ea2-ec12584a2215 |
media-services |
media |
na |
na |
article |
07/18/2017 |
juliako |
Make sure to review the overview topic. Also, review StreamingEndpoint.
The code in this topic shows how to do the following tasks using the Azure Media Services .NET SDK:
Examine the default streaming endpoint.
Create/add new streaming endpoint.
You might want to have multiple streaming endpoints if you plan to have different CDNs or a CDN and direct access.
[!NOTE] You are only billed when your Streaming Endpoint is in running state.
Update the streaming endpoint.
Make sure to call the Update() function.
Delete the streaming endpoint.
[!NOTE] The default streaming endpoint cannot be deleted.
For information about how to scale the streaming endpoint, see this topic.
Set up your development environment and populate the app.config file with connection information, as described in Media Services development with .NET.
Replace the code in the Program.cs with the following code:
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.Live;
namespace AMSStreamingEndpoint
class Program
// Read values from the App.config file.
private static readonly string _AADTenantDomain =
private static readonly string _RESTAPIEndpoint =
private static CloudMediaContext _context = null;
static void Main(string[] args)
var tokenCredentials = new AzureAdTokenCredentials(_AADTenantDomain, AzureEnvironments.AzureCloudEnvironment);
var tokenProvider = new AzureAdTokenProvider(tokenCredentials);
_context = new CloudMediaContext(new Uri(_RESTAPIEndpoint), tokenProvider);
var defaultStreamingEndpoint = _context.StreamingEndpoints.Where(s => s.Name.Contains("default")).FirstOrDefault();
IStreamingEndpoint newStreamingEndpoint = AddStreamingEndpoint();
static public void ExamineStreamingEndpoint(IStreamingEndpoint streamingEndpoint)
static public IStreamingEndpoint AddStreamingEndpoint()
var name = "StreamingEndpoint" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hhmmss");
var option = new StreamingEndpointCreationOptions(name, 1)
StreamingEndpointVersion = new Version("2.0"),
CdnEnabled = true,
CdnProfile = "CdnProfile",
CdnProvider = CdnProviderType.PremiumVerizon
var streamingEndpoint = _context.StreamingEndpoints.Create(option);
return streamingEndpoint;
static public void UpdateStreamingEndpoint(IStreamingEndpoint streamingEndpoint)
if (streamingEndpoint.StreamingEndpointVersion == "1.0")
streamingEndpoint.StreamingEndpointVersion = "2.0";
streamingEndpoint.CdnEnabled = false;
static public void DeleteStreamingEndpoint(IStreamingEndpoint streamingEndpoint)
Review Media Services learning paths.
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