GSL is a directory of C++ programs which illustrate the use of the GNU Scientific Library.
GSL includes routines for
- BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram) support;
- Chebyshev Approximation;
- Complex numbers;
- Differential Equations;
- Discrete Hankel Transforms;
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors;
- FFT, Fast Fourier Transforms;
- Histograms;
- IEEE Floating Point Calculations;
- Interpolation;
- Least Squares Fitting;
- Linear Algebra;
- Minimization;
- Monte Carlo Integration;
- N-Tuples;
- Numerical Differentiation;
- Permutations;
- Physical Constants;
- Quadrature (Numerical Integration);
- Quasi-Random sequences;
- Random Distributions;
- Random Number Generation;
- Root finding of general nonlinear equations;
- Roots of Polynomials;
- Series Acceleration;
- Simulated Annealing;
- Sorting;
- Special Functions
- Airy
- Bessel
- Clausen
- Coulomb
- Coupling (Wigner 3j, 6j, 9j)
- Dawson
- Debye
- Dilogarithm
- Elliptic Integrals and Functions
- Error Function
- Exponential Function and Integrals
- Fermi-Dirac Function
- Gamma
- Gegenbauer
- Hypergeometric
- Laguerre
- Lambert W
- Legendre Functions; Spherical Harmonics
- Logarithm
- Power
- Psi or Digamma
- Synchrotron
- Transport
- Trigonometric Functions
- Zeta
- Statistics;
- Vectors and matrices;
g++ myprog.C -lgsl -lgslcblas : compiles myprog.C and links it with GSL and the necessary BLAS routines.
BLAS1, a C++ library which implements the BLAS Level 1 vector-vector routines, which is included in GSL.
BLAS2, a FORTRAN90 library which implements the BLAS Level 2 matrix-vector routines, which is included in GSL.
BLAS3, a FORTRAN90 library which implements the BLAS Level 3 matrix-matrix routines, which is included in GSL.
POLPAK, a C++ library which evaluates various recursive polynomials and other special functions.
SPECFUN, a FORTRAN77 library which evaluates various special functions.
TEST_VALUES, a C++ library which returns a few values of various special functions.
- the GSL home page.
- Mark Gelassi, Jim Davies, James Tyler, Bryan Gough, Reid
Priedhorsky, Gerard Jungman, Michael Booth, Fabrice Rossi,
GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual,
Network Theory Limited, 2005,
ISBN: 0954612078.
- gsl_test.cpp, a calling program;
- gsl_test_output.txt, the sample output.
You can go up one level to the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 31 August 2005.