A jQuery templating plugin - created for demonstration purposes.
// Render one LI, filled with data, then append it into the UL
$.tmpl( "<li>${firstName}</li>", dataObject )
.appendTo( "ul" );
<!-- Declare a template as a script block of type "text/html" -->
<script id="sometmpl" type="text/html">
// Render the declared template as one LI appended to the target UL
$( "#sometmpl" )
.tmpl( dataObject )
.appendTo( "ul" );
// Render the declared template as multiple LIs appended to the target UL
// Provide a click event accessing the data
$( "#sometmpl" )
.tmpl( arrayOfDataObjects )
.appendTo( "ul" )
.click( function() {
alert( $.tmpl(this).data.firstName );
A demo page using this plugin can be found here: http://infinity88.com/jquery-tmpl/movies/movies.htm