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Shared Disk File EXclusiveness Control Program version 1.3 OCF Resource Agent for Heartbeat v2 FOR USE IN LINUX 2.6 KERNEL OPERATING SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTS ONLY. Copyright (c) 2007 NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in section 4.0 "Trademarks and Notices" in this document. Last Update Date: 10/10/2007 ======================================================================= CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions 3.0 Configuration Information 4.0 Trademarks and Notices 5.0 Disclaimer ======================================================================= 1.0 Overview -------------- Shared Disk File EXclusiveness Control Program, called "SF-EX" for short, can prevent a destruction of data on shared disk file system due to Split-Brain. ======================================================================= 1.1 Limitations --------------------- This program is tested on the following environment. Heartbeat 2.1.2-2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 5) EM64T ======================================================================= 2.0 Installation and Setup Instructions ----------------------------------------- 2.1.1 Prerequisites SF-EX is released as a source-code package in the format of a gunzip compressed tar file. To unpack the source package, type the following command in the Linux console window: $ tar zxf sfex-1.3.tar.gz The source files will uncompress to the "sf-ex-x.x" directory. 2.1.3 Build and Installation Change unpacked directory first. $ cd sfex-1.3 Type the following command in the Linux console window: Press Enter after each command. $ ./configure $ make $ su (you need root's password) # make install "make install" will copy the modules to /usr/lib64/heartbeat NOTE: "make install" should be done on all nodes which Heartbeat would run. NOTE: in case of 32bit system If you want to run SF-EX on 32bit system, the modules should be setup on /usr/lib/heartbeat. Use the following configure option on 32bit system. $ ./configure --with-lib-dir=/usr/lib/heartbeat 2.1.3 Initialization of a device Before running SF-EX, one device should be initialized as below. sfex_init [-b <blocksize>] [-n <numlocks>] <device> Example: # /usr/lib/heartbeat/sfex_init -b 512 -n 10 /dev/sdb1 Initialized device is going to be used as a control area for SF-EX. See 3.2.2, if further information is necessary. 2.1.4 Access without O_DIRECT If you are planning to access a device without using O_DIRECT, the following option is available. Example: $ ./configure -enable-directio=no Default value for --enable-directio is "yes". ======================================================================= 3.0 Configuration Information ----------------------------- 3.1 Configuration Settings -------------------------- 3.1.1 Edit your cib.xml The following example shows a typical configuration for SF-EX and Filesystem. 3.1.2 Example for cib.xml /dev/sda1 control area for SF-EX /dev/sda2 Filesystem --- skip --- <resources> <group id="grp"> <primitive id="prmEx" class="ocf" type="sfex" provider="heartbeat"> <operations> <op id="ex_start" name="start" timeout="180s" on_fail="fence"/> <op id="ex_monitor" name="monitor" timeout="60s" on_fail="fence" interval="10s" /> <op id="ex_stop" name="stop" timeout="60s" on_fail="fence"/> </operations> <instance_attributes id="atrEx"> <attributes> <nvpair id="dsk" name="device" value="/dev/sda1"/> <nvpair id="idx" name="index" value="1"/> <nvpair id="clt" name="collision_timeout" value="1"/> <nvpair id="lct" name="lock_timeout" value="70"/> <nvpair id="mnt" name="monitor_interval" value="10"/> <nvpair id="fck" name="fsck" value="/sbin/fsck -p /dev/sdb2"/> <nvpair id="fcm" name="fsck_mode" value="check"/> <nvpair id="hlt" name="halt" value="/sbin/halt -f -n -p"/> </attributes> </instance_attributes> </primitive> <primitive id="prmFs" class="ocf" type="Filesystem" provider="heartbeat"> <operations> <op id="fs_start" name="start" timeout="60s" on_fail="fence"/> <op id="fs_monitor" name="monitor" timeout="60s" on_fail="fence" interval="10s" /> <op id="fs_stop" name="stop" timeout="60s" on_fail="fence"/> </operations> <instance_attributes id="atrFs"> <attributes> <nvpair id="dev" name="device" value="/dev/sdb2"/> <nvpair id="dir" name="directory" value="/mnt/shared-disk"/> <nvpair id="fst" name="fstype" value="ext3"/> </attributes> </instance_attributes> </primitive> </group> </resources> --- skip --- 3.2 Outline of each module -------------------------- 3.2.1 sfex Resource Agent script for Heartbeat. 3.2.2 sfex_init sfex_init [-b <blocksize>] [-n <numlocks>] <device> -b <blocksize> --- The size of the block is specified by the number of bytes. In general, to prevent a partial writing to the disk, the size of block is set to 512 bytes etc. Note a set value because this value is used also for the alignment adjustment in the input-output buffer in the program when direct I/O is used(When you specify --enable-directio option for configure script). (In Linux kernel 2.6, "direct I/O " does not work if this value is not a multiple of 512.) Default is 512 bytes. -n <numlocks> --- The number of storing lock data is specified by integer of one or more. When you want to control two or more resources by one meta-data, you set the value of two or more to numlocks. A necessary disk area for meta data are (blocksize*(1+numlocks))bytes. Default is 1. <device> --- This is file path which stored mata-data. It is usually expressed in "/dev/...", because it is partition on the shared disk. exit code --- 0 - Normal end. 3 - Error occurs while processing it. The content of the error is displayed into stderr. 4 - The mistake is found in the command line parameter. 3.2.3 sfex_stat sfex_stat [-i <index>] <device> -i <index> --- The index is number of the resource that display the lock. This number is specified by the integer of one or more. When two or more resources are exclusively controlled by one meta-data, this option is used. Default is 1. <device> --- This is file path which stored mata-data. It is usually expressed in "/dev/...", because it is partition on the shared disk. exit code --- 0 - Normal end. Own node is holding lock. 2 - Normal end. Own node does not hold a lock. 3 - Error occurs while processing it. The content of the error is displayed into stderr. 4 - The mistake is found in the command line parameter. 3.2.4 sfex_lock sfex_lock [-i <index>] [-c <collision_timeout>] [-t <lock_timeout>] <device> -i <index> --- The index is number of the resource that acquire the lock. This number is specified by the integer of one or more. When two or more resources are exclusively controlled by one meta-data, this option is used. Default is 1. -c <collision_timeout> --- The waiting time to detect the collision of the lock with other nodes is specified. Time that is very longer than "once synchronous read from device which stored meta-data + once synchronous write" is specified usually. Default is 1 second. This value need not be changed by using this option usually. Because it is not thought to take one second or more to synchronous read and write. -t <lock_timeout> --- This specifies the validity term of lock. The unit is a second. This timer prevents the resource being locked for a long time when node crashes with the lock acquired. Therefore, the lock holding node must update lock data at intervals that are shorter than this timer. The sfex_update command is used for updating lock. Default is 60 seconds. <device> --- This is file path which stored mata-data. It is usually expressed in "/dev/...", because it is partition on the shared disk. exit code --- 0 - Acquire a lock from unlock status. 1 - Acquire a lock from lock timeout status. 2 - Lock acquisition failed. 3 - Error occurs while processing it. The content of the error is displayed into stderr. 4 - The mistake is found in the command line parameter. 3.2.5 sfex_unlock sfex_unlock [-i <index>] <device> -i <index> --- The index is number of the resource that releases the lock. This number is specified by the integer of one or more. When two or more resources are exclusively controlled by one meta-data, this option is used. Default is 1. <device> --- This is file path which stored mata-data. It is usually expressed in "/dev/...", because it is partition on the shared disk. exit code --- 0 - Lock release success. 1 - Lock release done already. The lock has already been acquired by other nodes. 3 - Error occurs while processing it. The content of the error is displayed into stderr. 4 - The mistake is found in the command line parameter. 3.2.6 sfex_update sfex_update [-i <index>] <device> -i <index> --- The index is number of the resource that update the lock. This number is specified by the integer of one or more. When two or more resources are exclusively controlled by one meta-data, this option is used. Default is 1. <device> --- This is file path which stored mata-data. It is usually expressed in "/dev/...", because it is partition on the shared disk. exit code --- 0 - Lock update success. 2 - Lock update failed. The lock is acquired by other nodes. 3 - Error occurs while processing it. The content of the error is displayed into stderr. 4 - The mistake is found in the command line parameter. ======================================================================= 4.0 Trademarks and Notices ---------------------------- Heartbeat is a registered trademark of The High Availability Linux Project. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ======================================================================= 5.0 Disclaimer ---------------- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND PARTICULARLY THE NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.