👉function example
def hello():
print ("hello world!")
👉 function with parameter
def hello(name):
print (f"hello, {name}")
👉 function must with return
def add(a, b):
print (a+b)
add(3, 5)
👉 return
def add(a, b):
return (a+b)
c = add(3, 5)
print (c)
👉 return None
def add(a, b):
print (a+b)
add(3, 5)
👉 arguments, keyword arguments and print
def add(a, b):
print (a + b)
print ("cat", "dog", "pig")
print ("cat", "dog", "pig", sep=',')
👉local variables cannot be used in global scope
def spam():
eggs = 1234
print eggs
👉 local scope cannot use variabales in other local scope
def spam():
eggs = 1234
print (eggs)
def bacon():
ham = 4567
eggs = 0