diff --git a/lang/AvailableLanguages.php b/lang/AvailableLanguages.php index 1ef554d6a..e9855336c 100644 --- a/lang/AvailableLanguages.php +++ b/lang/AvailableLanguages.php @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - new AvailableLanguage('pl', 'pl.php', 'Polski'), 'pt_br' => new AvailableLanguage('pt_br', 'pt_br.php', 'Português Brasileiro'), 'sv_sv' => new AvailableLanguage('sv_sv', 'sv_sv.php', 'Swedish'), + 'zh_cn' => new AvailableLanguage('zh_cn', 'zh_cn.php', '简体中文'), + 'zh_tw' => new AvailableLanguage('zh_tw', 'zh_tw.php', '繁體中文'), ); } } diff --git a/lang/pt_pt.php b/lang/pt_pt.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28a0bbadd --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/pt_pt.php @@ -0,0 +1,559 @@ +. + */ + +require_once('Language.php'); + +class pt_pt extends Language +{ + public function __construct() + { + parent::__construct(); + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadDates() + { + $dates = array(); + + $dates['general_date'] = 'd/m/Y'; + $dates['general_datetime'] = 'd/m/Y H:i:s'; + $dates['schedule_daily'] = 'l, d/m/Y'; + $dates['reservation_email'] = 'd/m/Y @ H:i (e)'; + $dates['res_popup'] = 'd/m/Y H:i'; + $dates['dashboard'] = 'l, m/d/Y H:i'; + $dates['period_time'] = 'H:i'; + $dates['general_date_js'] = 'dd/mm/yy'; + $dates['calendar_time'] = 'h:mmt'; + $dates['calendar_dates'] = 'd/M'; + + $this->Dates = $dates; + + return $this->Dates; + } + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadStrings() + { + $strings = array(); + + $strings['FirstName'] = 'Nome'; + $strings['LastName'] = 'Apelido'; + $strings['Timezone'] = 'Fuso Horário'; + $strings['Edit'] = 'Editar'; + $strings['Change'] = 'Alterar'; + $strings['Rename'] = 'Renomear'; + $strings['Remove'] = 'Remover'; + $strings['Delete'] = 'Apagar'; + $strings['Update'] = 'Atualizar'; + $strings['Cancel'] = 'Cancelar'; + $strings['Add'] = 'Adicionar'; + $strings['Name'] = 'Nome'; + $strings['Yes'] = 'Sim'; + $strings['No'] = 'Não'; + $strings['FirstNameRequired'] = 'O nome é obrigatório.'; + $strings['LastNameRequired'] = 'O apelido é obrigatório.'; + $strings['PwMustMatch'] = 'A confirmação da senha deve coincidir com a senha.'; + $strings['PwComplexity'] = 'A senha deve ter pelo menos 6 caracteres com uma combinação de letras, números e símbolos.'; + $strings['ValidEmailRequired'] = 'Um endereço de e-mail válido é obrigatório.'; + $strings['UniqueEmailRequired'] = 'Este endereço de e-mail já está registrado.'; + $strings['UniqueUsernameRequired'] = 'Esse nome de utilizador já está registrado.'; + $strings['UserNameRequired'] = 'Nome de utilizador é obrigatório.'; + $strings['CaptchaMustMatch'] = 'Por favor digite as letras da imagem de segurança exatamente como mostrado.'; + $strings['Today'] = 'Hoje'; + $strings['Week'] = 'Semana'; + $strings['Month'] = 'Mês'; + $strings['BackToCalendar'] = 'Voltar ao calendário'; + $strings['BeginDate'] = 'Início'; + $strings['EndDate'] = 'Final'; + $strings['Username'] = 'Utilizador'; + $strings['Password'] = 'Senha'; + $strings['PasswordConfirmation'] = 'Confirmar senha'; + $strings['DefaultPage'] = 'Página Inicial - Padrão'; + $strings['MyCalendar'] = 'Meu Calendário'; + $strings['ScheduleCalendar'] = 'Calendário de agendas'; + $strings['Registration'] = 'Registo'; + $strings['NoAnnouncements'] = 'Não há anúncios'; + $strings['Announcements'] = 'Anúncios'; + $strings['NoUpcomingReservations'] = 'Não tem futuras reservas'; + $strings['UpcomingReservations'] = 'Futuras reservas'; + $strings['ShowHide'] = 'Mostrar/Ocultar'; + $strings['Error'] = 'Erro'; + $strings['ReturnToPreviousPage'] = 'Regressar à página anterior'; + $strings['UnknownError'] = 'Erro Desconhecido'; + $strings['InsufficientPermissionsError'] = 'Não tem permissão para aceder a este recurso'; + $strings['MissingReservationResourceError'] = 'Um recurso não foi selecionado'; + $strings['MissingReservationScheduleError'] = 'A agenda não foi selecionada'; + $strings['DoesNotRepeat'] = 'Não repetir'; + $strings['Daily'] = 'Diário'; + $strings['Weekly'] = 'Semanal'; + $strings['Monthly'] = 'Mensal'; + $strings['Yearly'] = 'Anual'; + $strings['RepeatPrompt'] = 'Repetir'; + $strings['hours'] = 'horas'; + $strings['days'] = 'dias'; + $strings['weeks'] = 'semanas'; + $strings['months'] = 'meses'; + $strings['years'] = 'anos'; + $strings['day'] = 'dia'; + $strings['week'] = 'semana'; + $strings['month'] = 'mês'; + $strings['year'] = 'ano'; + $strings['repeatDayOfMonth'] = 'dia do mês'; + $strings['repeatDayOfWeek'] = 'dia da semana'; + $strings['RepeatUntilPrompt'] = 'Até'; + $strings['RepeatEveryPrompt'] = 'Todo'; + $strings['RepeatDaysPrompt'] = 'Em'; + $strings['CreateReservationHeading'] = 'Criar uma nova reserva'; + $strings['EditReservationHeading'] = 'Edição de reserva %s'; + $strings['ViewReservationHeading'] = 'Visualização de reserva %s'; + $strings['ReservationErrors'] = 'Alterar reserva'; + $strings['Create'] = 'Criar'; + $strings['ThisInstance'] = 'Apenas esta instância'; + $strings['AllInstances'] = 'Todas as instâncias'; + $strings['FutureInstances'] = 'Instâncias futuras'; + $strings['Print'] = 'Imprimir'; + $strings['ShowHideNavigation'] = 'Mostrar/Ocultar navegação'; + $strings['ReferenceNumber'] = 'Número de referência'; + $strings['Tomorrow'] = 'Amanhã'; + $strings['LaterThisWeek'] = 'Ainda esta semana'; + $strings['NextWeek'] = 'Próxima semana'; + $strings['SignOut'] = 'Sair'; + $strings['LayoutDescription'] = 'Inicia em %s, mostrando %s dias de uma só vez'; + $strings['AllResources'] = 'Todos os recursos'; + $strings['TakeOffline'] = 'Colocar Offline'; + $strings['BringOnline'] = 'Colocar Online'; + $strings['AddImage'] = 'Adicionar imagem'; + $strings['NoImage'] = 'Nenhuma imagem'; + $strings['Move'] = 'Mover'; + $strings['AppearsOn'] = 'Aparece em %s'; + $strings['Location'] = 'Local'; + $strings['NoLocationLabel'] = '(nenhum local definido)'; + $strings['Contact'] = 'Contato'; + $strings['NoContactLabel'] = '(nenhuma informação de contato)'; + $strings['Description'] = 'Descrição'; + $strings['NoDescriptionLabel'] = '(nenhuma descrição)'; + $strings['Notes'] = 'Notas'; + $strings['NoNotesLabel'] = '(nenhuma nota)'; + $strings['NoTitleLabel'] = '(nenhum título)'; + $strings['UsageConfiguration'] = 'Configuração de utilização'; + $strings['ChangeConfiguration'] = 'Alterar configuração'; + $strings['ResourceMinLength'] = 'As reservas devem durar pelo menos %s'; + $strings['ResourceMinLengthNone'] = 'Não há uma duração mínima de reserva'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLength'] = 'As reservas não podem durar mais de %s'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLengthNone'] = 'Não há uma duração máxima de reserva'; + $strings['ResourceRequiresApproval'] = 'As reservas devem ser aprovadas'; + $strings['ResourceRequiresApprovalNone'] = 'Reservas não necessitam aprovação'; + $strings['ResourcePermissionAutoGranted'] = 'A permissão é concedida automaticamente'; + $strings['ResourcePermissionNotAutoGranted'] = 'A permissão não é concedida automaticamente'; + $strings['ResourceMinNotice'] = 'As reservas devem ser feitas pelo menos %s antes da hora de início'; + $strings['ResourceMinNoticeNone'] = 'As reservas podem ser feitas até o tempo atual'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNotice'] = 'As reservas não devem terminar mais de %s a partir do tempo atual'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNoticeNone'] = 'As reservas podem acabar a qualquer momento no futuro'; + $strings['ResourceAllowMultiDay'] = 'As reservas podem ser feitas através de dias'; + $strings['ResourceNotAllowMultiDay'] = 'As reservas não podem ser feitas através de dias'; + $strings['ResourceCapacity'] = 'Este recurso tem uma capacidade de %s pessoas'; + $strings['ResourceCapacityNone'] = 'Esse recurso tem capacidade ilimitada'; + $strings['AddNewResource'] = 'Adicionar novo recurso'; + $strings['AddNewUser'] = 'Adicionar novo utilizador'; + $strings['AddUser'] = 'Adicionar utilizador'; + $strings['Schedule'] = 'Agenda'; + $strings['AddResource'] = 'Adicionar recurso'; + $strings['Capacity'] = 'Capacidade'; + $strings['Access'] = 'Acesso'; + $strings['Duration'] = 'Duração'; + $strings['Active'] = 'Ativo'; + $strings['Inactive'] = 'Inativo'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = 'Redefinir senha'; + $strings['LastLogin'] = 'Último acesso'; + $strings['Search'] = 'Pesquisar'; + $strings['ResourcePermissions'] = 'Permissões de recursos'; + $strings['Reservations'] = 'Reservas'; + $strings['Groups'] = 'Grupos'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = 'Redefinir senha'; + $strings['AllUsers'] = 'Todos os utilizadores'; + $strings['AllGroups'] = 'Todos os grupos'; + $strings['AllSchedules'] = 'Todas as agendas'; + $strings['UsernameOrEmail'] = 'Utilizador ou E-mail'; + $strings['Members'] = 'Membros'; + $strings['QuickSlotCreation'] = 'Criar intervalos a cada %s minutos entre %s e %s'; + $strings['ApplyUpdatesTo'] = 'Aplicar atualizações para'; + $strings['CancelParticipation'] = 'Cancelar participação'; + $strings['Attending'] = 'Atender'; + $strings['QuotaConfiguration'] = 'Em %s para %s utilizadores em %s estão limitados a %s %s por %s'; + $strings['reservations'] = 'reservas'; + $strings['ChangeCalendar'] = 'Alterar calendário'; + $strings['AddQuota'] = 'Adicionar quota'; + $strings['FindUser'] = 'Encontrar utilizador'; + $strings['Created'] = 'Criado'; + $strings['LastModified'] = 'Última modificação'; + $strings['GroupName'] = 'Nome do grupo'; + $strings['GroupMembers'] = 'Membros do grupo'; + $strings['GroupRoles'] = 'Regras do grupo'; + $strings['GroupAdmin'] = 'Administrador do grupo'; + $strings['Actions'] = 'Ações'; + $strings['CurrentPassword'] = 'Senha atual'; + $strings['NewPassword'] = 'Nova senha'; + $strings['InvalidPassword'] = 'Senha atual está incorreta'; + $strings['PasswordChangedSuccessfully'] = 'A sua senha foi alterada com sucesso'; + $strings['SignedInAs'] = 'Logado como'; + $strings['NotSignedIn'] = 'Não está logado'; + $strings['ReservationTitle'] = ' Título da reserva'; + $strings['ReservationDescription'] = 'Descrição da reserva'; + $strings['ResourceList'] = 'Recursos a serem reservados'; + $strings['Accessories'] = 'Acessórios'; + $strings['Add'] = 'Adicionar'; + $strings['ParticipantList'] = 'Participantes'; + $strings['InvitationList'] = 'Convidados'; + $strings['AccessoryName'] = 'Nome do acessório'; + $strings['QuantityAvailable'] = 'Quantidade disponível'; + $strings['Resources'] = 'Recursos'; + $strings['Participants'] = 'Participantes'; + $strings['User'] = 'Utilizador'; + $strings['Resource'] = 'Recurso'; + $strings['Status'] = 'Estado'; + $strings['Approve'] = 'Aprovar'; + $strings['Page'] = 'Página'; + $strings['Rows'] = 'Linhas'; + $strings['Unlimited'] = 'Ilimitado'; + $strings['Email'] = 'E-mail'; + $strings['EmailAddress'] = 'Endereço de e-mail'; + $strings['Phone'] = 'Telefone'; + $strings['Organization'] = 'Morada'; + $strings['Position'] = 'Posição'; + $strings['Language'] = 'Idioma'; + $strings['Permissions'] = 'Permissões'; + $strings['Reset'] = 'Redefenir'; + $strings['FindGroup'] = 'Encontrar grupo'; + $strings['Manage'] = 'Gerir'; + $strings['None'] = 'Nenhum'; + $strings['AddToOutlook'] = 'Adicionar ao Outlook'; + $strings['Done'] = 'Concluído'; + $strings['RememberMe'] = 'Manter sessão iniciada'; + $strings['FirstTimeUser?'] = 'Está a usar pela primeira vez?'; + $strings['CreateAnAccount'] = 'Criar conta'; + $strings['ViewSchedule'] = 'Ver agendas'; + $strings['ForgotMyPassword'] = 'Esqueci-me da minha senha'; + $strings['YouWillBeEmailedANewPassword'] = 'Receberá um e-mail com uma nova senha gerada aleatoriamente'; + $strings['Close'] = 'Fechar'; + $strings['ExportToCSV'] = 'Exportar para CSV'; + $strings['OK'] = 'OK'; + $strings['Working'] = '...'; + $strings['Login'] = 'Entrar'; + $strings['AdditionalInformation'] = 'Informações adicionais'; + $strings['AllFieldsAreRequired'] = 'Todos os campos são obrigatórios'; + $strings['Optional'] = 'Opcional'; + $strings['YourProfileWasUpdated'] = 'O seu perfil foi atualizado'; + $strings['YourSettingsWereUpdated'] = 'As suas configurações foram atualizadas'; + $strings['Register'] = 'Registar'; + $strings['SecurityCode'] = 'Código de Segurança'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedPreference'] = 'Quando eu criar uma reserva ou uma reserva é criada em meu nome'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedPreference'] = 'Quando eu atualizar uma reserva ou uma reserva é atualizada em meu nome'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedPreference'] = 'Quando eu excluir uma reserva ou uma reserva é excluída em meu nome'; + $strings['ReservationApprovalPreference'] = 'Quando minha reserva pendente é aprovada'; + $strings['PreferenceSendEmail'] = 'Enviar um e-mail'; + $strings['PreferenceNoEmail'] = 'Não me notificar'; + $strings['ReservationCreated'] = 'A sua reserva foi criada com sucesso!'; + $strings['ReservationUpdated'] = 'A sua reserva foi atualizada com sucesso!'; + $strings['ReservationRemoved'] = 'A sua reserva foi removida'; + $strings['YourReferenceNumber'] = 'O seu número de referência é %s'; + $strings['UpdatingReservation'] = 'Atualizando a reserva'; + $strings['ChangeUser'] = 'Alterar utilizador'; + $strings['MoreResources'] = 'Mais Recursos'; + $strings['ReservationLength'] = 'Duração da reserva'; + $strings['ParticipantList'] = 'Lista de participantes'; + $strings['AddParticipants'] = 'Adicionar participantes'; + $strings['InviteOthers'] = 'Convidar outros'; + $strings['AddResources'] = 'Adicionar recursos'; + $strings['AddAccessories'] = 'Adicionar acessórios'; + $strings['Accessory'] = 'Acessório'; + $strings['QuantityRequested'] = 'Quantidade solicitada'; + $strings['CreatingReservation'] = 'Criação de reserva'; + $strings['UpdatingReservation'] = 'Atualizando reserva'; + $strings['DeleteWarning'] = 'Esta ação é permanente e irrecuperável!'; + $strings['DeleteAccessoryWarning'] = 'Apagar este acessório irá removê-lo de todas as reservas.'; + $strings['AddAccessory'] = 'Adicionar acessório'; + $strings['AddBlackout'] = 'Adicionar horário indisponível'; + $strings['AllResourcesOn'] = 'Todos recursos em'; + $strings['Reason'] = 'Razão'; + $strings['BlackoutShowMe'] = 'Mostrar reservas em conflito'; + $strings['BlackoutDeleteConflicts'] = 'Excluir reservas em conflito'; + $strings['Filter'] = 'Filtro'; + $strings['Between'] = 'Entre'; + $strings['CreatedBy'] = 'Criado por'; + $strings['BlackoutCreated'] = 'Horário indisponível criado!'; + $strings['BlackoutNotCreated'] = 'Horário indisponível não pôde ser criado!'; + $strings['BlackoutConflicts'] = 'Existem horários indisponíveis em conflito'; + $strings['ReservationConflicts'] = 'Existem horários de reservas em conflito'; + $strings['UsersInGroup'] = 'Utilizadores neste grupo'; + $strings['Browse'] = 'Navegar'; + $strings['DeleteGroupWarning'] = 'Apagar este grupo irá remover todas as permissões de recursos associados. Os utilizadores deste grupo podem perder o acesso aos recursos.'; + $strings['WhatRolesApplyToThisGroup'] = 'Que regras se aplicam a este grupo?'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisGroup'] = 'Quem pode gerir este grupo?'; + $strings['AddGroup'] = 'Adicionar grupo'; + $strings['AllQuotas'] = 'Todas as quotas'; + $strings['QuotaReminder'] = 'Lembre-se: As quotas são aplicadas com base no fuso horário da agenda.'; + $strings['AllReservations'] = 'Todas as reservas'; + $strings['PendingReservations'] = 'Reservas pendentes'; + $strings['Approving'] = 'Aprovar'; + $strings['MoveToSchedule'] = 'Mover para agenda'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarning'] = 'Apagar este recurso irá apagar todos os dados associados, incluindo'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningReservations'] = 'todas as reservas passadas, atuais e futuras associados'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningPermissions'] = 'todas as atribuições de permissão'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningReassign'] = 'Por favor, reatribuir qualquer coisa que não queira que seja eliminado antes de prosseguir'; + $strings['ScheduleLayout'] = 'Layout (todos os horários %s)'; + $strings['ReservableTimeSlots'] = 'Intervalos de horários reserváveis'; + $strings['BlockedTimeSlots'] = 'Intervalos de horários bloqueados'; + $strings['ThisIsTheDefaultSchedule'] = 'Esta é a agenda padrão'; + $strings['DefaultScheduleCannotBeDeleted'] = 'Agenda padrão não pode ser apagada'; + $strings['MakeDefault'] = 'Tornar padrão'; + $strings['BringDown'] = 'Mover para baixo'; + $strings['ChangeLayout'] = 'Mudar layout'; + $strings['AddSchedule'] = 'Adicionar agenda'; + $strings['StartsOn'] = 'Inicia em'; + $strings['NumberOfDaysVisible'] = 'Número de dias visíveis'; + $strings['UseSameLayoutAs'] = 'Usar o mesmo layout como'; + $strings['Format'] = 'Formato'; + $strings['OptionalLabel'] = 'Título opcional'; + $strings['LayoutInstructions'] = 'Digite um intervalo por linha. Intervalos devem ser fornecidos para todas as 24 horas do dia começando e terminando às 12:00.'; + $strings['AddUser'] = 'Adicionar utilizador'; + $strings['UserPermissionInfo'] = 'O acesso efetivo ao recurso pode ser diferente dependendo da função do utilizador, permissões de grupo, ou definições de permissões externas'; + $strings['DeleteUserWarning'] = 'Apagar este usuário irá remover todas as suas reservas atuais, futuros e histórico.'; + $strings['AddAnnouncement'] = 'Adicionar anúncio'; + $strings['Announcement'] = 'Anúncio'; + $strings['Priority'] = 'Prioridade'; + $strings['Reservable'] = 'Reservável'; + $strings['Unreservable'] = 'Não reservável'; + $strings['Reserved'] = 'Reservados'; + $strings['MyReservation'] = 'As minhas reservas'; + $strings['Pending'] = 'Pendente'; + $strings['Past'] = 'Passado'; + $strings['Restricted'] = 'Restrito'; + $strings['ViewAll'] = 'Ver todos'; + $strings['MoveResourcesAndReservations'] = 'Mover recursos e reservas para'; + $strings['TurnOffSubscription'] = 'Desligar assinaturas de calendário'; + $strings['TurnOnSubscription'] = 'Permitir assinaturas para este calendário'; + $strings['SubscribeToCalendar'] = 'Assinar este calendário'; + $strings['SubscriptionsAreDisabled'] = 'O administrador desabilitou assinaturas de calendário'; + $strings['NoResourceAdministratorLabel'] = '(Nenhum administrador de recursos)'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisResource'] = 'Quem pode gerir este recurso?'; + $strings['ResourceAdministrator'] = 'Administrador de recursos'; + $strings['Private'] = 'Privado'; + $strings['Accept'] = 'Aceitar'; + $strings['Decline'] = 'Recusar'; + $strings['ShowFullWeek'] = 'Mostrar semana completa'; + $strings['CustomAttributes'] = 'Atributos personalizados'; + $strings['AddAttribute'] = 'Adicionar um atributo'; + $strings['EditAttribute'] = 'Atualizar um atributo'; + $strings['DisplayLabel'] = 'Mostrar rótulo'; + $strings['Type'] = 'Tipo'; + $strings['Required'] = 'Obrigatório'; + $strings['ValidationExpression'] = 'Expressão de validação'; + $strings['PossibleValues'] = 'Valores possíveis'; + $strings['SingleLineTextbox'] = 'Caixa de texto de linha única'; + $strings['MultiLineTextbox'] = 'Caixa de texto de várias linhas'; + $strings['Checkbox'] = 'Caixa de seleção'; + $strings['SelectList'] = 'Lista de seleção'; + $strings['CommaSeparated'] = 'separados por vírgula'; + $strings['Category'] = 'Categoria'; + $strings['CategoryReservation'] = 'Reservar'; + $strings['CategoryGroup'] = 'Grupo'; + $strings['SortOrder'] = 'Ordem'; + $strings['Title'] = 'Título'; + $strings['AdditionalAttributes'] = 'Atributos adicionais'; + $strings['True'] = 'Verdadeiro'; + $strings['False'] = 'Falso'; + $strings['ForgotPasswordEmailSent'] = 'Um e-mail foi enviado para o endereço fornecido com instruções para redefinir a sua senha'; + $strings['ActivationEmailSent'] = 'Irá receber um e-mail de ativação em breve.'; + $strings['AccountActivationError'] = 'Desculpe, não foi possível ativar a sua conta.'; + $strings['Attachments'] = 'Anexos'; + $strings['AttachFile'] = 'Anexar arquivo'; + $strings['Maximum'] = 'máximo'; + // End Strings + + // Errors + $strings['LoginError'] = 'Não foi possível encontrar seu utilizador ou senha'; + $strings['ReservationFailed'] = 'A sua reserva não pôde ser feita'; + $strings['MinNoticeError'] = 'Esta reserva exige aviso prévio. A data mais próxima em que pode ser reservado é %s.'; + $strings['MaxNoticeError'] = 'Esta reserva não pode ser feita tão longe no futuro. A última data em que pode ser reservado é %s.'; + $strings['MinDurationError'] = 'Esta reserva deve durar pelo menos %s.'; + $strings['MaxDurationError'] = 'Esta reserva não pode durar mais do que %s.'; + $strings['ConflictingAccessoryDates'] = 'Não são suficientes os seguintes acessórios:'; + $strings['NoResourcePermission'] = 'Não tem permissão para aceder a um ou mais dos recursos solicitados'; + $strings['ConflictingReservationDates'] = 'Há reservas em conflito nas seguintes datas:'; + $strings['StartDateBeforeEndDateRule'] = 'A data de início deve ser anterior à data de término'; + $strings['StartIsInPast'] = 'A data de início não pode ser no passado'; + $strings['EmailDisabled'] = 'O administrador desabilitou as notificações de e-mail'; + $strings['ValidLayoutRequired'] = 'Intervalos devem ser fornecidos para todas as 24 horas do dia começando e terminando às 12:00.'; + $strings['CustomAttributeErrors'] = 'Há problemas com os atributos adicionais que forneceu:'; + $strings['CustomAttributeRequired'] = '%s é um campo obrigatório'; + $strings['CustomAttributeInvalid'] = 'O valor fornecido para %s é inválido'; + $strings['AttachmentLoadingError'] = 'Desculpe, houve um problema ao carregar o arquivo solicitado.'; + $strings['InvalidAttachmentExtension'] = 'Só pode fazer upload de arquivos do tipo: %s'; + // End Errors + + // Page Titles + $strings['CreateReservation'] = 'Criar Reservas'; + $strings['EditReservation'] = 'Editar Reservas'; + $strings['LogIn'] = 'Entrar'; + $strings['ManageReservations'] = 'Reservas'; + $strings['AwaitingActivation'] = 'Aguardando Ativação'; + $strings['PendingApproval'] = 'Aguardando Aprovação'; + $strings['ManageSchedules'] = 'Agendas'; + $strings['ManageResources'] = 'Recursos'; + $strings['ManageAccessories'] = 'Acessórios'; + $strings['ManageUsers'] = 'Utilizadores'; + $strings['ManageGroups'] = 'Grupos'; + $strings['ManageQuotas'] = 'Quotas'; + $strings['ManageBlackouts'] = 'Horários Indisponíveis'; + $strings['MyDashboard'] = 'O Meu Painel de Controlo'; + $strings['ServerSettings'] = 'Configurações do Servidor'; + $strings['Dashboard'] = 'Painel de Controlo'; + $strings['Help'] = 'Ajuda'; + $strings['Bookings'] = 'Reservas'; + $strings['Schedule'] = 'Agenda'; + $strings['Reservations'] = 'Reservas'; + $strings['Account'] = 'Conta'; + $strings['EditProfile'] = 'Editar o Meu Perfil'; + $strings['FindAnOpening'] = 'Encontrar Uma Abertura'; + $strings['OpenInvitations'] = 'Abrir Convites'; + $strings['MyCalendar'] = 'O Meu Calendário'; + $strings['ResourceCalendar'] = 'Calendário de Recursos'; + $strings['Reservation'] = 'Nova Reserva'; + $strings['Install'] = 'Instalação'; + $strings['ChangePassword'] = 'Alterar Senha'; + $strings['MyAccount'] = 'A Minha Conta'; + $strings['Profile'] = 'Perfil'; + $strings['ApplicationManagement'] = 'Gestão da Aplicação'; + $strings['ForgotPassword'] = 'Esqueceu-se da sua Senha'; + $strings['NotificationPreferences'] = 'Preferências de Notificação'; + $strings['ManageAnnouncements'] = 'Anúncios'; + $strings['Responsibilities'] = 'Responsabilidades'; + $strings['GroupReservations'] = 'Reservas para Grupos'; + $strings['ResourceReservations'] = 'Reservas de Recurso'; + $strings['Customization'] = 'Personalização'; + $strings['Attributes'] = 'Atributos'; + $strings['AccountActivation'] = 'Ativação da Conta'; + // End Page Titles + + // Day representations + $strings['DaySundaySingle'] = 'D'; + $strings['DayMondaySingle'] = 'S'; + $strings['DayTuesdaySingle'] = 'T'; + $strings['DayWednesdaySingle'] = 'Q'; + $strings['DayThursdaySingle'] = 'Q'; + $strings['DayFridaySingle'] = 'S'; + $strings['DaySaturdaySingle'] = 'S'; + + $strings['DaySundayAbbr'] = 'Dom'; + $strings['DayMondayAbbr'] = 'Seg'; + $strings['DayTuesdayAbbr'] = 'Ter'; + $strings['DayWednesdayAbbr'] = 'Qua'; + $strings['DayThursdayAbbr'] = 'Qui'; + $strings['DayFridayAbbr'] = 'Sex'; + $strings['DaySaturdayAbbr'] = 'Sáb'; + + // Email Subjects + $strings['ReservationApprovedSubject'] = 'A sua reserva foi aprovada'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedSubject'] = 'A sua reserva foi criada'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedSubject'] = 'A sua reserva foi atualizada'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedSubject'] = 'A sua reserva foi removida'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedAdminSubject'] = 'Notificação: A reserva foi criada'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedAdminSubject'] = 'Notificação: A reserva foi atualizada'; + $strings['ReservationDeleteAdminSubject'] = 'Notificação: A reserva foi removida'; + $strings['ParticipantAddedSubject'] = 'Notificação de participação na reserva'; + $strings['ParticipantDeletedSubject'] = 'Reserva removida'; + $strings['InviteeAddedSubject'] = 'Convite de reserva'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = 'Pedido de redefinição de senha'; + $strings['ActivateYourAccount'] = 'Por favor ative a sua conta'; + // + + $this->Strings = $strings; + + return $this->Strings; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadDays() + { + $days = array(); + + /*** + DAY NAMES + All of these arrays MUST start with Sunday as the first element + and go through the seven day week, ending on Saturday + ***/ + // The full day name + $days['full'] = array('Domingo', 'Segunda', 'Terça', 'Quarta', 'Quinta', 'Sexta', 'Sábado'); + // The three letter abbreviation + $days['abbr'] = array('Dom', 'Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sáb'); + // The two letter abbreviation + $days['two'] = array('Do', 'Se', 'Te', 'Qu', 'Qu', 'Se', 'Sá'); + // The one letter abbreviation + $days['letter'] = array('D', 'S', 'T', 'Q', 'Q', 'S', 'S'); + + $this->Days = $days; + + return $this->Days; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadMonths() + { + $months = array(); + + /*** + MONTH NAMES + All of these arrays MUST start with January as the first element + and go through the twelve months of the year, ending on December + ***/ + // The full month name + $months['full'] = array('Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro'); + // The three letter month name + $months['abbr'] = array('Jan', 'Fev', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Set', 'Out', 'Nov', 'Dez'); + + $this->Months = $months; + + return $this->Months; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadLetters() + { + $this->Letters = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); + + return $this->Letters; + } + + protected function _GetHtmlLangCode() + { + return 'pt-pt'; + } +} + +?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/pt_pt/ReservationCreated.tpl b/lang/pt_pt/ReservationCreated.tpl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8950a6aa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/pt_pt/ReservationCreated.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{* +Copyright 2011-2012 Nick Korbel + +This file is part of phpScheduleIt. + +phpScheduleIt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +phpScheduleIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with phpScheduleIt. If not, see . +*} +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailheader.tpl'} + + Detalhes da Reserva: +
+ + Início: {formatdate date=$StartDate key=reservation_email}
+ Fim: {formatdate date=$EndDate key=reservation_email}
+ Recurso: {$ResourceName}
+ Título: {$Title}
+ Descrição: {$Description|nl2br}
+ + {if count($RepeatDates) gt 0} +
+ A reserva ocorre nas seguintes datas: +
+ {/if} + + {foreach from=$RepeatDates item=date name=dates} + {formatdate date=$date}
+ {/foreach} + + {if $RequiresApproval} +
+ Um ou mais recursos reservados requerem aprovação antes do uso. Esta reserva será pendente até que seja aprovada. + {/if} + +
+ Ver esta reserva | + Adicionar ao Outlook | + Entrar no phpScheduleIt + +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailfooter.tpl'} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/pt_pt/ReservationCreatedAdmin.tpl b/lang/pt_pt/ReservationCreatedAdmin.tpl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fac3cea55 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/pt_pt/ReservationCreatedAdmin.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +{* +Copyright 2011-2012 Nick Korbel + +This file is part of phpScheduleIt. + +phpScheduleIt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +phpScheduleIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with phpScheduleIt. If not, see . +*} +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailheader.tpl'} + + Detalhes da Reserva: +
+ + Utilizador: {$UserName} + Início: {formatdate date=$StartDate key=reservation_email}
+ Fim: {formatdate date=$EndDate key=reservation_email}
+ Recurso: {$ResourceName}
+ Título: {$Title}
+ Descrição: {$Description}
+ + {if count($RepeatDates) gt 0} +
+ A reserva ocorre nas seguintes datas: +
+ {/if} + + {foreach from=$RepeatDates item=date name=dates} + {formatdate date=$date}
+ {/foreach} + + {if $RequiresApproval} +
+ Um ou mais recursos reservados requerem aprovação antes do uso. Certifique-se que este pedido de reserva é aprovado ou rejeitado. + {/if} + +
+ Ver esta reserva | Entrar no phpScheduleIt + +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailfooter.tpl'} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/pt_pt/ReservationInvitation.tpl b/lang/pt_pt/ReservationInvitation.tpl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03506d541 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/pt_pt/ReservationInvitation.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{* +Copyright 2011-2012 Nick Korbel + +This file is part of phpScheduleIt. + +phpScheduleIt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +phpScheduleIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with phpScheduleIt. If not, see . +*} +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailheader.tpl'} + + Detalhes da Reserva: +
+ + Início: {formatdate date=$StartDate key=reservation_email}
+ Fim: {formatdate date=$EndDate key=reservation_email}
+ Recurso: {$ResourceName}
+ Título: {$Title}
+ Descrição: {$Description|nl2br}
+ + {if count($RepeatDates) gt 0} +
+ A reserva ocorre nas seguintes datas: +
+ {/if} + + {foreach from=$RepeatDates item=date name=dates} + {formatdate date=$date}
+ {/foreach} + + {if $RequiresApproval} +
+ Um ou mais recursos reservados requerem aprovação antes do uso. Esta reserva estará pendente até que seja aprovada. + {/if} + +
+ Aceitar? Sim Não +
+ + Ver esta reserva | + Adicionar ao Outlook | + Entrar no phpScheduleIt + +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailfooter.tpl'} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/pt_pt/ResetPassword.tpl b/lang/pt_pt/ResetPassword.tpl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f876fb114 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/pt_pt/ResetPassword.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{* +Copyright 2011-2012 Nick Korbel + +This file is part of phpScheduleIt. + +phpScheduleIt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +phpScheduleIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with phpScheduleIt. If not, see . +*} +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailheader.tpl'} + +Esta é a sua senha temporária do phpScheduleIt: {$TemporaryPassword} + +
+ +A sua senha antiga já não funciona. + +Por favor, Entre no phpScheduleIt e altere a sua senha o mais rapidamente possível. + +{include file='..\..\tpl\Email\emailfooter.tpl'} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/pt_pt/help.tpl b/lang/pt_pt/help.tpl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06786c34e --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/pt_pt/help.tpl @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +{* +Copyright 2011-2012 Nick Korbel + +This file is part of phpScheduleIt. + +phpScheduleIt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +phpScheduleIt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with phpScheduleIt. If not, see . +*} +{include file='globalheader.tpl'} +

>Ajuda do phpScheduleIt

+ +


+ +

+ Registration is required in order to use phpScheduleIt if you administrator has enabled it. After your account + has been registered + you will be able to log in and access any resources that you have permission to. +

+ +


+ +

+ Under the Schedule menu item you will find the Booking item. This will show you the available, reserved and + blocked slots on the schedule and allow you to book + resources that you have permission to. +

+ +


+ +

+ On the Bookings page, find the resource, date and time you'd like to book. Clicking on the time slot will allow + you change the details of the reservation. Clicking the + Create button will check availability, book the reservation and send out any emails. You will be given a + reference number to use for reservation follow-up. +

+ +

Any changes made to a reservation will not take effect until you save the reservation.

+ +

Only Application Administrators can create reservations in the past.

+ +

Multiple Resources

+ +

You can book all resources that you have permission as part of a single reservation. To add more resources to + your reservation, click the More Resources link, displayed next to the name of the primary resource you are + reserving. You will then able to add more resources by selecting them and clicking the Done button.

+ +

To remove additional resources from your reservation, click the More Resources link, deselect the resources you + want to remove, and click the Done button.

+ +

Additional resources will be subject to the same rules as primary resources. For example, this means that if you + attempt to create a 2 hour reservation with Resource 1, which has a maximum length of 3 hours and with Resource + 2, which + has a maximum length of 1 hour, your reservation will be denied.

+ +

You can view the configuration details of a resource by hovering over the resource name.

+ +

Recurring Dates

+ +

A reservation can be configured to recur a number of different ways. For all repeat options the Until date is + inclusive.

+ +

The repeat options allow for flexible recurrence possibilities. For example: Repeat Daily every 2 days will + create a reservation every other day for your specified time. Repeat Weekly, every 1 week on Monday, Wednesday, + Friday will create a reservation on each of those days every week at your specified time. If you were creating a + reservation on 2011-01-15, repeating Monthly, every 3 months on the day of month would create a reservation + every third month on the 15th. Since 2011-01-15 is the third Saturday of January, the same example with the day + of week selected would repeat every third month on the third Saturday of that month.

+ +

Additional Participants

+ +

You can either Add Participants or Invite Others when booking a reservation. Adding someone will include them on + the reservation and will not send an invitation. + The added user will receive an email. Inviting a user will send an invitation email and give the user an option + to Accept or Decline the invitation. Accepting an + invitation adds the user to the participants list. Declining an invitation removes the user from the invitees + list. +

+ +

+ The total number of participants is limited by the resource's participant capacity. +

+ +


+ +

Accessories can be thought of as objects used during a reservation. Examples may be projectors or chairs. To add + accessories to your reservation, click the Add link to the right of the Accessories title. From there you will + be able to select a quantity for each of the available accessories. The quantity available during your + reservation time will depend on how many accessories are already reserved.

+ +

Booking on behalf of others

+ +

Application Administrators and Group Administrators can book reservations on behalf of other users by clicking + the Change link to the right of the user's name.

+ +

Application Administrators and Group Administrators can also modify and delete reservations owned by other + users.

+ +

Updating a Reservation

+ +

You can update any reservation that you have created or that was created on your behalf.

+ +

Updating Specific Instances From a Series

+ +

+ If a reservation is set up to repeat, then a series is created. After you make changes and Update the + reservation, you will be asked which instances of the series you want to apply the changes to. You can + apply your changes to the instance that you are viewing (Only This Instance) and no other instances will be + changed. + You can update All Instances to apply the change to every reservation instance that has not yet occurred. You + can also apply the change only to Future Instances, which will update all reservation instances including and + after the instance you are currently viewing. +

+ +

Only Application Administrators can update reservations in the past.

+ +

Deleting a Reservation

+ +

Deleting a reservation completely removes it from the schedule. It will no longer be visible anywhere in + phpScheduleIt

+ +

Deleting Specific Instances From a Series

+ +

Similar to updating a reservation, when deleting you can select which instances you want to delete.

+ +

Only Application Administrators can delete reservations in the past.

+ +

Adding a Reservation to Calendar (Outlook®, iCal, Mozilla Lightning, Evolution)

+ +

When viewing or updating a reservation you will see a button to Add to Outlook. If Outlook is installed on your + computer then you should be asked to add the meeting. If it is not installed you will be prompted to download an + .ics file. This is a standard calendar format. You can use this file to add the reservation to any application + that supports the iCalendar file format.

+ +

Subscribing to Calendars

+ +

Calendars can be published for Schedules, Resources and Users. For this feature to work, the administrator must have + configured a subscription key in the config file. To enable Scheudle and Resource level calendar + subscriptions, simply turn subscriptions on when managing the Schedule or Resource. To turn on personal calendar + subcriptions, open Schedule -> My Calendar. On the right side of the page you will find a link to Allow or Turn Off + calendar subscriptions. +

+ +

To subscribe to a Schedule calendar, open Schedule -> Resource Calendar and select the schedule you want. On the + right side of the page, you will find a link to subscribe to the current calendar. Subscribing the a Resource + calendar follows the same steps. To subscribe to your personal calendar, open Scheudle -> My Calendar. On the + right side of the page, you will find a link to subscribe to the current calendar.

+ +

Calendar client (Outlook®, iCal, Mozilla Lightning, Evolution)

+ +

In most cases, simply clicking the Subscribe to this Calendar link will automatically set up the subscription in + your calendar Client. For Outlook, if it does not automatically add, open the Calendar view, then right click My + Calendars and choose + Add Calendar -> From Internet. Paste in the URL printed under the Subscribe to this Calendar link in + phpScheduleIt.

+ +

Google® Calendar

+ +

Open Google Calendar settings. Click the Calendars tab. Click Browse interesting calendars. Click add by URL. Paste + in the URL printed under the Subscribe to this Calendar link in phpScheduleIt.

+ +


+ +

Administrators have the ability to configure quota rules based on a variety of criteria. If your reservation + would violate any quota, you will be notified and the reservation will be denied.

+ +


+ +

If you are in an Application Administrator role then you will see the Application Management menu item. All + administrative tasks can be found here.

+ +

Setting up Schedules

+ +

+ When installing phpScheduleIt a default schedule will be created with out of the box settings. From the + Schedules menu option you can view and edit attributes of the current schedules. +

+ +

Each schedule must have a layout defined for it. This controls the availability of the resources on that + schedule. Clicking the Change Layout link will bring up the layout editor. Here you can create and change the + time slots that are available for reservation and blocked from reservation. There is no restriction on the slot + times, but you must provide slot values for all 24 hours of the day, one per line. Also, the time format must be + in 24 hour time. + You can also provide a display label for any or all slots, if you wish.

+ +

A slot without a label should be formatted like this: 10:25 - 16:50

+ +

A slot with a label should be formatted like this: 10:25 - 16:50 Schedule Period 4

+ +

Below the slot configuration windows is a slot creation wizard. This will set up available slots at the given + interval between the start and end times.

+ +

Setting up Resources

+ +

You can view and manage resources from the Resources menu option. Here you can change the attributes and usage + configuration of a resource. +

+ +

Resources in phpScheduleIt can be anything you want to make bookable, such as rooms or equipment. Every resource + must be assigned to a schedule in order for it to be bookable. The resource will inherit whatever layout the + schedule uses.

+ +

Setting a minimum reservation duration will prevent booking from lasting longer than the set amount. The default is + no minimum.

+ +

Setting a maximum reservation duration will prevent booking from lasting shorter than the set amount. The default is + no maximum.

+ +

Setting a resource to require approval will place all bookings for that resource into a pending state until approved. + The default is no approval required.

+ +

Setting a resource to automatically grant permission to it will grant all new users permission to access the resource + at registration time. The default is to automatically grant permissions.

+ +

You can require a booking lead time by setting a resource to require a certain number of days/hours/minutes + notification. For example, if it is currently 10:30 AM on a Monday and the resource requires 1 days notification, + the resource will not be able to be booked until 10:30 AM on Sunday. The default is that reservations can be made up + until the current time.

+ +

You can prevent resources from being booked too far into the future by requiring a maximum notification of + days/hours/minutes. For example, if it is currently 10:30 AM on a Monday and the resource cannot end more than 1 day + in the future, the resource will bot be able to be booked past 10:30 AM on Tuesday. The default is no maximum.

+ +

Certain resources cannot have a usage capacity. For example, some conference rooms may only hold up to 8 people. + Setting the resource capacity will prevent any more than the configured number of participants at one time, + excluding the organizer. The default is that resources have unlimited capacity.

+ +

Application Administrators are exempt from usage constraints.

+ +

Resource Images

+ +

You can set a resource image which will be displayed when viewing resource details from the reservation page. This + requires php_gd2 to be installed and enabled in your php.ini file. More Details

+ +

Setting up Accessories

+ +

Accessories can be thought of as objects used during a reservation. Examples may be projectors or chairs in a + conference room.

+ +

Accessories can be viewed and managed from the Accessories menu item, under the Resources menu item. Setting a + accessory quantity will prevent more than that number of accessories from being booked at a time.

+ +

Setting up Quotas

+ +

Quotas prevent reservations from being booked based on a configurable limit. The quota system in phpScheduleIt is + very flexible, allowing you to build limits based on reservation length and number reservations. Also, quota limits + "stack". For example, if a quota exists limiting a resource to 5 hours per day and another quota exists limiting to + 4 reservations per day a user would be able to make 4 hour-long reservations but would be restricting from making 3 + two-hour-long reservations. This allows powerful quota combinations to be built.

+ +

Application Administrators are exempt from quota limits.

+ +

Setting up Announcements

+ +

Announcements are a very simple way to display notifications to phpScheduleIt users. From the Announcements menu item + you can view and manage the announcements that are displayed on users dashboards. An announcement can be configured + with an optional start and end date. An optional priority level is also available, which sorts announcements from 1 + to 10.

+ +

HTML is allows within the announcement text. This allows you to embed links or images from anywhere on the web.

+ +

Setting up Groups

+ +

Groups in phpScheduleIt organize users, control resource access permissions and define roles within the + application.

+ +


+ +

Roles give a group of users the authorization to perform certain actions.

+ +

Users that belong to a group that is given the Application Administrator role are open to full administrative + privileges. This role has nearly zero restrictions on what resources can be booked. It can manage all aspects of the + application.

+ +

Users that belong to a group that is given the Group Administrator role are able to reserve on behalf of and manage + users within that group.

+ +

Viewing and Managing Reservations

+ +

You can view and manage reservations from the Reservations menu item. By default you will see the last 7 days and the + next 7 days worth of reservations. This can be filtered more or less granular depending on what you are looking for. + This tool allows you to quickly find an act on a reservation. You can also export the list of filtered reservations + to CSV format for further reporting.

+ +

Reservation Approval

+ +

From the Reservations admin tool you will be able to view and approve pending reservations. Pending reservations will + be highlighted.

+ +

Viewing and Managing Users

+ +

You can add, view, and manage all registered users from the Users menu item. This tool allows you to change resource + access permissions of individual users, deactivate or delete accounts, reset user passwords, and edit user details. + You can also add new users to phpScheduleIt. This is especially useful if self-registration is turned off.

+ +


+ +

Some of phpScheduleIt's functionality can only be controlled by editing the config file.

+ +

$conf['settings']['server.timezone']This must reflect the timezone of the server that + phpScheduleIt is hosted + on. You can view the current timezone from the Server Settings menu item. Possible values are located here: + http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php

+ +

$conf['settings']['allow.self.registration']If users are allowed to register new + accounts.

+ +

$conf['settings']['admin.email']The email address of the main application administrator +

+ +

$conf['settings']['default.page.size']The initial number of rows for any page that + displays a list of data +

+ +

$conf['settings']['enable.email']Whether or not any emails are sent out of phpScheduleIt +

+ +

$conf['settings']['default.language']Default language for all users. This can be any + language in the + phpScheduleIt lang directory

+ +

$conf['settings']['script.url']The full public URL to the root of this instance of + phpScheduleIt. This should + be the Web directory which contains files like bookings.php and calendar.php

+ +

$conf['settings']['password.pattern']A regular expression to enforce password complexity + during user account + registration

+ +

$conf['settings']['schedule']['show.inaccessible.resources']Whether or not resources + that are not + accessible to the user + are displayed in the schedule

+ +

$conf['settings']['schedule']['reservation.label']The value to display for the + reservation on the + Bookings page. Options + are 'name', 'title', or 'none'. Default is 'name'.

+ +

$conf['settings']['image.upload.directory']The physical directory to store images. + This directory will need to be writable. This can be the full directory or relative to the + phpScheduleIt root directory.

+ +

$conf['settings']['image.upload.url']The URL where uploaded + images can be viewed from. This can be the full URL or relative to $conf['settings']['script.url']. +

+ +

$conf['settings']['cache.templates']Whether or not templates are cached. It is + recommended to set this to + true, as long as tpl_c is writable

+ +

$conf['settings']['registration.captcha.enabled']Whether or not captcha image security + is enabled during user + account registration

+ +

$conf['settings']['inactivity.timeout']Number of minutes before the user is + automatically logged out. Leave this blank if you do not want users automatically logged out.

+ +

$conf['settings']['name.format']Display format for first name and last name. Default + is {literal}'{first} {last}'{/literal}.

+ +

$conf['settings']['ics']['require.login']If users should be required to log in to add a + reservation to + Outlook.

+ +

$conf['settings']['ics']['subscription.key']If you want to allow webcal subscriptions, + set this to a + difficult to guess value. If nothing is set then webcal subscriptions will be disabled.

+ +

$conf['settings']['privacy']['view.schedules']If non-authenticated users can view the + booking schedules. + Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['privacy']['view.reservations']If non-authenticated users can view + reservation details. + Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['privacy']['hide.user.details']If non-adminstrators can view personal + information about + other users. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation']['start.time.constraint']When reservations can be + created or edited. + Options are future, current, none. Future means reservations cannot be created or modified if the starting time of + the selected slot is in the past. Current means reservations can be created or modified if the ending time of the + selected slot is not in the past. None means that there is no restriction on when reservations can be created or + modified. Default is future.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.add']Whether or not to send an + email to all resource administrators when a reservation is created. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.update']Whether or not to send + an + email to all resource administrators when a reservation is updated. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['resource.admin.delete']Whether or not to send + an + email to all resource administrators when a reservation is deleted. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.add']Whether or not to send + an + email to all application administrators when a reservation is created. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.update']Whether or not to + send an + email to all application administrators when a reservation is updated. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['application.admin.delete']Whether or not to + send an + email to all application administrators when a reservation is deleted. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.add']Whether or not to send an + email to all group administrators when a reservation is created. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.update']Whether or not to send an + email to all group administrators when a reservation is updated. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['reservation.notify']['group.admin.delete']Whether or not to send an + email to all group administrators when a reservation is deleted. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['css.extension.file']Full or relative URL to an additional CSS file to + include. This can be used to override the default style with adjustments or a full theme. Leave this blank if you + are not extending the style of phpScheduleIt.

+ +

$conf['settings']['uploads']['enable.reservation.attachments']If users are allowed to + attach files to reservations. Default is false.

+ +

$conf['settings']['uploads']['reservation.attachment.path']The full or relative + filesystem path (relative to the root of your phpScheduleIt directory) to store reservation attachments. This + directory must be writable by PHP. Default is uploads/reservation

+ +

$conf['settings']['uploads']['reservation.attachment.extensions']Comma separated list of + safe file extensions. Leaving this blank will allow all file types (not recommended).

+ +

$conf['settings']['database']['type']Any PEAR::MDB2 supported type

+ +

$conf['settings']['database']['user']Database user with access to the configured + database

+ +

$conf['settings']['database']['password']Password for the database user

+ +

$conf['settings']['database']['hostspec']Database host URL or named pipe

+ +

$conf['settings']['database']['name']Name of phpScheduleIt database

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['mailer']PHP email library. Options are mail, smtp, + sendmail, qmail

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.host']SMTP host, if using smtp

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.port']SMTP port, if using smtp, usually 25

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.secure']SMTP security, if using smtp. Options are + '', ssl or tls

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.auth']SMTP requies authentication, if using smtp. + Options are true + or false

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.username']SMTP username, if using smtp

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['smtp.password']SMTP password, if using smtp

+ +

$conf['settings']['phpmailer']['sendmail.path']Path to sendmail, if using sendmail

+ +

$conf['settings']['plugins']['Authentication']Name of authentication plugin to use. For + more on plugins, + see Plugins below

+ +

$conf['settings']['plugins']['Authorization']Name of authorization plugin to use. For + more on plugins, + see Plugins below

+ +

$conf['settings']['plugins']['Permission']Name of permission plugin to use. For more on + plugins, see + Plugins below

+ +

$conf['settings']['plugins']['PreReservation']Name of prereservation plugin to use. For + more on plugins, + see Plugins below

+ +

$conf['settings']['plugins']['PostReservation']Name of postreservation plugin to use. + For more on + plugins, see Plugins below

+ +

$conf['settings']['install.password']If you are running an installation or upgrade, you + will be required to + provide a value here

+ +


+ +

The following components are currently pluggable:

+ +
  • Authentication - Who is allowed to log in
  • +
  • Authorization - What a user can do when you are logged in
  • +
  • Permission - What resources a user has access to
  • +
  • Pre Reservation - What happens before a reservation is booked
  • +
  • Post Reservation - What happens after a reservation is booked
  • +
+ +

+ To enable a plugin, set the value of the config setting to the name of the plugin folder. For example, to enable + LDAP + authentication, set + $conf['settings']['plugins']['Authentication'] = 'Ldap';

+ +

Plugins may have their own configuration files. For LDAP, rename or copy + /plugins/Authentication/Ldap/Ldap.config.dist to /plugins/Authentication/Ldap/Ldap.config and edit all values that + are applicable to your environment.

+ +

Installing Plugins

+ +

To install a new plugin copy the folder to either the Authentication, Authorization and Permission directory. Then + change either $conf['settings']['plugins']['Authentication'], $conf['settings']['plugins']['Authorization'] or + $conf['settings']['plugins']['Permission'] in config.php to the name of that folder.

+ +{include file="support-and-credits.tpl"} +
+ +{include file='globalfooter.tpl'} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/zh_cn.php b/lang/zh_cn.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b62961bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/zh_cn.php @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +Dates = $dates; + + return $this->Dates; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadStrings() + { + $strings = array(); + + $strings['FirstName'] = '名'; + $strings['LastName'] = '姓'; + $strings['Timezone'] = '时区'; + $strings['Edit'] = '编辑'; + $strings['Change'] = '更改'; + $strings['Rename'] = '重新命名'; + $strings['Remove'] = '移除'; + $strings['Delete'] = '删除'; + $strings['Update'] = '更新'; + $strings['Cancel'] = '退出'; + $strings['Add'] = '增加'; + $strings['Name'] = '名称'; + $strings['Yes'] = '是'; + $strings['No'] = '否'; + $strings['FirstNameRequired'] = '名字是必需的.'; + $strings['LastNameRequired'] = '姓氏是必需的.'; + $strings['PwMustMatch'] = '密码必须跟前面输入的密码一致.'; + $strings['PwComplexity'] = '密码必须最少6个字符,由字符、数字、符号组成.'; + $strings['ValidEmailRequired'] = '一个有效的电子邮件地址是必需的.'; + $strings['UniqueEmailRequired'] = '这个电子邮件地址已经被注册过了.'; + $strings['UniqueUsernameRequired'] = '这个用户名已经被注册过了.'; + $strings['UserNameRequired'] = '用户名是必需的.'; + $strings['CaptchaMustMatch'] = '请您完全按照密码图片上显示的内容输入字符.'; + $strings['Today'] = '今天'; + $strings['Week'] = '周'; + $strings['Month'] = '月'; + $strings['BackToCalendar'] = '回到日历'; + $strings['BeginDate'] = '开始'; + $strings['EndDate'] = '结束'; + $strings['Username'] = '用户名'; + $strings['Password'] = '密码'; + $strings['PasswordConfirmation'] = '确认密码'; + $strings['DefaultPage'] = '默认主页'; + $strings['MyCalendar'] = '我的日历'; + $strings['ScheduleCalendar'] = '计划日历'; + $strings['Registration'] = '注册'; + $strings['NoAnnouncements'] = '没有通告'; + $strings['Announcements'] = '通告'; + $strings['NoUpcomingReservations'] = '您没有即将到来的预约'; + $strings['UpcomingReservations'] = '即将到来的预约'; + $strings['ShowHide'] = '显示/隐藏'; + $strings['Error'] = '错误'; + $strings['ReturnToPreviousPage'] = '回到您刚才所在的最后一个页面'; + $strings['UnknownError'] = '未知错误'; + $strings['InsufficientPermissionsError'] = '您没有权限进入这个资源'; + $strings['MissingReservationResourceError'] = '没有选择资源'; + $strings['MissingReservationScheduleError'] = '没有选择时间表'; + $strings['DoesNotRepeat'] = '不重复'; + $strings['Daily'] = '每天'; + $strings['Weekly'] = '每周'; + $strings['Monthly'] = '每月'; + $strings['Yearly'] = '每年'; + $strings['RepeatPrompt'] = '重复'; + $strings['hours'] = '小时'; + $strings['days'] = '天'; + $strings['weeks'] = '周'; + $strings['months'] = '月'; + $strings['years'] = '年'; + $strings['day'] = '天'; + $strings['week'] = '周'; + $strings['month'] = '月'; + $strings['year'] = '年'; + $strings['repeatDayOfMonth'] = '天/月'; + $strings['repeatDayOfWeek'] = '天/周'; + $strings['RepeatUntilPrompt'] = '直到'; + $strings['RepeatEveryPrompt'] = '每'; + $strings['RepeatDaysPrompt'] = '在'; + $strings['CreateReservationHeading'] = '建立一个预约'; + $strings['EditReservationHeading'] = '编辑预约 %s'; + $strings['ViewReservationHeading'] = '浏览预约 %s'; + $strings['ReservationErrors'] = '更改预约'; + $strings['Create'] = '建立'; + $strings['ThisInstance'] = '只此一次'; + $strings['AllInstances'] = '所有情形'; + $strings['FutureInstances'] = '将来情形'; + $strings['Print'] = '打印'; + $strings['ShowHideNavigation'] = '显示/隐藏 导航'; + $strings['ReferenceNumber'] = '参考数字'; + $strings['Tomorrow'] = '明天'; + $strings['LaterThisWeek'] = '本周后段时间'; + $strings['NextWeek'] = '下一周'; + $strings['SignOut'] = '注销'; + $strings['LayoutDescription'] = '自 %s 起,一次显示 %s 天'; + $strings['AllResources'] = '所有资源'; + $strings['TakeOffline'] = 'Take 脱机'; + $strings['BringOnline'] = 'Bring 在线'; + $strings['AddImage'] = '添加图片'; + $strings['NoImage'] = '没有分派图片'; + $strings['Move'] = '更改'; + $strings['AppearsOn'] = '根据 %s 显示'; + $strings['Location'] = '地区'; + $strings['NoLocationLabel'] = '(没有指定地区)'; + $strings['Contact'] = '联系'; + $strings['NoContactLabel'] = '(没有联系方式)'; + $strings['Description'] = '说明'; + $strings['NoDescriptionLabel'] = '(没有说明)'; + $strings['Notes'] = '笔记'; + $strings['NoNotesLabel'] = '(没有笔记)'; + $strings['NoTitleLabel'] = '(没有标题)'; + $strings['UsageConfiguration'] = '使用配置'; + $strings['ChangeConfiguration'] = '改变配置'; + $strings['ResourceMinLength'] = '预约必须持续至少 %s'; + $strings['ResourceMinLengthNone'] = '这里没有最低预约时间'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLength'] = '预约不能延长超过 %s'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLengthNone'] = '这里没有最多预约时间'; + $strings['ResourceRequiresApproval'] = '预约必须得到批准'; + $strings['ResourceRequiresApprovalNone'] = '预约不需要审批'; + $strings['ResourcePermissionAutoGranted'] = '自动授予权限'; + $strings['ResourcePermissionNotAutoGranted'] = '没有自动获得许可'; + $strings['ResourceMinNotice'] = '必须在开始时间前至少 %s 完成预约'; + $strings['ResourceMinNoticeNone'] = '到当前时间均可以预约'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNotice'] = '预约不能在当前时间 %s 后前结束'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNoticeNone'] = '预约可以在将来任意时间点结束'; + $strings['ResourceAllowMultiDay'] = '可以跨日期预约'; + $strings['ResourceNotAllowMultiDay'] = '不能跨日期预约'; + $strings['ResourceCapacity'] = '这个资源可以容纳 %s 人'; + $strings['ResourceCapacityNone'] = '这个资源有无限容纳能力'; + $strings['AddNewResource'] = '添加新的资源'; + $strings['AddNewUser'] = '添加新的用户'; + $strings['AddUser'] = '添加用户'; + $strings['Schedule'] = '时间表'; + $strings['AddResource'] = '增加资源'; + $strings['Capacity'] = '容量'; + $strings['Access'] = '进入'; + $strings['Duration'] = '持续时间'; + $strings['Active'] = '启动'; + $strings['Inactive'] = '未启动'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = '重设密码'; + $strings['LastLogin'] = '上次登入'; + $strings['Search'] = '搜寻'; + $strings['ResourcePermissions'] = '资源许可'; + $strings['Reservations'] = '预约'; + $strings['Groups'] = '群组'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = '重设密码'; + $strings['AllUsers'] = '所有用户'; + $strings['AllGroups'] = '所有群组'; + $strings['AllSchedules'] = '所有时间表'; + $strings['UsernameOrEmail'] = '用户名或电子邮件'; + $strings['Members'] = '成员'; + $strings['QuickSlotCreation'] = '每 %s 分钟建立时间间隔 (在 %s 和 %s 之间)'; + $strings['ApplyUpdatesTo'] = '申请更新'; + $strings['CancelParticipation'] = '取消参与'; + $strings['Attending'] = '参与'; + $strings['QuotaConfiguration'] = '在 %s 只有 %s 用户来自 %s 可在去 %s %s 每 %s'; + $strings['reservations'] = '预约'; + $strings['ChangeCalendar'] = '更改日历'; + $strings['AddQuota'] = '增加配额'; + $strings['FindUser'] = '搜寻用户'; + $strings['Created'] = '已建立'; + $strings['LastModified'] = '最后更新的'; + $strings['GroupName'] = '组名'; + $strings['GroupMembers'] = '群组成员'; + $strings['GroupRoles'] = '群组权限'; + $strings['GroupAdmin'] = '群组管理员'; + $strings['Actions'] = '活动'; + $strings['CurrentPassword'] = '当前密码'; + $strings['NewPassword'] = '新密码'; + $strings['InvalidPassword'] = '当前密码不正确'; + $strings['PasswordChangedSuccessfully'] = '您的密码已成功更新'; + $strings['SignedInAs'] = '登陆为'; + $strings['NotSignedIn'] = '您还没有登陆'; + $strings['ReservationTitle'] = '预约名称'; + $strings['ReservationDescription'] = '预约说明'; + $strings['ResourceList'] = '待预约资源'; + $strings['Accessories'] = '设备/附件'; + $strings['Add'] = '增加'; + $strings['ParticipantList'] = '参与者'; + $strings['InvitationList'] = '受邀请者'; + $strings['AccessoryName'] = '附件名称'; + $strings['QuantityAvailable'] = '可用数量'; + $strings['Resources'] = '资源'; + $strings['Participants'] = '参与者'; + $strings['User'] = '用户'; + $strings['Resource'] = '资源'; + $strings['Status'] = '状态'; + $strings['Approve'] = '审批'; + $strings['Page'] = '页'; + $strings['Rows'] = '行'; + $strings['Unlimited'] = '无限的'; + $strings['Email'] = '电子邮件'; + $strings['EmailAddress'] = '电子邮件地址'; + $strings['Phone'] = '电话'; + $strings['Organization'] = '组织'; + $strings['Position'] = '位置'; + $strings['Language'] = '语言'; + $strings['Permissions'] = '许可'; + $strings['Reset'] = '重置'; + $strings['FindGroup'] = '搜寻群组'; + $strings['Manage'] = '管理'; + $strings['None'] = '无'; + $strings['AddToOutlook'] = '添加到日历'; + $strings['Done'] = '完成'; + $strings['RememberMe'] = '记住我'; + $strings['FirstTimeUser?'] = '您是首次来访用户?'; + $strings['CreateAnAccount'] = '建立一个账号'; + $strings['ViewSchedule'] = '查看时间表'; + $strings['ForgotMyPassword'] = '忘记密码'; + $strings['YouWillBeEmailedANewPassword'] = '您将会收到一份系统自动生成的密码'; + $strings['Close'] = '关闭'; + $strings['ExportToCSV'] = '汇出为 CSV 文件'; + $strings['OK'] = '同意'; + $strings['Working'] = '工作中'; + $strings['Login'] = '登陆'; + $strings['AdditionalInformation'] = '附加信息'; + $strings['AllFieldsAreRequired'] = '所有字段都需要填写'; + $strings['Optional'] = '选填内容'; + $strings['YourProfileWasUpdated'] = '您的个人资料已经更新'; + $strings['YourSettingsWereUpdated'] = '您的设置已经上传'; + $strings['Register'] = '注册'; + $strings['SecurityCode'] = '安全码'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedPreference'] = '当我建立一个预约 或 一个预约已经为我建立'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedPreference'] = '当我建立一个预约 或 一个预约已经为我更新'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedPreference'] = '当我删除一个预约 或 一个预约已经为我删除'; + $strings['ReservationApprovalPreference'] = '当我的待审批预约获得批准'; + $strings['PreferenceSendEmail'] = '电邮给我'; + $strings['PreferenceNoEmail'] = '不用提醒我'; + $strings['ReservationCreated'] = '您的预约已成功建立!'; + $strings['ReservationUpdated'] = '您的预约已成功更新!'; + $strings['ReservationRemoved'] = '您的预约已删除'; + $strings['YourReferenceNumber'] = '您的参考数字是 %s'; + $strings['UpdatingReservation'] = '更新预约'; + $strings['ChangeUser'] = '更改用户'; + $strings['MoreResources'] = '更多的资源'; + $strings['ReservationLength'] = '预约长度'; + $strings['ParticipantList'] = '参与者名单'; + $strings['AddParticipants'] = '添加'; + $strings['InviteOthers'] = '邀请他人'; + $strings['AddResources'] = '添加资源'; + $strings['AddAccessories'] = '添加设备/附件'; + $strings['Accessory'] = '附件'; + $strings['QuantityRequested'] = '请求数'; + $strings['CreatingReservation'] = '建立预约'; + $strings['UpdatingReservation'] = '更新预约'; + $strings['DeleteWarning'] = '这一行动是永久性的,不可更改! '; + $strings['DeleteAccessoryWarning'] = '删除这个附件将会导致它在所有预约中被删除.'; + $strings['AddAccessory'] = '添加附件'; + $strings['AddBlackout'] = '添加管制'; + $strings['AllResourcesOn'] = '全部资源在'; + $strings['Reason'] = '理由'; + $strings['BlackoutShowMe'] = '显示有冲突的预约'; + $strings['BlackoutDeleteConflicts'] = '删除有冲突的预约'; + $strings['Filter'] = '筛选'; + $strings['Between'] = '在此期间'; + $strings['CreatedBy'] = '建立者'; + $strings['BlackoutCreated'] = '管制时间已经建立!'; + $strings['BlackoutNotCreated'] = '不能建立管制时间'; + $strings['BlackoutConflicts'] = '存在有冲突的管制时间'; + $strings['ReservationConflicts'] = '存在有冲突的预约时间'; + $strings['UsersInGroup'] = '这个群组里的成员'; + $strings['Browse'] = '浏览'; + $strings['DeleteGroupWarning'] = '删除这个群组会移除所有关联的资源许可,组内成员都将拥有相关资源的权限.'; + $strings['WhatRolesApplyToThisGroup'] = '哪些角色适用于本群组?'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisGroup'] = '谁能管理这个群组?'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisSchedule'] = '谁能管理这时间表?'; + $strings['AddGroup'] = '添加群组'; + $strings['AllQuotas'] = '全部配额'; + $strings['QuotaReminder'] = '请记住:配额是强制性地基于已计划的时间分区的.'; + $strings['AllReservations'] = '全部预约'; + $strings['PendingReservations'] = '待审核预约'; + $strings['Approving'] = '审核中'; + $strings['MoveToSchedule'] = '移动到时间表'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarning'] = '删除这个资源会删除所有关联的数据,包括'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningReservations'] = '所有过去的、现在的和将来的预约所关联的.'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningPermissions'] = '全部权限分配'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningReassign'] = '请您在继续之前把您不想删除的任何内容再一次分配.'; + $strings['ScheduleLayout'] = '规划(全时段 %s)'; + $strings['ReservableTimeSlots'] = '预约的时间间隔'; + $strings['BlockedTimeSlots'] = '管制的时间间隔'; + $strings['ThisIsTheDefaultSchedule'] = '这是默认的时间表'; + $strings['DefaultScheduleCannotBeDeleted'] = '默认时间表不能被删除'; + $strings['MakeDefault'] = '设为默认的'; + $strings['BringDown'] = '下调'; + $strings['ChangeLayout'] = '改变规划'; + $strings['AddSchedule'] = '增加时间表'; + $strings['StartsOn'] = '开始于'; + $strings['NumberOfDaysVisible'] = '显示天数'; + $strings['UseSameLayoutAs'] = '使用相同规划为'; + $strings['Format'] = '格式'; + $strings['OptionalLabel'] = '可选符号'; + $strings['LayoutInstructions'] = '每行输入一个时间间隔.时间间隔必须能提供全部的24小时而且开始和结束于上午12:00.'; + $strings['AddUser'] = '添加用户'; + $strings['UserPermissionInfo'] = '实际进入资源可能会因角色、群组许可或其他许可设定而有所不同.'; + $strings['DeleteUserWarning'] = '删除用户将会删除与他们有关的所有过去的、现在的、将来的预约.'; + $strings['AddAnnouncement'] = '添加通告'; + $strings['Announcement'] = '通告'; + $strings['Priority'] = '优先'; + $strings['Reservable'] = '可预约的'; + $strings['Unreservable'] = '不可预约的'; + $strings['Reserved'] = '已预约'; + $strings['MyReservation'] = '我的预约'; + $strings['Pending'] = '待审批'; + $strings['Past'] = '以前的'; + $strings['Restricted'] = '受限的'; + $strings['ViewAll'] = '查看全部'; + $strings['MoveResourcesAndReservations'] = '移动资源和预约到'; + $strings['TurnOffSubscription'] = '关闭日历订阅'; + $strings['TurnOnSubscription'] = '允许订阅此日历'; + $strings['SubscribeToCalendar'] = '订阅此日历'; + $strings['SubscriptionsAreDisabled'] = '管理员已经禁止订阅此日历'; + $strings['NoResourceAdministratorLabel'] = '(没有资源管理员)'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisResource'] = '谁能管理这项资源?'; + $strings['ResourceAdministrator'] = '资源管理员'; + $strings['Private'] = '私有的'; + $strings['Accept'] = '接受'; + $strings['Decline'] = '拒绝'; + $strings['ShowFullWeek'] = '显示全部一周'; + $strings['CustomAttributes'] = '自定义属性'; + $strings['AddAttribute'] = '添加一个属性'; + $strings['EditAttribute'] = '更新一个属性'; + $strings['DisplayLabel'] = '显示符号'; + $strings['Type'] = '类型'; + $strings['Required'] = '需要'; + $strings['ValidationExpression'] = '验证表达式'; + $strings['PossibleValues'] = '可能的值'; + $strings['SingleLineTextbox'] = '单行文本框'; + $strings['MultiLineTextbox'] = '多行文本框'; + $strings['Checkbox'] = '检查框'; + $strings['SelectList'] = '选择列表'; + $strings['CommaSeparated'] = '逗号分隔'; + $strings['Category'] = '类别'; + $strings['CategoryReservation'] = '预约'; + $strings['CategoryGroup'] = '群组'; + $strings['SortOrder'] = '排序方式'; + $strings['Title'] = '标题'; + $strings['AdditionalAttributes'] = '附加属性'; + $strings['True'] = '是'; + $strings['False'] = '否'; + $strings['ForgotPasswordEmailSent'] = '一封包含重设密码提示的电子邮件已经发往您提供的的电子邮件地址'; + $strings['ActivationEmailSent'] = '您会立即收到一封有关启动的电子邮件.'; + $strings['AccountActivationError'] = '对不起,我们不能启动您的账号.'; + $strings['Attachments'] = '附件'; + $strings['AttachFile'] = '附件文件'; + $strings['Maximum'] = '最大值'; + $strings['NoScheduleAdministratorLabel'] = '没有时间表管理员'; + $strings['ScheduleAdministrator'] = '时间表管理员'; + $strings['Total'] = '总数'; + $strings['QuantityReserved'] = '已预约数量'; + $strings['AllAccessories'] = '所有设备/附件'; + $strings['GetReport'] = '取得报告'; + $strings['NoResultsFound'] = '没有符合的结果'; + $strings['SaveThisReport'] = '储存这报告'; + $strings['ReportSaved'] = '报告已储存!'; + $strings['EmailReport'] = '以电邮寄出报告'; + $strings['ReportSent'] = '报告已寄出!'; + $strings['RunReport'] = '导出报告'; + $strings['NoSavedReports'] = '你没有已储存的报告.'; + $strings['CurrentWeek'] = '本周'; + $strings['CurrentMonth'] = '本月'; + $strings['AllTime'] = '全部时间'; + $strings['FilterBy'] = '以..过滤'; + $strings['Select'] = '选择'; + $strings['List'] = '以 列'; + $strings['TotalTime'] = '以 总时间'; + $strings['Count'] = '以 数目'; + $strings['Usage'] = '使用情况'; + $strings['AggregateBy'] = '合计以'; + $strings['Range'] = '范围'; + $strings['Choose'] = '选择'; + $strings['All'] = '所有'; + $strings['ViewAsChart'] = '以图表观看'; + $strings['ReservedResources'] = '已预约的资源'; + $strings['ReservedAccessories'] = '已预约的设备/附件'; + $strings['ResourceUsageTimeBooked'] = '资源使用情况 - 预订时间'; + $strings['ResourceUsageReservationCount'] = '资源使用情况 - 预约次数'; + $strings['Top20UsersTimeBooked'] = '二十高使用量使用者 - 预订时间'; + $strings['Top20UsersReservationCount'] = '二十高使用量使用者 - 预约次数'; + // End Strings + + // Errors + $strings['LoginError'] = '用户名和密码不符合'; + $strings['ReservationFailed'] = '没办法建立您的预约'; + $strings['MinNoticeError'] = '这份预约需要高级提示.最早能提供的日期和时间是 %s.'; + $strings['MaxNoticeError'] = '这份预约不能在以后进行.最迟能被预约的日期和时间是 %s.'; + $strings['MinDurationError'] = '这份预约必须延长到 %s.'; + $strings['MaxDurationError'] = '这份预约不能延长到 %s.'; + $strings['ConflictingAccessoryDates'] = '没有足够的附件:'; + $strings['NoResourcePermission'] = '您没有权限访问一个或一个以上的请求.'; + $strings['ConflictingReservationDates'] = '在接下来的日子里存在有冲突的预约:'; + $strings['StartDateBeforeEndDateRule'] = '开始时间和日期必须早于结束时间和日期'; + $strings['StartIsInPast'] = '开始时间和日期必须比当前时间晚'; + $strings['EmailDisabled'] = '管理员已经禁止了邮件提醒'; + $strings['ValidLayoutRequired'] = '时间间隔必须提供全天24小时而且必须从上午12时开始并结束于上午12时.'; + $strings['CustomAttributeErrors'] = '您提供的附加属性出了问题:'; + $strings['CustomAttributeRequired'] = '%s 是必填项目'; + $strings['CustomAttributeInvalid'] = '提供给 %s 的内容是有效的.'; + $strings['AttachmentLoadingError'] = '对不起,在加载档时发现了一个问题.'; + $strings['InvalidAttachmentExtension'] = '您只能上传这些类型的档: %s'; + // End Errors + + // Page Titles + $strings['CreateReservation'] = '建立预约'; + $strings['EditReservation'] = '编辑预约'; + $strings['LogIn'] = '登入'; + $strings['ManageReservations'] = '预约'; + $strings['AwaitingActivation'] = '等待启动'; + $strings['PendingApproval'] = '待审批中'; + $strings['ManageSchedules'] = '时间表'; + $strings['ManageResources'] = '资源'; + $strings['ManageAccessories'] = '设备/附件'; + $strings['ManageUsers'] = '用户'; + $strings['ManageGroups'] = '群组'; + $strings['ManageQuotas'] = '配额'; + $strings['ManageBlackouts'] = '管制时间'; + $strings['MyDashboard'] = '我的控制板'; + $strings['ServerSettings'] = '服务器设置'; + $strings['Dashboard'] = '控制台'; + $strings['Help'] = '帮助'; + $strings['Administration'] = '管理'; + $strings['About'] = '关于'; + $strings['Bookings'] = '预订'; + $strings['Schedule'] = '时间表'; + $strings['Reservations'] = '预约'; + $strings['Account'] = '账号'; + $strings['EditProfile'] = '编辑个人编纂'; + $strings['FindAnOpening'] = '找到一个开放的'; + $strings['OpenInvitations'] = '开放的邀请'; + $strings['MyCalendar'] = '我的日历'; + $strings['ResourceCalendar'] = '资源日历'; + $strings['Reservation'] = '新预约'; + $strings['Install'] = '安装'; + $strings['ChangePassword'] = '改变密码'; + $strings['MyAccount'] = '我的账号'; + $strings['Profile'] = '个人信息'; + $strings['ApplicationManagement'] = '程序管理'; + $strings['ForgotPassword'] = '忘了密码'; + $strings['NotificationPreferences'] = '通知设定'; + $strings['ManageAnnouncements'] = '通告'; + $strings['Responsibilities'] = '主要职责'; + $strings['GroupReservations'] = '群组预约'; + $strings['ResourceReservations'] = '预约资源'; + $strings['Customization'] = '自定义'; + $strings['Attributes'] = '属性'; + $strings['AccountActivation'] = '账号激活'; + $strings['ScheduleReservations'] = '计划预约'; + $strings['Reports'] = '报告'; + $strings['GenerateReport'] = '建立一个新报告'; + $strings['MySavedReports'] = '我已储存的报告'; + $strings['CommonReports'] = '共享的报告'; + $strings['ViewDay'] = '观看日期'; + $strings['Group'] = '群组'; + // End Page Titles + + // Day representations + $strings['DaySundaySingle'] = 'S'; + $strings['DayMondaySingle'] = 'M'; + $strings['DayTuesdaySingle'] = 'T'; + $strings['DayWednesdaySingle'] = 'W'; + $strings['DayThursdaySingle'] = 'T'; + $strings['DayFridaySingle'] = 'F'; + $strings['DaySaturdaySingle'] = 'S'; + $strings['DaySundayAbbr'] = '周日'; + $strings['DayMondayAbbr'] = '周一'; + $strings['DayTuesdayAbbr'] = '周二'; + $strings['DayWednesdayAbbr'] = '周三'; + $strings['DayThursdayAbbr'] = '周四'; + $strings['DayFridayAbbr'] = '周五'; + $strings['DaySaturdayAbbr'] = '周六'; + // End Day representations + + // Email Subjects + $strings['ReservationApprovedSubject'] = '您的账号已经启动'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedSubject'] = '您的预约已经建立'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedSubject'] = '您的预约已经更新'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedSubject'] = '您的预约已经移除'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedAdminSubject'] = '提示:一个预约已经建立'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedAdminSubject'] = '提示:一个预约已经更新'; + $strings['ReservationDeleteAdminSubject'] = '提示:一个预约已经移除'; + $strings['ParticipantAddedSubject'] = '预约参与通知'; + $strings['ParticipantDeletedSubject'] = '已移除的预约'; + $strings['InviteeAddedSubject'] = '预约邀请'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = '重置密码申请'; + $strings['ActivateYourAccount'] = '请启动您的账号'; + // End Email Subjects + + $this->Strings = $strings; + + return $this->Strings; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadDays() + { + $days = array(); + + /*** + DAY NAMES + All of these arrays MUST start with Sunday as the first element + and go through the seven day week, ending on Saturday + ***/ + // The full day name + $days['full'] = array('星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'); + // The three letter abbreviation + $days['abbr'] = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'); + // The two letter abbreviation + $days['two'] = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'); + // The one letter abbreviation + $days['letter'] = array('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'); + + $this->Days = $days; + + return $this->Days; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadMonths() + { + $months = array(); + + /*** + MONTH NAMES + All of these arrays MUST start with January as the first element + and go through the twelve months of the year, ending on December + ***/ + // The full month name + $months['full'] = array('一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'); + // The three letter month name + $months['abbr'] = array('一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'); + + $this->Months = $months; + + return $this->Months; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadLetters() + { + $this->Letters = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); + + return $this->Letters; + } + + protected function _GetHtmlLangCode() + { + return 'zh_cn'; + } +} + +?> + diff --git a/lang/zh_tw.php b/lang/zh_tw.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67dcbf326 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang/zh_tw.php @@ -0,0 +1,602 @@ +Dates = $dates; + + return $this->Dates; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadStrings() + { + $strings = array(); + + $strings['FirstName'] = '名'; + $strings['LastName'] = '姓'; + $strings['Timezone'] = '時區'; + $strings['Edit'] = '編輯'; + $strings['Change'] = '更改'; + $strings['Rename'] = '重新命名'; + $strings['Remove'] = '移除'; + $strings['Delete'] = '刪除'; + $strings['Update'] = '更新'; + $strings['Cancel'] = '退出'; + $strings['Add'] = '增加'; + $strings['Name'] = '名稱'; + $strings['Yes'] = '是'; + $strings['No'] = '否'; + $strings['FirstNameRequired'] = '名字是必需的.'; + $strings['LastNameRequired'] = '姓氏是必需的.'; + $strings['PwMustMatch'] = '密碼必須跟前面輸入的密碼一致.'; + $strings['PwComplexity'] = '密碼必須最少6個字元,由字元、數位、符號組成.'; + $strings['ValidEmailRequired'] = '一個有效的電子郵寄地址是必需的.'; + $strings['UniqueEmailRequired'] = '這個電子郵寄地址已經被註冊過了.'; + $strings['UniqueUsernameRequired'] = '這個用戶名已經被註冊過了.'; + $strings['UserNameRequired'] = '用戶名是必需的.'; + $strings['CaptchaMustMatch'] = '請您完全按照密碼圖片上顯示的內容輸入字元.'; + $strings['Today'] = '今天'; + $strings['Week'] = '週'; + $strings['Month'] = '月'; + $strings['BackToCalendar'] = '回到日曆'; + $strings['BeginDate'] = '開始'; + $strings['EndDate'] = '結束'; + $strings['Username'] = '用戶名'; + $strings['Password'] = '密碼'; + $strings['PasswordConfirmation'] = '確認密碼'; + $strings['DefaultPage'] = '默認主頁'; + $strings['MyCalendar'] = '我的日曆'; + $strings['ScheduleCalendar'] = '計劃日曆'; + $strings['Registration'] = '註冊'; + $strings['NoAnnouncements'] = '沒有通告'; + $strings['Announcements'] = '通告'; + $strings['NoUpcomingReservations'] = '您沒有即將到來的預約'; + $strings['UpcomingReservations'] = '即將到來的預約'; + $strings['ShowHide'] = '顯示/隱藏'; + $strings['Error'] = '錯誤'; + $strings['ReturnToPreviousPage'] = '回到您剛才所在的最後一個頁面'; + $strings['UnknownError'] = '未知錯誤'; + $strings['InsufficientPermissionsError'] = '您沒有權限進入這個資源'; + $strings['MissingReservationResourceError'] = '沒有選擇資源'; + $strings['MissingReservationScheduleError'] = '沒有選擇時間表'; + $strings['DoesNotRepeat'] = '不重複'; + $strings['Daily'] = '每天'; + $strings['Weekly'] = '每週'; + $strings['Monthly'] = '每月'; + $strings['Yearly'] = '每年'; + $strings['RepeatPrompt'] = '重複'; + $strings['hours'] = '小時'; + $strings['days'] = '天'; + $strings['weeks'] = '週'; + $strings['months'] = '月'; + $strings['years'] = '年'; + $strings['day'] = '天'; + $strings['week'] = '週'; + $strings['month'] = '月'; + $strings['year'] = '年'; + $strings['repeatDayOfMonth'] = '天/月'; + $strings['repeatDayOfWeek'] = '天/週'; + $strings['RepeatUntilPrompt'] = '直到'; + $strings['RepeatEveryPrompt'] = '每'; + $strings['RepeatDaysPrompt'] = '在'; + $strings['CreateReservationHeading'] = '建立一個預約'; + $strings['EditReservationHeading'] = '編輯預約 %s'; + $strings['ViewReservationHeading'] = '瀏覽預約 %s'; + $strings['ReservationErrors'] = '更改預約'; + $strings['Create'] = '建立'; + $strings['ThisInstance'] = '只此一次'; + $strings['AllInstances'] = '所有情形'; + $strings['FutureInstances'] = '將來情形'; + $strings['Print'] = '列印'; + $strings['ShowHideNavigation'] = '顯示/隱藏 導航'; + $strings['ReferenceNumber'] = '參考數字'; + $strings['Tomorrow'] = '明天'; + $strings['LaterThisWeek'] = '本周後段時間'; + $strings['NextWeek'] = '下一周'; + $strings['SignOut'] = '登出'; + $strings['LayoutDescription'] = '自 %s 起,一次顯示 %s 天'; + $strings['AllResources'] = '所有資源'; + $strings['TakeOffline'] = 'Take 離線'; + $strings['BringOnline'] = 'Bring 線上'; + $strings['AddImage'] = '添加圖片'; + $strings['NoImage'] = '沒有分派圖片'; + $strings['Move'] = '更改'; + $strings['AppearsOn'] = '根據 %s 顯示'; + $strings['Location'] = '地區'; + $strings['NoLocationLabel'] = '(沒有指定地區)'; + $strings['Contact'] = '聯繫'; + $strings['NoContactLabel'] = '(沒有聯繫方式)'; + $strings['Description'] = '說明'; + $strings['NoDescriptionLabel'] = '(沒有說明)'; + $strings['Notes'] = '筆記'; + $strings['NoNotesLabel'] = '(沒有筆記)'; + $strings['NoTitleLabel'] = '(沒有標題)'; + $strings['UsageConfiguration'] = '使用配置'; + $strings['ChangeConfiguration'] = '改變配置'; + $strings['ResourceMinLength'] = '預約必須持續至少 %s'; + $strings['ResourceMinLengthNone'] = '這裡沒有最低預約時間'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLength'] = '預約不能延長超過 %s'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLengthNone'] = '這裡沒有最多預約時間'; + $strings['ResourceRequiresApproval'] = '預約必須得到批准'; + $strings['ResourceRequiresApprovalNone'] = '預約不需要審批'; + $strings['ResourcePermissionAutoGranted'] = '自動授予權限'; + $strings['ResourcePermissionNotAutoGranted'] = '沒有自動獲得許可'; + $strings['ResourceMinNotice'] = '必須在開始時間前至少 %s 完成預約'; + $strings['ResourceMinNoticeNone'] = '到當前時間均可以預約'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNotice'] = '預約不能在當前時間 %s 後前結束'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNoticeNone'] = '預約可以在將來任意時間點結束'; + $strings['ResourceAllowMultiDay'] = '可以跨日期預約'; + $strings['ResourceNotAllowMultiDay'] = '不能跨日期預約'; + $strings['ResourceCapacity'] = '這個資源可以容納 %s 人'; + $strings['ResourceCapacityNone'] = '這個資源有無限容納能力'; + $strings['AddNewResource'] = '添加新的資源'; + $strings['AddNewUser'] = '添加新的用戶'; + $strings['AddUser'] = '添加用戶'; + $strings['Schedule'] = '時間表'; + $strings['AddResource'] = '增加資源'; + $strings['Capacity'] = '容量'; + $strings['Access'] = '進入'; + $strings['Duration'] = '持續時間'; + $strings['Active'] = '啟動'; + $strings['Inactive'] = '未啟動'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = '重設密碼'; + $strings['LastLogin'] = '上次登入'; + $strings['Search'] = '搜尋'; + $strings['ResourcePermissions'] = '資源許可'; + $strings['Reservations'] = '預約'; + $strings['Groups'] = '群組'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = '重設密碼'; + $strings['AllUsers'] = '所有用戶'; + $strings['AllGroups'] = '所有群組'; + $strings['AllSchedules'] = '所有時間表'; + $strings['UsernameOrEmail'] = '用戶名或電子郵件'; + $strings['Members'] = '成員'; + $strings['QuickSlotCreation'] = '每 %s 分鐘建立時間間隔 (在 %s 和 %s 之間)'; + $strings['ApplyUpdatesTo'] = '申請更新'; + $strings['CancelParticipation'] = '取消參與'; + $strings['Attending'] = '參與'; + $strings['QuotaConfiguration'] = '在 %s 只有 %s 用戶來自 %s 可在去 %s %s 每 %s'; + $strings['reservations'] = '預約'; + $strings['ChangeCalendar'] = '更改日曆'; + $strings['AddQuota'] = '增加配額'; + $strings['FindUser'] = '搜尋用戶'; + $strings['Created'] = '已建立'; + $strings['LastModified'] = '最後更新的'; + $strings['GroupName'] = '群組名稱'; + $strings['GroupMembers'] = '群組成員'; + $strings['GroupRoles'] = '群組權限'; + $strings['GroupAdmin'] = '群組管理員'; + $strings['Actions'] = '活動'; + $strings['CurrentPassword'] = '當前密碼'; + $strings['NewPassword'] = '新密碼'; + $strings['InvalidPassword'] = '當前密碼不正確'; + $strings['PasswordChangedSuccessfully'] = '您的密碼已成功更新'; + $strings['SignedInAs'] = '登入為'; + $strings['NotSignedIn'] = '您還未登入'; + $strings['ReservationTitle'] = '預約名稱'; + $strings['ReservationDescription'] = '預約說明'; + $strings['ResourceList'] = '待預約資源'; + $strings['Accessories'] = '設備/附件'; + $strings['Add'] = '增加'; + $strings['ParticipantList'] = '參與者'; + $strings['InvitationList'] = '受邀請者'; + $strings['AccessoryName'] = '附件名稱'; + $strings['QuantityAvailable'] = '可用數量'; + $strings['Resources'] = '資源'; + $strings['Participants'] = '參與者'; + $strings['User'] = '用戶'; + $strings['Resource'] = '資源'; + $strings['Status'] = '狀態'; + $strings['Approve'] = '審批'; + $strings['Page'] = '頁'; + $strings['Rows'] = '行'; + $strings['Unlimited'] = '無限的'; + $strings['Email'] = '電子郵件'; + $strings['EmailAddress'] = '電子郵寄地址'; + $strings['Phone'] = '電話'; + $strings['Organization'] = '組織'; + $strings['Position'] = '位置'; + $strings['Language'] = '語言'; + $strings['Permissions'] = '許可'; + $strings['Reset'] = '重置'; + $strings['FindGroup'] = '搜尋群組'; + $strings['Manage'] = '管理'; + $strings['None'] = '無'; + $strings['AddToOutlook'] = '添加到日曆'; + $strings['Done'] = '完成'; + $strings['RememberMe'] = '記住我'; + $strings['FirstTimeUser?'] = '您是首次來訪用戶?'; + $strings['CreateAnAccount'] = '建立一個帳號'; + $strings['ViewSchedule'] = '查看時間表'; + $strings['ForgotMyPassword'] = '忘記密碼'; + $strings['YouWillBeEmailedANewPassword'] = '您將會收到一份系統自動生成的密碼'; + $strings['Close'] = '關閉'; + $strings['ExportToCSV'] = '匯出為 CSV 文件'; + $strings['OK'] = '同意'; + $strings['Working'] = '工作中'; + $strings['Login'] = '登入'; + $strings['AdditionalInformation'] = '附加資訊'; + $strings['AllFieldsAreRequired'] = '所有欄位都需要填寫'; + $strings['Optional'] = '選填內容'; + $strings['YourProfileWasUpdated'] = '您的個人資料已經更新'; + $strings['YourSettingsWereUpdated'] = '您的設置已經上傳'; + $strings['Register'] = '註冊'; + $strings['SecurityCode'] = '安全碼'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedPreference'] = '當我建立一個預約 或 一個預約已經為我建立'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedPreference'] = '當我建立一個預約 或 一個預約已經為我更新'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedPreference'] = '當我刪除一個預約 或 一個預約已經為我刪除'; + $strings['ReservationApprovalPreference'] = '當我的待審批預約獲得批准'; + $strings['PreferenceSendEmail'] = '電郵給我'; + $strings['PreferenceNoEmail'] = '不用提醒我'; + $strings['ReservationCreated'] = '您的預約已成功建立!'; + $strings['ReservationUpdated'] = '您的預約已成功更新!'; + $strings['ReservationRemoved'] = '您的預約已刪除'; + $strings['YourReferenceNumber'] = '您的參考數字是 %s'; + $strings['UpdatingReservation'] = '更新預約'; + $strings['ChangeUser'] = '更改用戶'; + $strings['MoreResources'] = '更多的資源'; + $strings['ReservationLength'] = '預約長度'; + $strings['ParticipantList'] = '參與者名單'; + $strings['AddParticipants'] = '添加'; + $strings['InviteOthers'] = '邀請他人'; + $strings['AddResources'] = '添加資源'; + $strings['AddAccessories'] = '添加設備/附件'; + $strings['Accessory'] = '附件'; + $strings['QuantityRequested'] = '請求數'; + $strings['CreatingReservation'] = '建立預約'; + $strings['UpdatingReservation'] = '更新預約'; + $strings['DeleteWarning'] = '這一行動是永久性的,不可更改! '; + $strings['DeleteAccessoryWarning'] = '刪除這個附件將會導致它在所有預約中被刪除.'; + $strings['AddAccessory'] = '添加附件'; + $strings['AddBlackout'] = '添加管制'; + $strings['AllResourcesOn'] = '全部資源在'; + $strings['Reason'] = '理由'; + $strings['BlackoutShowMe'] = '顯示有衝突的預約'; + $strings['BlackoutDeleteConflicts'] = '刪除有衝突的預約'; + $strings['Filter'] = '篩選'; + $strings['Between'] = '在此期間'; + $strings['CreatedBy'] = '建立者'; + $strings['BlackoutCreated'] = '管制時間已經建立!'; + $strings['BlackoutNotCreated'] = '不能建立管制時間'; + $strings['BlackoutConflicts'] = '存在有衝突的管制時間'; + $strings['ReservationConflicts'] = '存在有衝突的預約時間'; + $strings['UsersInGroup'] = '這個群組裡的成員'; + $strings['Browse'] = '瀏覽'; + $strings['DeleteGroupWarning'] = '刪除這個群組會移除所有關聯的資源許可,組內成員都將擁有相關資源的權限.'; + $strings['WhatRolesApplyToThisGroup'] = '哪些角色適用於本群組?'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisGroup'] = '誰能管理這個群組?'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisSchedule'] = '誰能管理這時間表?'; + $strings['AddGroup'] = '添加群組'; + $strings['AllQuotas'] = '全部配額'; + $strings['QuotaReminder'] = '請記住:配額是強制性地基於已計劃的時間分區的.'; + $strings['AllReservations'] = '全部預約'; + $strings['PendingReservations'] = '待審核預約'; + $strings['Approving'] = '審核中'; + $strings['MoveToSchedule'] = '移動到時間表'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarning'] = '刪除這個資源會刪除所有關聯的資料,包括'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningReservations'] = '所有過去的、現在的和將來的預約所關聯的.'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningPermissions'] = '全部權限分配'; + $strings['DeleteResourceWarningReassign'] = '請您在繼續之前把您不想刪除的任何內容再一次分配.'; + $strings['ScheduleLayout'] = '規劃(全時段 %s)'; + $strings['ReservableTimeSlots'] = '預約的時間間隔'; + $strings['BlockedTimeSlots'] = '管制的時間間隔'; + $strings['ThisIsTheDefaultSchedule'] = '這是默認的時間表'; + $strings['DefaultScheduleCannotBeDeleted'] = '默認時間表不能被刪除'; + $strings['MakeDefault'] = '設為默認的'; + $strings['BringDown'] = '下調'; + $strings['ChangeLayout'] = '改變規劃'; + $strings['AddSchedule'] = '增加時間表'; + $strings['StartsOn'] = '開始於'; + $strings['NumberOfDaysVisible'] = '顯示天數'; + $strings['UseSameLayoutAs'] = '使用相同規劃為'; + $strings['Format'] = '格式'; + $strings['OptionalLabel'] = '可選符號'; + $strings['LayoutInstructions'] = '每行輸入一個時間間隔.時間間隔必須能提供全部的24小時而且開始和結束於上午12:00.'; + $strings['AddUser'] = '添加用戶'; + $strings['UserPermissionInfo'] = '實際進入資源可能會因角色、群組許可或其他許可設定而有所不同.'; + $strings['DeleteUserWarning'] = '刪除用戶將會刪除與他們有關的所有過去的、現在的、將來的預約.'; + $strings['AddAnnouncement'] = '添加通告'; + $strings['Announcement'] = '通告'; + $strings['Priority'] = '優先'; + $strings['Reservable'] = '可預約的'; + $strings['Unreservable'] = '不可預約的'; + $strings['Reserved'] = '已預約'; + $strings['MyReservation'] = '我的預約'; + $strings['Pending'] = '待審批'; + $strings['Past'] = '以前的'; + $strings['Restricted'] = '受限的'; + $strings['ViewAll'] = '查看全部'; + $strings['MoveResourcesAndReservations'] = '移動資源和預約到'; + $strings['TurnOffSubscription'] = '關閉日曆訂閱'; + $strings['TurnOnSubscription'] = '允許訂閱此日曆'; + $strings['SubscribeToCalendar'] = '訂閱此日曆'; + $strings['SubscriptionsAreDisabled'] = '管理員已經禁止訂閱此日曆'; + $strings['NoResourceAdministratorLabel'] = '(沒有資源管理員)'; + $strings['WhoCanManageThisResource'] = '誰能管理這項資源?'; + $strings['ResourceAdministrator'] = '資源管理員'; + $strings['Private'] = '私有的'; + $strings['Accept'] = '接受'; + $strings['Decline'] = '拒絕'; + $strings['ShowFullWeek'] = '顯示全部一週'; + $strings['CustomAttributes'] = '自訂屬性'; + $strings['AddAttribute'] = '添加一個屬性'; + $strings['EditAttribute'] = '更新一個屬性'; + $strings['DisplayLabel'] = '顯示符號'; + $strings['Type'] = '類型'; + $strings['Required'] = '需要'; + $strings['ValidationExpression'] = '驗證運算式'; + $strings['PossibleValues'] = '可能的值'; + $strings['SingleLineTextbox'] = '單行文字方塊'; + $strings['MultiLineTextbox'] = '多行文字方塊'; + $strings['Checkbox'] = '檢查框'; + $strings['SelectList'] = '選擇列表'; + $strings['CommaSeparated'] = '逗號分隔'; + $strings['Category'] = '類別'; + $strings['CategoryReservation'] = '預約'; + $strings['CategoryGroup'] = '群組'; + $strings['SortOrder'] = '排序方式'; + $strings['Title'] = '標題'; + $strings['AdditionalAttributes'] = '附加屬性'; + $strings['True'] = '是'; + $strings['False'] = '否'; + $strings['ForgotPasswordEmailSent'] = '一封包含重設密碼提示的電子郵件已經發往您提供的的電子郵寄地址'; + $strings['ActivationEmailSent'] = '您會立即收到一封有關啟動的電子郵件.'; + $strings['AccountActivationError'] = '對不起,我們不能啟動您的帳號.'; + $strings['Attachments'] = '附件'; + $strings['AttachFile'] = '附件檔'; + $strings['Maximum'] = '最大值'; + $strings['NoScheduleAdministratorLabel'] = '沒有時間表管理員'; + $strings['ScheduleAdministrator'] = '時間表管理員'; + $strings['Total'] = '總數'; + $strings['QuantityReserved'] = '已預約數量'; + $strings['AllAccessories'] = '所有設備/附件'; + $strings['GetReport'] = '取得報告'; + $strings['NoResultsFound'] = '沒有符合的結果'; + $strings['SaveThisReport'] = '儲存這報告'; + $strings['ReportSaved'] = '報告已儲存!'; + $strings['EmailReport'] = '以電郵寄出報告'; + $strings['ReportSent'] = '報告已寄出!'; + $strings['RunReport'] = '導出報告'; + $strings['NoSavedReports'] = '你沒有已儲存的報告.'; + $strings['CurrentWeek'] = '本週'; + $strings['CurrentMonth'] = '本月'; + $strings['AllTime'] = '全部時間'; + $strings['FilterBy'] = '以..過濾'; + $strings['Select'] = '選擇'; + $strings['List'] = '以 列'; + $strings['TotalTime'] = '以 總時間'; + $strings['Count'] = '以 數目'; + $strings['Usage'] = '使用情況'; + $strings['AggregateBy'] = '合計以'; + $strings['Range'] = '範圍'; + $strings['Choose'] = '選擇'; + $strings['All'] = '所有'; + $strings['ViewAsChart'] = '以圖表觀看'; + $strings['ReservedResources'] = '已預約的資源'; + $strings['ReservedAccessories'] = '已預約的設備/附件'; + $strings['ResourceUsageTimeBooked'] = '資源使用情況 - 預訂時間'; + $strings['ResourceUsageReservationCount'] = '資源使用情況 - 預約次數'; + $strings['Top20UsersTimeBooked'] = '二十高使用量使用者 - 預訂時間'; + $strings['Top20UsersReservationCount'] = '二十高使用量使用者 - 預約次數'; + // End Strings + + // Errors + $strings['LoginError'] = '用戶名和密碼不符合'; + $strings['ReservationFailed'] = '沒辦法建立您的預約'; + $strings['MinNoticeError'] = '這份預約需要高級提示.最早能提供的日期和時間是 %s.'; + $strings['MaxNoticeError'] = '這份預約不能在以後進行.最遲能被預約的日期和時間是 %s.'; + $strings['MinDurationError'] = '這份預約必須延長到 %s.'; + $strings['MaxDurationError'] = '這份預約不能延長到 %s.'; + $strings['ConflictingAccessoryDates'] = '沒有足夠的附件:'; + $strings['NoResourcePermission'] = '您沒有權限訪問一個或一個以上的請求.'; + $strings['ConflictingReservationDates'] = '在接下來的日子裡存在有衝突的預約:'; + $strings['StartDateBeforeEndDateRule'] = '開始時間和日期必須早於結束時間和日期'; + $strings['StartIsInPast'] = '開始時間和日期必須比當前時間晚'; + $strings['EmailDisabled'] = '管理員已經禁止了郵件提醒'; + $strings['ValidLayoutRequired'] = '時間間隔必須提供全天24小時而且必須從上午12時開始並結束於上午12時.'; + $strings['CustomAttributeErrors'] = '您提供的附加屬性出了問題:'; + $strings['CustomAttributeRequired'] = '%s 是必填項目'; + $strings['CustomAttributeInvalid'] = '提供給 %s 的內容是有效的.'; + $strings['AttachmentLoadingError'] = '對不起,在載入檔時發現了一個問題.'; + $strings['InvalidAttachmentExtension'] = '您只能上傳這些類型的檔: %s'; + // End Errors + + // Page Titles + $strings['CreateReservation'] = '建立預約'; + $strings['EditReservation'] = '編輯預約'; + $strings['LogIn'] = '登入'; + $strings['ManageReservations'] = '預約'; + $strings['AwaitingActivation'] = '等待啟動'; + $strings['PendingApproval'] = '待審批中'; + $strings['ManageSchedules'] = '時間表'; + $strings['ManageResources'] = '資源'; + $strings['ManageAccessories'] = '設備/附件'; + $strings['ManageUsers'] = '用戶'; + $strings['ManageGroups'] = '群組'; + $strings['ManageQuotas'] = '配額'; + $strings['ManageBlackouts'] = '管制時間'; + $strings['MyDashboard'] = '我的控制板'; + $strings['ServerSettings'] = '伺服器設置'; + $strings['Dashboard'] = '控制台'; + $strings['Help'] = '幫助'; + $strings['Administration'] = '管理'; + $strings['About'] = '關於'; + $strings['Bookings'] = '預訂'; + $strings['Schedule'] = '時間表'; + $strings['Reservations'] = '預約'; + $strings['Account'] = '帳號'; + $strings['EditProfile'] = '編輯個人編纂'; + $strings['FindAnOpening'] = '找到一個開放的'; + $strings['OpenInvitations'] = '開放的邀請'; + $strings['MyCalendar'] = '我的日曆'; + $strings['ResourceCalendar'] = '資源日曆'; + $strings['Reservation'] = '新預約'; + $strings['Install'] = '安裝'; + $strings['ChangePassword'] = '改變密碼'; + $strings['MyAccount'] = '我的帳號'; + $strings['Profile'] = '個人資訊'; + $strings['ApplicationManagement'] = '程式管理'; + $strings['ForgotPassword'] = '忘了密碼'; + $strings['NotificationPreferences'] = '通知設定'; + $strings['ManageAnnouncements'] = '通告'; + $strings['Responsibilities'] = '主要職責'; + $strings['GroupReservations'] = '群組預約'; + $strings['ResourceReservations'] = '預約資源'; + $strings['Customization'] = '自訂'; + $strings['Attributes'] = '屬性'; + $strings['AccountActivation'] = '帳號啟動'; + $strings['ScheduleReservations'] = '計劃預約'; + $strings['Reports'] = '報告'; + $strings['GenerateReport'] = '建立一個新報告'; + $strings['MySavedReports'] = '我已儲存的報告'; + $strings['CommonReports'] = '共享的報告'; + $strings['ViewDay'] = '觀看日期'; + $strings['Group'] = '群組'; + // End Page Titles + + // Day representations + $strings['DaySundaySingle'] = 'S'; + $strings['DayMondaySingle'] = 'M'; + $strings['DayTuesdaySingle'] = 'T'; + $strings['DayWednesdaySingle'] = 'W'; + $strings['DayThursdaySingle'] = 'T'; + $strings['DayFridaySingle'] = 'F'; + $strings['DaySaturdaySingle'] = 'S'; + $strings['DaySundayAbbr'] = '周日'; + $strings['DayMondayAbbr'] = '週一'; + $strings['DayTuesdayAbbr'] = '週二'; + $strings['DayWednesdayAbbr'] = '週三'; + $strings['DayThursdayAbbr'] = '週四'; + $strings['DayFridayAbbr'] = '週五'; + $strings['DaySaturdayAbbr'] = '週六'; + // End Day representations + + // Email Subjects + $strings['ReservationApprovedSubject'] = '您的帳號已經啟動'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedSubject'] = '您的預約已經建立'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedSubject'] = '您的預約已經更新'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedSubject'] = '您的預約已經移除'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedAdminSubject'] = '提示:一個預約已經建立'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedAdminSubject'] = '提示:一個預約已經更新'; + $strings['ReservationDeleteAdminSubject'] = '提示:一個預約已經移除'; + $strings['ParticipantAddedSubject'] = '預約參與通知'; + $strings['ParticipantDeletedSubject'] = '已移除的預約'; + $strings['InviteeAddedSubject'] = '預約邀請'; + $strings['ResetPassword'] = '重置密碼申請'; + $strings['ActivateYourAccount'] = '請啟動您的帳號'; + // End Email Subjects + + $this->Strings = $strings; + + return $this->Strings; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadDays() + { + $days = array(); + + /*** + DAY NAMES + All of these arrays MUST start with Sunday as the first element + and go through the seven day week, ending on Saturday + ***/ + // The full day name + $days['full'] = array('星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'); + // The three letter abbreviation + $days['abbr'] = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'); + // The two letter abbreviation + $days['two'] = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'); + // The one letter abbreviation + $days['letter'] = array('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'); + + $this->Days = $days; + + return $this->Days; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadMonths() + { + $months = array(); + + /*** + MONTH NAMES + All of these arrays MUST start with January as the first element + and go through the twelve months of the year, ending on December + ***/ + // The full month name + $months['full'] = array('一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'); + // The three letter month name + $months['abbr'] = array('一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'); + + $this->Months = $months; + + return $this->Months; + } + + /** + * @return array + */ + protected function _LoadLetters() + { + $this->Letters = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); + + return $this->Letters; + } + + protected function _GetHtmlLangCode() + { + return 'zh_tw'; + } +} + +?>