Install with npm:
npm i -S lemon-js
import { Model, model, property } from 'lemon-js';
export class Permission extends TypedModel {
@property public name: string;
export class User extends TypedModel {
@property public age: number;
@property public createdAt: Date;
@property({ index: true }) public email: string;
// Use either ref or refer.
@property([{ refer: Permission }]) public permissions: [Permission];
@property({ default: false }) public isActive: boolean;
@property({ unique: true }) public name: string;
public get displayName() {
return `${ } <${ }>`;
public static findByEmail(email: string): Query<User> {
return this.findOne({ email });
export class Post extends TypedModel {
@property public title: string;
@property public body: string;
@property({ default: 0 }) public readCount: number;
@property public creator: User;
public static findByTitle(title: string): Query<Post> {
return this.findOne({ title });
const write = new Permission({
name: 'write'
const read = new Permission({
name: 'read'
const user = new User({
age: 20,
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'User 1',
permissions: [read._id, write._id]
const post = new Post({
body: 'Post body',
creator: user._id,
title: 'Post 1',
const post = await Post.findByTitle('Post 1').populate('creator').exec();
expect(post.title)'Post 1');
expect(post.creator.displayName)'User 1 <[email protected]>');
const user = await User.findByEmail('[email protected]').populate('permissions').exec();
expect('User 1');
export interface IColor {
r: number;
g: number;
b: number;
export interface ICar {
make: string;
model: string;
color: IColor;
users?: User[];
export interface IRoom {
color: IColor;
name: string;
owner?: User;
export interface IHouse {
name: string;
car: ICar;
rooms: IRoom[];
export class House extends TypedModel implements IHouse {
@property name: string;
subdoc: true,
make: String,
model: String,
color: {
r: Number,
g: Number,
b: Number
users: [{ ref: User }]
car: ICar;
subdoc: true,
name: String,
color: {
r: Number,
g: Number,
b: Number
owner: { refer: User }
rooms: IRoom[];
const wife = new User({
age: 20,
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Wife',
permissions: []
const husband = new User({
age: 25,
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Husband',
permissions: []
const house = new House({
name: 'home',
car: {
make: 'BMW',
model: '550i',
color: {
r: 255,
g: 20,
b: 20
users: [wife._id, husband._id]
rooms: [{
name: 'bedroom 1',
color: {
r: 20,
g: 255,
b: 20
owner: wife._id
}, {
name: 'bedroom 2',
color: {
r: 20,
g: 20,
b: 255
owner: husband._id
const house: House = await House.findOne({ name: 'home' }).populate('rooms.owner').exec() as House;
const house: House = await House.findOne({ name: 'home' }).populate('car.users').exec() as House;
export class ValidateTest extends TypedModel {
public static EMAIL_REGEX = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
validate: [ValidateTest.validateEmail1, 'Uh oh, "{PATH}" invalid 1.']
public email1: string;
validate: [{
validator: ValidateTest.validateEmail2_1,
message: 'Uh oh, "{PATH}" invalid 2-1.'
}, {
validator: ValidateTest.validateEmail2_2,
message: 'Uh oh, "{PATH}" invalid 2-2.'
public email2: string;
validate: ValidateTest.validateEmail3
public email3: string;
validate: {
isAsync: true,
validator: ValidateTest.validateEmail4,
message: 'Uh oh, "{PATH}" invalid 4.'
public email4: string;
public static validateEmail1(value, object) {
// Object is mapped to object
return ValidateTest.EMAIL_REGEX.test(value);
public static validateEmail2_1(value, object) {
// Object is mapped to object
return value.length > 2;
public static validateEmail2_2(value, object) {
// Object is mapped to object
return ValidateTest.EMAIL_REGEX.test(value);
public static validateEmail3(value, object) {
// Object is mapped to object
return ValidateTest.EMAIL_REGEX.test(value);
public static validateEmail4(value, object, callback) {
// Object is mapped to object
// Support mongoose isAsync callback
let result = ValidateTest.EMAIL_REGEX.test(value);
callback(result, 'Overwriting error');
Licensed under MIT.
Based on the work of @megahertz/mongoose-model