thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server.
Run the container mounting a directory with content to host at /var/www
sudo docker run -d -v /path/to/content/dir:/var/www --name thttpd chanux/thttpd
To check whether it worked, find the IP of the container and browse to it.
sudo docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' thttpd
Other fancy docker stuff like binding the container IP to a host IP are left out of this doc :)
I have put the process of compiling thttpd in to a separate Dockerfile ( All the trouble to save a few MBs.
First build the thttpd-build container
sudo docker build -f -t chanux/thttpd-build .
Note: Named dockerfiles are possible from 1.5 up
Run the thttpd-build container mounting bin directory at /target
sudo docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/bin:/target chanux/thttpd-build
This will give you a look at what's going on with the build
When done you can check inside bin directory whether the binary is available. If things looks good, go ahead and build thttpd image.
sudo docker build -t chanux/thttpd .