- China Chengdu
PianoView Public
PianoView provides a ViewPager Indicator looks like piano's keyboard
android-tech-frontier Public
Forked from hehonghui/android-tech-frontier一个定期翻译国外Android优质的技术、开源库、软件架构设计、测试等文章的开源项目
ShapableLoadingView Public
A highly configurable and customized library to do loading progress with any animated shape u want
AgendaCalendarView Public
Forked from Tibolte/AgendaCalendarViewAn Android project providing easy navigation between a calendar and an agenda. This library replicates the basic features from the Sunrise Calendar (now Outlook) app, coupled with some small design…
mockito-doc-zh Public
Forked from hehonghui/mockito-doc-zhMockito框架中文文档