Custom PCB with SAMD21 QT PY controlling TWO ADG1606BRUZ 16 input muxes!
Check-out my PDF schematic !!
The SAMD21 QT PY can be programmed with the qt_py_samd21-usbtmc.uf2 file (drag-n-drop) and has the same USBTMC commands that my Mux Board V1 had. Here is the list:
MUX1:EN 1 # enable MUX1, a zero will disable the mux
MUX1:SEL 1 # select S1 input, values 1 through 16 are valid
MUX1:EN? # this query returns the state of MUX1
MUX1:SEL? # this query returns the presently selected input
*RST # disables all MUX enables and sets DAC to 0V
*IDN? # returns valid commands and this URL
2x10 2.54mm stacking headers can be found on Aliexpress
SAMD21 QT PY and ADG1606BRUZ ICs can be found on Digikey/Mouser.