In the centralized access control model, the service as a principal requests its NToken from SIA Provider and then presents it to the target service which would perform an identical check with ZMS to confirm access.
The required steps to setup the environment for provider and tenant services to support centralized access control are as follows:
- System administrator creates the provider and tenant domains.
- Tenant Domain administrator generates a public/private key pair and registers a service in its domain.
- Provider Domain administrator creates a role and policy that grants access to the given role with configured action and resource.
- Provider Domain administrator adds the Tenant Service to the role to grant access.
- Tenant Domain administrator installs the private key on the host that will be running the client/tenant service.
One important security requirement for this model is that the service identity must be unique for each provider. If the same identity is used to access data from multiple providers, then the first target service provider, if compromised, might use the service's NToken to pretend to be that service and request data from the second target service provider.
The next two sections describe the code changes that the developers must make to their services to support authorized access.
First you need to update your Java project pom.xml
file to indicate
the dependency on the Athenz auth_core Library:
The domain administrator must have already generated a public/private key pair for the service and registered public key in Athenz. The private key must be available on the host where the service will be running.
// we're going to extract our private key from a given file
File rsaPrivateKey = new File("/home/athenz/service/rsa_private.key");
PrivateKey privateKey = Crypto.loadPrivateKey(rsaPrivateKey);
// setup the key identifier that the corresponding public key
// has been registered in ZMS, and set the timeout to be 1 hour
String keyId = "v0";
long tokenTimeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
// create our authority and sia provider object
Authority authority = new PrincipalAuthority();
SimpleServiceIdentityProvider siaProvider =
new SimpleServiceIdentityProvider(authority, privateKey, keyId, tokenTimeout);
// generate a principal for our given domain and service
Principal principal = siaProvider.getIdentity(domainName, serviceName);
// include the principal.getSignedToken() string as the value for the
// Athenz-Principal-Auth header
On the server side the we just need to determine the specific requests action and the resource, extract the NToken string from the Athenz-Principal-Auth header value and contact ZMS to carry out the authorization check.
First you need to update your Java project pom.xml
file to indicate
the dependency on the Athenz zms java client Library:
Now, the most important part of the rest of the required code is to determine the resource and action based on the given http request. Once you have those two values determined, then all that is left is to extract the NToken and contact ZMS for the authorization check.
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)servletRequest;
// your method of extracting the resource value from the http
// request. It might need to look at just the URI or possibly
// the full body of the request.
String resource = translateToMyServiceResource(req);
// your method of extracting an action string from the http
// request.
String action = translateToMyServiceAction(req);
// finally extract the ntoken from the header.
String nToken = req.getHeader(“Athenz-Principal-Auth”);
// create a zms authorizer and contact ZMS to carry out the check
ZMSAuthorizer authorizer = new ZMSAuthorizer(serviceDomain);
boolean access = authorizer.access(action, resource, nToken, null);