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Massarg is a beautiful, flexible, powerful, and simple-to-use command/argument parser for JS applications, allowing you to create complex but easy applications that consume command-line arguments and commands.

It allows you to both parse argument options and flags, as well as hierarchal subcommands, both of which can be parsed into an automatic help command or flag that displays all the information easily, with customizable styles, and content.

You should only focus on actually writing the functionality of your CLI, and not waste it on writing a way to parse the chain of commands, flags or options.

And it should look good too, right?

colored shell output


  • Primary command to be run without args
  • Commands to be run from arg
  • Options with flexible parsing
  • Required options
  • Options with multiple values
  • Nameless options
  • Automatically generated help text:
    • Customizable colors
    • Customizable header and footer text
    • Customizable usage examples
    • Automatic text alignment
    • Add run examples for your args
    • Shows default value and type next to description
  • TypeScript-first package: You will always have strong types


Quick Start


# pnpm
pnpm install massarg
# npm
npm install massarg
# yarn
yarn add massarg


import massarg from 'massarg'


Call the default export function massarg, or create a new instance manually using new Massarg(), and then you can start chaining commands. Use .parse() to do the final parsing and run the commands and options.

Here is an example with some commonly used examples to get you started. Keep reading for a complete documentation of every option.

const parser = massarg({
  name: 'my-cli',
  description: "Does really amazing stuff, you wouldn't believe!",
}) // or: new Massarg()
  .main((options) => console.log('main command', options))
    name: 'foo',
    description: 'a sub command',
    aliases: ['f'],
    run: (options) => console.log('foo command'),
      name: 'bar',
      description: 'another sub command',
      aliases: ['s'],
      run: (options) => console.log('bar command', options),
      name: 'file',
      description: 'Filename to use',
      aliases: ['f'],
      parse: (filename) => path.resolve(process.cwd(), filename),
    name: 'my-string',
    description: 'A string argument',
    aliases: ['s'],
    name: 'flag',
    description: 'a flag that will be related to any command (main or sub)',
    aliases: ['f'],
    description: 'Run the sub command',
    input: 'my-bin --flag sub',
    output: 'Sub command: flag is true',
    bindCommand: true,
    footerText: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Me, Myself and I`,
    titleStyle: {
      bold: true,
      color: 'brightWhite',

Main command

The main command is the one that runs when you supply no other commands.

If no command is specified, and no main command is present, the help usage is automatically printed.



parser.main((options) => {
  console.log('Parsed options:', options)
  // do stuff


$ ./mybin
# Main command runs without options

$ ./mybin --my-string "Some string"
# Main command runs with options { myString: "Some string" }

$ ./mybin foo
# Foo sub command run with options {}


Commands are activated when their keyword is included in the args. The first command that matches will be executed, skipping the rest. Options before will be parsed on the main parser, while anything after the command will be parsed for that subcommand only.


Name Type Required Example Description
name string "my-command" The name of the command, which will be used in the CLI to trigger it
aliases string[] ["m", "mc"] Alternate names for the command, available for use in addition to name
description string "Description of the command" Description for the command, only displayed with --help or printHelp()
run function(options, parser) => void (options) => console.log("my-command", options) Main function that runs this command. The supplied argument is the options passed via the CLI and parsed by massarg.



  name: 'do-something',
  description: 'This command does something',
  aliases: ['do', 'd'],
  run: (options) => {
    console.log('Parsed options:', options)
    // do stuff


$ ./mybin my-command
# Specified "my-command" runs without options

$ ./mybin my-command --my-string "Some string"
# Specified "my-command" runs with option { myString: "Some string" }


Options are variables you can accept via CLI and parse to use in your commands, e.g. --my-bool, --my-string string, --my-number 1.

Aliases use the shorthand syntax, as such: -s string, -n 1.


Name Type Required Default Example Description
name string "my-number" The name of the option, which will be used in the CLI to apply it
aliases string[] ["n"] Alternate names for the option, available for use in addition to name
description string "Description of the command" Description for the command, only displayed with --help or printHelp()
parse function(value, options) => any (s) => String(s) (value, options) => parseInt(value) Function that parses this option. The supplied arguments are the string value from the arg, and other options passed via the CLI and parsed by massarg before this one. Not all options will be available.
isDefault boolean false When true, any args placed without name will be applied to this option. When more than one arg is supplied this way, only the last given will be used (unless the option is an array type).
array boolean false When set to true, you will be able to take multiple values when using the same option more than once. They will all be parsed properly and put into an array.
required boolean false When an option is required, parsing will throw a RequiredError if it was not given a proper value. If it is attached to a specific (or several) commands, it will only throw if the relevant command was used.



  name: 'number',
  aliases: ['n'],
    'This is a number arg, if you include this option, you must supply it with a numeric value.',
  defaultValue: 0,
  parse: (v) => parseInt(v),


$ ./mybin my-command
# Specified "my-command" runs without options

$ ./mybin my-command --my-string "Some string" --my-number 1 --my-bool
# Specified "my-command" runs with option { myString: "Some string", myNumber: 1, myBool: true }

Example Lines

Example lines are annotated samples you can add to your help text. They will be added at the end, above the footer.

The examples consist of inputs, outputs, and optional descriptions. The descriptions are displayed atop as titles, if specified.


Name Type Required Default Example Description
input string "my-cmd --number 10" The input line, an example of user input that will be displayed as "shell" commands. The prefix is customizable through the help() options.
output string "you entered my-cmd with the number 10, which is larger than 5" The output line, an example of the command's output that will be displayed as "shell" output. The prefix is customizable through the help() options.
description string "Run the my-cmd command with a number parameter" An explanation of the input/output that will be display as a title above the input if specified.



  input: 'my-cmd --number 10',
  output: 'you entered my-cmd with the number 10, which is larger than 5',
  description: 'Run the my-cmd command with a number parameter',

Help/Usage Command

You can modify some of the styles and behavior of the help text. None of the options are required, you may override their defaults to modify the behavior.


Name Type Default Description
binName string running script name The name of the binary, to be used when outputting usage information.
printWidth number 80 The amount of characters to allow per line. Use 0 to disable wrapping.
normalColors string | string[] "dim" Colors to use on normal text (descriptions, usage example, etc.)
highlightColors string | string[] "yellow" Colors to use on highlighted text (command names, option names, binary name, etc)
titleColors string | string[] ["bold", "white"] Colors to use on title text ("Options", "Usage", etc)
subtitleColors string | string[] ["bold", "dim"] Colors to use on subtitle text (e.g. command titles for non-gloal options)
bodyColors string | string[] "white" Colors to use on special body text (header, footer, and default value)
header string Additional content to display below the usage line, and above the rest.
footer string Additional content to display below the commands and options, at the very bottom.
commandNameSeparator string " | " Separator for command name & its aliases.
optionNameSeparator string "|" Separator for option name & its aliases.
useGlobalColumns boolean true Decides whether to align the columns of the option/command names and their descriptions globally or per table
usageExample string "[command] [option]" Default text to use as suffix for the binName, which will be used in the "Usage" line of the help text
useColors boolean true When false, no colors will be output in the help. Good for non-supporting systems.
includeDefaults boolean true When false, the default values will not be specified after the description of each option.


  printWidth: 80,
  binName: 'my-app',
  normalColors: 'dim',
  highlightColors: 'yellow',
  titleColors: 'white',
  subtitleColors: ['bold', 'dim'],
  header: 'Header text',
  footer: 'Footer text',
  commandNameSeparator: ' | ',
  optionNameSeparator: '|',
  useGlobalColumns: true,
  usageExample: 'command [option]',

Shell output