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File metadata and controls

839 lines (645 loc) · 22.5 KB

The derivatives plugin allows storing processed files ("derivatives") alongside the main attached file. The processed file data will be saved together with the main attachment data in the same record attribute.

Shrine.plugin :derivatives

Quick start

You'll usually want to create derivatives from an attached file. The simplest way to do this is to define a processor which returns the processed files, and then trigger it when you want to create derivatives.

Here is an example of generating image thumbnails:

# Gemfile
gem "image_processing", "~> 1.8"
require "image_processing/mini_magick"

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  Attacher.derivatives do |original|
    magick = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.source(original)

      small:  magick.resize_to_limit!(300, 300),
      medium: magick.resize_to_limit!(500, 500),
      large:  magick.resize_to_limit!(800, 800),
photo = file)
photo.image_derivatives! # creates derivatives

You can then retrieve the URL of a processed derivative:

photo.image_url(:large) #=> ""

The derivatives data is stored in the <attachment>_data column alongside the main file:

photo.image_data #=>
# {
#   "id": "path/to/original.jpg",
#   "store": "store",
#   "metadata": { ... },
#   "derivatives": {
#     "small": { "id": "path/to/small.jpg", "storage": "store", "metadata": { ... } },
#     "medium": { "id": "path/to/medium.jpg", "storage": "store", "metadata": { ... } },
#     "large": { "id": "path/to/large.jpg", "storage": "store", "metadata": { ... } },
#   }
# }

And they can be retrieved as Shrine::UploadedFile objects:

photo.image(:large)           #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="path/to/large.jpg" storage=:store metadata={...}>
photo.image(:large).url       #=> ""
photo.image(:large).size      #=> 5825949
photo.image(:large).mime_type #=> "image/jpeg"

Retrieving derivatives

The list of stored derivatives can be retrieved with #<name>_derivatives:

photo.image_derivatives #=>
# {
#   small:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#   medium: #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#   large:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
# }

A specific derivative can be retrieved in any of the following ways:

photo.image_derivatives[:small] #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
photo.image_derivatives(:small) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
photo.image(:small)             #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>

Or with nested derivatives:

photo.image_derivatives #=> { thumbnail: { small: ..., medium: ..., large: ... } }

photo.image_derivatives.dig(:thumbnail, :small) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
photo.image_derivatives(:thumbnail, :small)     #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
photo.image(:thumbnails, :small)                #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>

Derivative URL

You can retrieve the URL of a derivative URL with #<name>_url:

photo.image_url(:small)  #=> ""
photo.image_url(:medium) #=> ""
photo.image_url(:large)  #=> ""

For nested derivatives you can pass multiple keys:

photo.image_derivatives #=> { thumbnail: { small: ..., medium: ..., large: ... } }

photo.image_url(:thumbnail, :medium) #=> ""

By default, #<name>_url method will return nil if derivative is not found. You can use the default_url plugin to set up URL fallbacks:

Attacher.default_url do |derivative: nil, **|
  "/fallbacks/#{derivative}.jpg" if derivative
photo.image_url(:medium) #=> ""

Any additional URL options passed to #<name>_url will be forwarded to the storage:

photo.image_url(:small, response_content_disposition: "attachment")

You can also retrieve the derivative URL via UploadedFile#url:


Attacher API

The derivatives API is primarily defined on the Shrine::Attacher class, with some important methods also being exposed through the Shrine::Attachment module.

Here is a model example with equivalent attacher code:

photo.image_derivatives #=> { ... }

photo.image_url(:large) #=> "https://..."
photo.image(:large)     #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
attacher.get_derivatives #=> { ... }

attacher.url(:large) #=> "https://..."
attacher.get(:large) #=> "#<Shrine::UploadedFile>"

Creating derivatives

By default, the Attacher#create_derivatives method downloads the attached file, calls the processor, uploads results to attacher's permanent storage, and saves uploaded files on the attacher.

attacher.file               #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="original.jpg" storage=:store ...>
attacher.create_derivatives # calls default processor and uploads results
attacher.derivatives        #=>
# {
#   small:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="small.jpg" storage=:store ...>,
#   medium: #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="medium.jpg" storage=:store ...>,
#   large:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="large.jpg" storage=:store ...>,
# }

Any additional arguments are forwarded to Attacher#process_derivatives:

attacher.create_derivatives(different_source) # pass a different source file
attacher.create_derivatives(foo: "bar")       # pass custom options to the processor

Create on promote

You can also have derivatives created automatically on promotion:

Shrine.plugin :derivatives, create_on_promote: true
attacher.finalize # creates derivatives on promotion
attacher.derivatives #=> { small: ..., medium: ..., large: ... }

Naming processors

If you want to have multiple processors for an uploader, you can assign each processor a name:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  Attacher.derivatives :thumbnails do |original|
    { large: ..., medium: ..., small: ... }

  Attacher.derivatives :crop do |original|
    { cropped: ... }

Then when creating derivatives you can specify the name of the desired processor. New derivatives will be merged with any existing ones.

attacher.derivatives #=> { large: ..., medium: ..., small: ... }

attacher.derivatives #=> { large: ..., medium: ..., small: ..., cropped: ... }

Derivatives storage

By default, derivatives are uploaded to the permanent storage of the attacher. You can change the destination storage by passing :storage to the creation call:

attacher.create_derivatives(storage: :cache) # will be promoted together with main file
attacher.create_derivatives(storage: :other_store)

You can also change the default destination storage with the :storage plugin option:

plugin :derivatives, storage: :other_store

The storage can be dynamic based on the derivative name:

plugin :derivatives, storage: -> (derivative) do
  if derivative == :thumb

You can also set this option with Attacher.derivatives_storage:

Attacher.derivatives_storage :other_store
# or
Attacher.derivatives_storage do |derivative|
  if derivative == :thumb

The storage block is evaluated in the context of a Shrine::Attacher instance:

Attacher.derivatives_storage do |derivative|
  self    #=> #<Shrine::Attacher>

  file    #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
  record  #=> #<Photo>
  name    #=> :image
  context #=> { ... }

  # ...

Nesting derivatives

Derivatives can be nested to any level, using both hashes and arrays, but the top-level object must be a hash.

Attacher.derivatives :tiff do |original|
    thumbnail: {
      small:  small,
      medium: medium,
      large:  large,
    layers: [
      # ...
attacher.derivatives #=>
# {
#   thumbnail: {
#     small:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#     medium: #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#     large:  #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#   },
#   layers: [
#     #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#     #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#     # ...
#   ]
# }

Processing derivatives

A derivatives processor block takes the original file, and is expected to return a hash of processed files (it can be nested).

Attacher.derivatives :my_processor do |original|
  # return a hash of processed files

The Attacher#create_derivatives method internally calls Attacher#process_derivatives, which in turn calls the processor:

files = attacher.process_derivatives(:my_processor)

Dynamic processing

The processor block is evaluated in context of the Shrine::Attacher instance, which allows you to change your processing logic based on the record data.

Attacher.derivatives :my_processor do |original|
  self    #=> #<Shrine::Attacher>

  file    #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
  record  #=> #<Photo>
  name    #=> :image
  context #=> { ... }

  # ...

Moreover, any options passed to Attacher#process_derivatives will be forwarded to the processor:

attacher.process_derivatives(:my_processor, foo: "bar")
Attacher.derivatives :my_processor do |original, **options|
  options #=> { :foo => "bar" }
  # ...

Source file

By default, the Attacher#process_derivatives method will download the attached file and pass it to the processor:

Attacher.derivatives :my_processor do |original|
  original #=> #<File:...>
  # ...
attacher.process_derivatives(:my_processor) # downloads attached file and passes it to the processor

If you want to use a different source file, you can pass it in to the process call. Typically you'd pass a local file on disk. If you pass a Shrine::UploadedFile object or another IO-like object, it will be automatically downloaded/copied to a local TempFile on disk.

# named processor:
attacher.process_derivatives(:my_processor, source_file)

# default processor:

If you want to call multiple processors in a row with the same source file, you can use this to avoid re-downloading the same source file each time: do |original|
  attacher.process_derivatives(:thumbnails, original)
  attacher.process_derivatives(:colors,     original)

If a processor might not always need a local source file, you avoid a potentially expensive download/copy by registering the processor with download: false, in which case the source file will be passed to the processor as is.

Attacher.derivatives :my_processor, download: false do |source|
  source #=> Could be File, Shrine::UploadedFile, or other IO-like object
  shrine_class.with_file(source) do |file|
    # can force download/copy if necessary with `with_file`,

Adding derivatives

If you already have processed files that you want to save, you can do that with Attacher#add_derivatives:

  one: file_1,
  two: file_2,
  # ...

attacher.derivatives #=>
# {
#   one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   ...
# }

New derivatives will be merged with existing ones:

attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }
attacher.add_derivatives({ two: two_file })
attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }

The merging is deep, so the following will work as well:

attacher.derivatives #=> { nested: { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> } }
attacher.add_derivatives({ nested: { two: two_file } })
attacher.derivatives #=> { nested: { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> } }

For adding a single derivative, you can also use the singular Attacher#add_derivative:

attacher.add_derivative(:thumb, thumbnail_file)

Note that new derivatives will replace any existing derivatives living under the same key, but won't delete them. If this is your case, make sure to save a reference to the old derivatives before assigning new ones, and then delete them after persisting the change.

Any options passed to Attacher#add_derivative(s) will be forwarded to Attacher#upload_derivatives.

attacher.add_derivative(:thumb, thumbnail_file, storage: :thumbnails_store)             # specify destination storage
attacher.add_derivative(:thumb, thumbnail_file, upload_options: { acl: "public-read" }) # pass uploader options

The Attacher#add_derivative(s) methods are thread-safe.

Uploading derivatives

If you want to upload processed files without setting them, you can use Attacher#upload_derivatives:

derivatives = attacher.upload_derivatives({
  one: file_1,
  two: file_2,
  # ...

derivatives #=>
# {
#   one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   ...
# }

For uploading a single derivative, you can also use the singular Attacher#upload_derivative:

attacher.upload_derivative(:thumb, thumbnail_file)
#=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>

Uploader options

You can specify the destination storage by passing :storage option to Attacher#upload_derivative(s). This will override the default derivatives storage setting.

attacher.upload_derivative(:thumb, thumnbail_file, storage: :other_store)
#=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile @id="thumb.jpg" @storage_key=:other_store ...>

Any other options will be forwarded to the uploader:

attacher.upload_derivative :thumb, thumbnail_file,
  upload_options: { acl: "public-read" },
  metadata: { "foo" => "bar" }),
  location: "path/to/derivative"

The :derivative name is automatically passed to the uploader:

class MyUploader < Shrine
  plugin :add_metadata

  add_metadata :md5 do |io, derivative: nil, **|
    calculate_signature(io, :md5) unless derivative

  def generate_location(io, derivative: nil, **)

  plugin :upload_options, store: -> (io, derivative: nil, **) {
    { acl: "public-read" } if derivative

File deletion

Files given to Attacher#upload_derivative(s) are assumed to be temporary, so for convenience they're automatically closed and unlinked after upload.

If you want to disable this behaviour, pass delete: false:

attacher.upload_derivative(:thumb, thumbnail_file, delete: false)

Merging derivatives

If you want to save already uploaded derivatives, you can use Attacher#merge_derivatives:

attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }
attacher.merge_derivatives attacher.upload_derivatives({ two: two_file })
attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }

This does a deep merge, so the following will work as well:

attacher.derivatives #=> { nested: { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> } }
attacher.merge_derivatives attacher.upload_derivatives({ nested: { two: two_file } })
attacher.derivatives #=> { nested: { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> } }

Note that new derivatives will replace any existing derivatives living under the same key, but won't delete them. If this is your case, make sure to save a reference to the old derivatives before assigning new ones, and then delete them after persisting the change.

The Attacher#merge_derivatives method is thread-safe.

Setting derivatives

If instead of adding you want to override existing derivatives, you can use Attacher#set_derivatives:

attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }
attacher.set_derivatives attacher.upload_derivatives({ two: two_file })
attacher.derivatives #=> { two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }

If you're using the model plugin, this method will trigger writing derivatives data into the column attribute.

Promoting derivatives

Any assigned derivatives that are uploaded to temporary storage will be automatically uploaded to permanent storage on Attacher#promote.

attacher.derivatives[:one].storage_key #=> :cache
attacher.derivatives[:one].storage_key #=> :store

If you want more control over derivatives promotion, you can use Attacher#promote_derivatives. Any additional options passed to it are forwarded to the uploader.

attacher.derivatives[:one].storage_key #=> :cache
attacher.promote_derivatives(upload_options: { acl: "public-read" })
attacher.derivatives[:one].storage_key #=> :store

Removing derivatives

If you want to manually remove certain derivatives, you can do that with Attacher#remove_derivative.

attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }
attacher.remove_derivative(:two) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile> (removed derivative)
attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }

You can also use the plural Attacher#remove_derivatives for removing multiple derivatives:

attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, three: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }
attacher.remove_derivative(:two, :three) #=> [#<Shrine::UploadedFile>, #<Shrine::UploadedFile>] (removed derivatives)
attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }

It's possible to remove nested derivatives as well:

attacher.derivatives #=> { nested: { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> } }
attacher.remove_derivative([:nested, :one]) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile> (removed derivative)
attacher.derivatives #=> { nested: { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> } }

The removed derivatives are not automatically deleted, because it's safer to first persist the removal change, and only then perform the deletion.

derivative = attacher.remove_derivative(:two)
# ... persist removal change ...

If you still want to delete the derivative at the time of removal, you can pass delete: true:

derivative = attacher.remove_derivative(:two, delete: true)
derivative.exists? #=> false

Deleting derivatives

If you want to delete a collection of derivatives, you can use Attacher#delete_derivatives:

derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }


derivatives[:one].exists? #=> false
derivatives[:two].exists? #=> false

Without arguments Attacher#delete_derivatives deletes current derivatives:

attacher.derivatives #=> { one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>, two: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> }


attacher.derivatives[:one].exists? #=> false
attacher.derivatives[:two].exists? #=> false

Derivatives are automatically deleted on Attacher#destroy.


Without original

You can store derivatives even if there is no main attached file:

attacher.file #=> nil
attacher.add_derivatives({ one: one_file, two: two_file }) #=>
# {
#   "derivatives" => {
#     "one" => { "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata": { ... } },
#     "two" => { "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata": { ... } },
#   }
# }

However, note that in this case operations such as promotion and deletion will not be automatically triggered in the attachment flow, you'd need to trigger them manually as needed.

Iterating derivatives

If you want to iterate over a nested hash of derivatives (which can be Shrine::UploadedFile objects or raw files), you can use Attacher#map_derivative or Shrine.map_derivative:

derivatives #=>
# {
#   one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   two: { three: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> },
#   four: [#<Shrine::UploadedFile>],
# }

# or Shrine.map_derivative
attacher.map_derivative(derivatives) do |name, file|
  puts "#{name}, #{file}"

# output:
#   :one, #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
#   [:two, :three], #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
#   [:four, 0], #<Shrine::UploadedFile>

Parsing derivatives

If you want to directly parse derivatives data written to a record attribute, you can use Shrine.derivatives (counterpart to Shrine.uploaded_file):

# or MyUploader.derivatives
derivatives = Shrine.derivatives({
  "one" => { "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata" => { ... } },
  "two" => { "three" => { "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata" => { ... } } }
  "four" => [{ "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata" => { ... } }]

derivatives #=>
# {
#   one: #<Shrine::UploadedFile>,
#   two: { three: #<Shrine::UploadedFile> },
#   four: [#<Shrine::UploadedFile>],
# }

Like Shrine.uploaded_file, the Shrine.derivatives method accepts data as a hash (stringified or symbolized) or a JSON string.


The Attacher instance uses a mutex to make Attacher#merge_derivatives thread-safe, which is not marshallable. If you want to be able to marshal the attacher instance, you can skip mutex usage:

plugin :derivatives, mutex: false


If the instrumentation plugin has been loaded, the derivatives plugin adds instrumentation around derivatives processing.

# instrumentation plugin needs to be loaded *before* derivatives
plugin :instrumentation
plugin :derivatives

Processing derivatives will trigger a derivatives.shrine event with the following payload:

Key Description
:processor Name of the derivatives processor
:processor_options Any options passed to the processor
:io The source file passed to the processor
:attacher The attacher instance doing the processing
:uploader The uploader class that sent the event

A default log subscriber is added as well which logs these events:

Derivatives (2133ms) – {:processor=>:thumbnails, :processor_options=>{}, :uploader=>ImageUploader}

You can also use your own log subscriber:

plugin :derivatives, log_subscriber: -> (event) { JSON.generate(name:, duration: event.duration, **event.payload)

Or disable logging altogether:

plugin :derivatives, log_subscriber: nil