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CIT 244: Python II (4226_55Z1) - Program 3: Python & databases - sqlite3 and the wx.ListCtrl ========================================================================

You need to do 2 things to make this program work.

  1. Create a sqlite3 database named speeding_tickes.db, create a table within that database named tickets, then take the CSV file in this link and import that data into the tickets table. tickets.csv
  2. Write a program that reads the data from the table and inserts it into a wx.ListCtrl. The program also uses a dialog box to allow adding new records to the table.

For me to run and grade your program using my database, our two database need the have the same db name, same column names, and the same column data types. So, please follow the given instructions carefully.

The table holds real data for the first 49 speeding tickets issued during the early hours of July 4th, 2014, in or sort of near St. Paul, Minnesota.

Database name: speeding_tickets.db

Table name: tickets
column names: tid, stop_data, stop_time, actual_speed, posted_speed, miles_over, age, violator_sex
tid, the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, is not auto-incrementing. Here's a possible SQL statement to create the table. Note column names and data types:
CREATE TABLE tickets (
   stop_date TEXT NOT NULL,
   stop_time TEXT NOT NULL,
   actual_speed INTEGER NOT NULL,
   posted_speed INTEGER NOT NULL,
   miles_over INTEGER NOT NULL,
   violator_sex TEXT NOT NULL,

And here's a glimpse of the first few records, starting at 11 minutes into the morning of July 4th, 2014, as seen in SqliteStudio.

tid stop_date stop_time actual_speed posted_speed miles_over age violator_sex
20124 7/4/2014 0:11:00 95 70 25 20 Female
20125 7/4/2014 0:36:00 95 70 25 25 Male
20126 7/4/2014 1:02:00 76 55 21 25 Male
20127 7/4/2014 1:02:00 77 60 17 27 Male
20128 7/4/2014 1:15:00 83 70 13 51 Female
20129 7/4/2014 1:28:00 88 55 33 25 Male
20130 7/4/2014 1:33:00 97 70 27 29 Male
20131 7/4/2014 1:52:00 74 30 44 35 Male
20132 7/4/2014 3:42:00 66 55 11 19 Male
20133 7/4/2014 3:51:00 50 40 10 25 Male
20134 7/4/2014 6:23:00 87 65 22 45 Male
20135 7/4/2014 6:27:00 85 70 15 32 Female

The Program Assignment

There is an example program in the lecture notes that is pretty similar in structure to this assignment. Studying that example and watching the associated video before starting this program will save you time in the long run. Just sayin'.

Write a program that reads table data from the database into a wx.ListCtrl. The database will be named speeding_tickets and the table is to be named tickets. The CSV file contains a row of 8 heading and then 49 rows of records.

Your interface will need a wx.Frame and a wx.ListCtrl and 3 buttons. A "Display" button loads all of the ticket data into the list control. An "Insert Citation" button will open a wx.Dialog that allows the user to enter the 8 data items used for a single record. When the user closes the dialog the new record will be SQL :sql:`INSERT`ed to the tickets table and the list control re-populated so as to display the inserted record. You also need a "Close" button to close the program.

A possible interface might look like this; you may design your own layout as long is it works like that shown. The list control should be wide enough that you don't need a horizontal scroll bar. A vertical scroll bar is fine.

Clicking the "Insert Citation" button should open a dialog box that allows adding a new record to the table. You do not necessarily need to have the dialog widgets in 2 columns as shown, a single column would work just as well.

After entering data for a new record, clicking the "OK" button in the dialog box should insert the record into the tickets table. Your code should then repopulate the list control so as to include the new record.

If you missed it, once more here's a link to the tickets CSV file.


Here's what you need to do to get 100% on this one.

  • create a sqlite3 database named speeding_tickets and create a table named tickets with the field names spelled exactly like those given in the CSV file. I recommend using the SQliteStudio, but you may use whatever program or method you want. There is a video on using Sqlite Studio in the lecture notes. You'll need to import the CSV file into SqliteStudio (or whatever) to generate the database.
  • Your program should work with my database. For simplicity, as you write your program keep your database file in the same folder as your program so that we don't have any path issues.
  • import the CSV file into the students table with the exact field names as given in the file. You should have 49 records.
  • your program should properly connect to the database you created using techniques from the lecture notes.
  • the ID field should be an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. it does not need to be auto-incrementing.
  • actual_speed, posted_speed, miles_over, and age should all be :sql:`INTEGER`s.
  • stop_date, stop_time, and violator_sex should be of type TEXT.
  • the "Display" button should load the whole table into the list control
  • the "Insert Citation" button should open a custom dialog that allows entering a new, complete record
  • when the dialog is closed the new record is added to the tickets table using an SQL INSERT` statement and the updated table should then be re-displayed in the list control
  • the "Close" button closes the program.
  • you may use sizers or absolute positioning, your choice, but all widgets need to be visible to the user without having to resize the window.