This is a Yii 2 php application ( with multiple tiers. The structure is:
- frontend What the user sees and uses
- backend What the tabbie admin uses and makes analysis and entering variables
- console What the webserver uses to execute cronjobs
- api What an app, react frontend or external service might use to make REST API calls
each of which is a separate Yii application.
The template is designed to work in a team development environment. It supports deploying the application in different environments.
algorithms/ contains the different algorithms that a user can choose from
config/ contains shared configurations
mail/ contains view files for e-mails
models/ contains model classes used in both backend and frontend
config/ contains console configurations
controllers/ contains console controllers (commands)
migrations/ contains database migrations
models/ contains console-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
assets/ contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
config/ contains backend configurations
controllers/ contains Web controller classes
models/ contains backend-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
views/ contains view files for the Web application
web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
assets/ contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
config/ contains frontend configurations
controllers/ contains Web controller classes
models/ contains frontend-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
views/ contains view files for the Web application
web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
widgets/ contains frontend widgets
vendor/ contains dependent 3rd-party packages
environments/ contains environment-based overrides
tests contains various tests for the advanced application
codeception/ contains tests developed with Codeception PHP Testing Framework
The minimum requirement by this application template that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0.
After you install the application, you have to conduct the following steps to initialize the installed application. You only need to do these once for all.
- Install composer (
- Open terminal and go to the /tabbie2.git folder.
- run
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0.0"
- run
composer update
to load the vendor directory - this will take some time - Run command
php init
to initialize the application with a specific environment. - Create a new database and adjust the configuration in
accordingly. - Apply migrations with console command
yii migrate
. This will create tables needed for the application to work.
To login into the application, you need to first sign up, with any of your email address, username and password. Then, you can login into the application with same email address and password at any time.