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BASIC REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING: Three or more machines: one test exerciser and two or more test cluster machines. The two test cluster machines need to be on the same subnet and they should have journalling filesystems for all of their filesystems other than /boot You also need a number of free IP addresses on that subnet to test mutual IP address takeover The test exerciser machine doesn't need to be on the same subnet as the test cluster machines. Minimal demands are made on the exerciser machine - it just has to stay up during the tests. However, it does need to have a current copy of the cts test scripts. It is worth noting that these scripts are coordinated with particular versions of Pacemaker, so that in general you have to have the same version of test scripts as the rest of Pacemaker. Install Pacemaker on all machines. Configure cluster communications (Corosync, CMAN or Heartbeat) on the cluster machines and verify everything works. NOTE: Do not run the cluster on the test exerciser machine. NOTE: Wherever machine names are mentioned in these configuration files, they must match the machines' `uname -n` name. This may or may not match the machines' FQDN (fully qualified domain name) - it depends on how you (and your OS) have named the machines. It helps a lot in tracking problems if the three machines' clocks are closely synchronized. xntpd does this, but you can do it by hand if you want. Make sure all your filesystems are journalling filesystems (/boot can be ext2 if you want). This means filesystems like ext3. Here's what you need to do to run CTS: The exerciser needs to be able to ssh over to the cluster nodes as root without a password challenge. Configure ssh accordingly. (see the Mini-HOWTOs at the end for more details) The exerciser needs to be able to resolve the machine names of the test cluster - either by DNS or by /etc/hosts. Now assuming you did all this, what you need to do is run CTSlab.py python ./CTSlab.py [options] number-of-tests-to-run You must specify which nodes are part of the cluster: --nodes, eg. --node "pcmk-1 pcmk-2 pcmk-3" Most people will want to save the output: --outputfile, eg. --outputfile ~/cts.log Unless you want to test your own cluster configuration, you will also want: --clobber-cib --populate-resources --test-ip-base, eg. --test-ip-base and configure some sort of fencing: --stonith, eg. --stonith rhcs to use fence_xvm or --stonith lha to use external/ssh A complete command line might look like: python ./CTSlab.py --nodes "pcmk-1 pcmk-2 pcmk-3" --outputfile ~/cts.log \ --clobber-cib --populate-resources --test-ip-base \ --stonith rhcs 50 For other options, use the --help option and see the Mini-HOWTOs at the end for more details on setting up external/ssh. HINT: To extract the result of a particular test, run: crm_report -T $test ============== Mini-HOWTOs: ============== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to make OpenSSH allow you to login as root across the network without a password. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All our scripts run ssh -l root, so you don't have to do any of your testing logged in as root on the test machine 1) Grab your key from the exerciser machine: take the single line out of ~/.ssh/identity.pub and put it into root's authorized_keys file. [This has changed to: copying the line from ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub into root's authorized_keys file ] NOTE: If you don't have an id_dsa.pub file, create it by running: ssh-keygen -t dsa 2) Run this command on each of the cluster machines as root: ssh -v -l myid ererciser-machine cat /home/myid/.ssh/identity.pub \ >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys [For most people, this has changed to: ssh -v -l myid exerciser-machine cat /home/myid/.ssh/id_dsa.pub \ >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys ] You will probably have to provide your password, and possibly say "yes" to some questions about accepting the identity of the test machines 3) You must also do the corresponding update for the exerciser machine itself as root: cat /home/myid/.ssh/identity.pub >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys To test this, try this command from the exerciser machine for each of your cluster machines, and for the exerciser machine itself. ssh -l root cluster-machine If this works without prompting for a password, you're in business... If not, you need to look at the ssh/openssh documentation and the output from the -v options above... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to configure OpenSSH for StonithdTest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This configure enables cluster machines to ssh over to each other without a password challenge. 1) On each of the cluster machines, grab your key: take the single line out of ~/.ssh/identity.pub and put it into root's authorized_keys file. [This has changed to: copying the line from ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub into root's authorized_keys file ] NOTE: If you don't have an id_dsa.pub file, create it by running: ssh-keygen -t dsa 2) Run this command on each of the cluster machines as root: ssh -v -l myid cluster_machine_1 cat /home/myid/.ssh/identity.pub \ >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh -v -l myid cluster_machine_2 cat /home/myid/.ssh/identity.pub \ >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys ...... ssh -v -l myid cluster_machine_n cat /home/myid/.ssh/identity.pub \ >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys [For most people, this has changed to: ssh -v -l myid cluster_machine cat /home/myid/.ssh/id_dsa.pub \ >> ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys ] You will probably have to provide your password, and possibly say "yes" to some questions about accepting the identity of the test machines To test this, try this command from any machine for each of other cluster machines, and for the machine itself. ssh -l root cluster-machine This should work without prompting for a password, If not, you need to look at the ssh/openssh documentation and the output from the -v options above... 3) Make sure the 'at' daemon is enabled on the test cluster machines This is normally the 'atd' service started by /etc/init.d/atd). This doesn't mean just start it, it means enable it to start on every boot into your default init state (probably either 3 or 5). Usually this can be achieved with: chkconfig --add atd chkconfig atd on