Neural Network Compiler
nnc is a neural network compiler that transforms neural networks of various formats into source or machine code.
At this moment only two NN are supported (MobileNet and InceptionV3) in Tensorflow Lite or Caffe format.
--help, -h - print usage and exit
--caffe - treat input file as Caffe model
--tflite - treat input file as Tensor Flow Lite model
--target - select target language to emit for given architecture.
Valid values are 'x86-c++', 'interpreter'
--nnmodel, -m - specify input file with NN model
--output, -o - specify name for output files
--output-dir, -d - specify directory for output files
--input-model-data - interpreter option: specify file with neural network input data.
This file contains array of floats in binary form
--input-node - interpreter option: set input node in Computational Graph
--output-node - interpreter option: set output node in Computational Graph
Assuming that user has already installed nnc as follows:
$ cmake <path_to_nnc_sources> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path_to_install>
$ make all && make install
Also assuming that we have tflite model (for example inceptionv3.tflite)
1. Running nnc in interpreter mode:
<path_to_install>/bin/nnc \
--nnmodel inceptionv3.tflite \
--target interpreter \
--input-model-data data.file \
--input-node input --output-node output
2. Running to generate C/C++ source code:
<path_to_install>/bin/nnc \
--nnmodel inceptionv3.tflite \
--target x86-c++ \
--output inception \
--output-dir output_dir