This module provides helpful definitions for dealing with yum.
Module has been tested on:
- Puppet 4.6.1 and newer
- CentOS 6, 7
Manage main Yum configuration.
class { 'yum':
keep_kernel_devel => false|true,
clean_old_kernels => false|true,
config_options => {
my_cachedir => {
ensure => '/home/waldo/.local/yum/cache',
key => 'cachedir',
gpgcheck => true,
debuglevel => 5,
assumeyes => {
ensure => 'absent',
NOTE: The config_options
parameter takes a Hash where keys are the names of Yum::Config
resources and the values are either the direct ensure
value (gpgcheck
or debuglevel
in the example above), or a Hash of the resource's attributes (my_cachedir
or assumeyes
in the example above). Values may be Strings, Integers, or Booleans. Booleans will be converted to either a 1
or 0
; use a quoted string to get a literal true
or false
If installonly_limit
is changed, purging of old kernel packages is triggered if clean_old_kernels
is true
Manage yum.conf.
yum::config { 'installonly_limit':
ensure => 2,
yum::config { 'debuglevel':
ensure => absent,
Import/remove GPG RPM signing key.
Key defined in recipe (inline):
yum::gpgkey { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppet-smoketest1':
ensure => present,
content => '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Key stored on Puppet fileserver:
yum::gpgkey { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/elrepo/',
Install or remove yum plugin:
yum::plugin { 'versionlock':
ensure => present,
Locks explicitly specified packages from updates. Package name must
be precisely specified in format EPOCH:NAME-VERSION-RELEASE.ARCH
Wild card in package name is allowed or automatically appended,
but be careful and always first check on target machine if your
package is matched correctly! Following definitions create same
configuration lines:
yum::versionlock { '0:bash-4.1.2-9.el6_2.*':
ensure => present,
yum::versionlock { '0:bash-4.1.2-9.el6_2.':
ensure => present,
Correct name for installed package can be easily get by running e.g.:
$ rpm -q bash --qf '%|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}|:%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n'
Install or remove yum package group:
yum::group { 'X Window System':
ensure => present,
timeout => 600,
Install or remove packages via yum install subcommand:
From URL:
yum::install { 'package-name':
ensure => present,
source => 'http://path/to/package/filename.rpm',
From local filesystem:
yum::install { 'package-name':
ensure => present,
source => '/path/to/package/filename.rpm',
Please note that resource name must be same as installed package name.
This module was donated by CERIT Scientific Cloud, [email protected] to Vox Pupuli