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Multi-container environment with Hadoop, Spark and Hive

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Docker multi-container environment with Hadoop, Spark and Hive

This is it: a Docker multi-container environment with Hadoop (HDFS), Spark and Hive. But without the large memory requirements of a Cloudera sandbox. (On my Windows 10 laptop (with WSL2) it seems to consume a mere 3 GB.)

The only thing lacking, is that Hive server doesn't start automatically. To be added when I understand how to do that in docker-compose.

Quick Start

To deploy an the HDFS-Spark-Hive cluster, run:

  docker-compose up

Run example wordcount job:

  make wordcount

docker-compose creates a docker network that can be found by running docker network list, e.g. docker-hadoop-spark-hive_default.

Run docker network inspect on the network (e.g. docker-hadoop-spark-hive_default) to find the IP the hadoop interfaces are published on. Access these interfaces with the following URLs:

  • Namenode: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:9870/dfshealth.html#tab-overview
  • History server: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8188/applicationhistory
  • Datanode: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:9864/
  • Nodemanager: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8042/node
  • Resource manager: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8088/
  • Spark master: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8080/
  • Spark worker: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8081/
  • Hive: http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:10000

Quick Start HDFS

Find the Container ID of the namenode.

  docker ps |grep namenode

1df7a57164de        bde2020/hadoop-namenode:2.0.0-hadoop3.2.1-java8          "/ /run…"   27 hours ago        Up 12 hours (healthy)>9000/tcp,>9870/tcp             namenode

Copy breweries.csv to the namenode.

  docker cp breweries.csv 1df7a57164de:breweries.csv

Go to the bash shell on the namenode with that same Container ID of the namenode.

  docker exec -it 1df7a57164de bash

Create a HDFS directory /data//openbeer/breweries.

  hdfs dfs -mkdir /data
  hdfs dfs -mkdir /data/openbeer
  hdfs dfs -mkdir /data/openbeer/breweries

Copy breweries.csv to HDFS:

  hdfs dfs -put breweries.csv /data/openbeer/breweries/breweries.csv

Quick Start Spark

Go to http://<dockerhadoop_IP_address>:8080 or http://localhost:8080/ on your Docker host (laptop). Here you find the spark:// master address:

  Spark Master at spark://452dd59615b0:7077

Go to the command line of the Spark master and start spark-shell.

  docker ps |grep spark
efef70177b0b        bde2020/spark-worker:3.0.0-hadoop3.2                     "/bin/bash /"   27 hours ago        Up 12 hours      >8081/tcp                                     spark-worker-1
453dd19695b0        bde2020/spark-master:3.0.0-hadoop3.2                     "/bin/bash /"   27 hours ago        Up 12 hours      >7077/tcp, 6066/tcp,>8080/tcp   spark-master

  docker exec -it 453dd19695b0 bash
  spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark://452dd59615b0:7077

Load breweries.csv from HDFS.

  val df ="hdfs://namenode:8020/data/openbeer/breweries/breweries.csv")
| _c0|                 _c1|          _c2|  _c3|_c4|
|null|                name|         city|state| id|
|   0|  NorthGate Brewing |  Minneapolis|   MN|  0|
|   1|Against the Grain...|   Louisville|   KY|  1|
|   2|Jack's Abby Craft...|   Framingham|   MA|  2|
|   3|Mike Hess Brewing...|    San Diego|   CA|  3|
|   4|Fort Point Beer C...|San Francisco|   CA|  4|
|   5|COAST Brewing Com...|   Charleston|   SC|  5|
|   6|Great Divide Brew...|       Denver|   CO|  6|
|   7|    Tapistry Brewing|     Bridgman|   MI|  7|
|   8|    Big Lake Brewing|      Holland|   MI|  8|
|   9|The Mitten Brewin...| Grand Rapids|   MI|  9|
|  10|      Brewery Vivant| Grand Rapids|   MI| 10|
|  11|    Petoskey Brewing|     Petoskey|   MI| 11|
|  12|  Blackrocks Brewery|    Marquette|   MI| 12|
|  13|Perrin Brewing Co...|Comstock Park|   MI| 13|
|  14|Witch's Hat Brewi...|   South Lyon|   MI| 14|
|  15|Founders Brewing ...| Grand Rapids|   MI| 15|
|  16|   Flat 12 Bierwerks| Indianapolis|   IN| 16|
|  17|Tin Man Brewing C...|   Evansville|   IN| 17|
|  18|Black Acre Brewin...| Indianapolis|   IN| 18|
only showing top 20 rows

How cool is that? Your own Spark cluster to play with.

Quick Start Hive

Find the Container ID of the Hive Server.

  docker ps |grep hive-server

60f2c3b5eb32        bde2020/hive:2.3.2-postgresql-metastore                  " /bin/…"   27 hours ago        Up 12 hours             >10000/tcp, 10002/tcp                        hive-server

Go to the command line of the Hive server and start hiveserver2

  docker exec -it 60f2c3b5eb32 bash


Maybe a little check that something is listening on port 10000 now

  netstat -anp | grep 10000
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      446/java

Okay. Beeline is the command line interface with Hive. Let's connect to hiveserver2 now.

  !connect jdbc:hive2:// scott tiger

Didn't expect to encounter scott/tiger again after my Oracle days. But there you have it. Definitely not a good idea to keep that user on production.

Not a lot of databases here yet.

  show databases;
| database_name  |
| default        |
1 row selected (0.335 seconds)

Let's change that.

  create database openbeer;
  use openbeer;

And let's create a table.

    NUM INT,
    NAME CHAR(100),
    CITY CHAR(100),
    STATE CHAR(100),
    ID INT )
location '/data/openbeer/breweries';

And have a little select statement going.

  select name from breweries limit 10;
|                        name                        |
| name                                                                                                 |
| NorthGate Brewing                                                                                    |
| Against the Grain Brewery                                                                            |
| Jack's Abby Craft Lagers                                                                             |
| Mike Hess Brewing Company                                                                            |
| Fort Point Beer Company                                                                              |
| COAST Brewing Company                                                                                |
| Great Divide Brewing Company                                                                         |
| Tapistry Brewing                                                                                     |
| Big Lake Brewing                                                                                     |
10 rows selected (0.113 seconds)

There you go: your private Hive server to play with.

Configure Environment Variables

The configuration parameters can be specified in the hadoop.env file or as environmental variables for specific services (e.g. namenode, datanode etc.):


CORE_CONF corresponds to core-site.xml. fs_defaultFS=hdfs://namenode:8020 will be transformed into:


To define dash inside a configuration parameter, use triple underscore, such as YARN_CONF_yarn_log___aggregation___enable=true (yarn-site.xml):


The available configurations are:

  • /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml CORE_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml HDFS_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml YARN_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/httpfs-site.xml HTTPFS_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/kms-site.xml KMS_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml MAPRED_CONF

If you need to extend some other configuration file, refer to base/ bash script.


Multi-container environment with Hadoop, Spark and Hive






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  • Shell 61.4%
  • Dockerfile 25.5%
  • Makefile 6.4%
  • CSS 4.9%
  • Scala 1.8%