Objective-C SOCKS 5 / RFC 1928 proxy server and socket client libraries built upon GCDAsyncSocket.
- Dead simple SOCKSv5 proxy server for OS X or iOS. Supports acting as background "VoIP" sockets on iOS via GCDAsyncSocket.
SOCKSProxy *proxy = [[SOCKSProxy alloc] init];
[proxy startProxyOnPort:9050];
- Proxy-compatible subclass and drop-in replacement for (most of) GCDAsyncSocket.
GCDAsyncProxySocket *socket = [[GCDAsyncProxySocket alloc] init];
[socket setProxyHost:@"" port:9050 version:GCDAsyncSocketSOCKSVersion5];
[socket connectToHost:@"example.com" onPort:80 error:nil];
For more documentation check out ProxyKit on Cocoadocs.
We use Cocoapods. There are two subspecs for the server and client code. By default both are included. Put one of these your Podfile
pod 'ProxyKit'
pod 'ProxyKit/Server' # Just the server code
pod 'ProxyKit/Client' # Just the client code
To install:
$ pod install
You can run tests by opening up ProxyKit.xcworkspace
after installing the Pods.
- GCDAsyncSocket - GCD-based Async Objective-C socket library
- CocoaLumberjack - A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
- Tether - Tethering for non-jailbroken iOS Devices over USB.
- ChatSecure - free and open source encrypted chat client for iPhone and Android that supports OTR encryption over XMPP.
- Add SOCKS5 username/password support
- Get GCDAsyncProxySocket SOCKS code merged upstream into GCDAsyncSocket
- Better documentation
- Tests
Thank you for your interest in contributing to ProxyKit! Check out the TODO for things that still need to be done.
- Fork the project and work in a feature branch.
- Ensure that the existing tests are passing and/or write more tests.
- Open a pull request on GitHub.
- Thank you!