instantsearch.js is a library of UI widgets to help you build the best instant-search experience with Algolia's Hosted Search API.
Have a look at the website:
Here is an example of what you could easily build with instantsearch.js
You can find the complete tutorial on how it was done on our website.
instantsearch.js is available on jsDelivr:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
We recommend using jsDelivr, but algoliasearch is also available at:
- npmcdn:
Using jsDelivr you will get auto updates for all the 1.x.x versions without any breaking change.
npm install instantsearch.js --save
See our documentation website for complete docs.
let instantsearch = require('instantsearch.js');
// or use the 'instantsearch' global (window) variable when using the jsDelivr build
let search = instantsearch({
appId: appId,
apiKey: apiKey,
indexName: indexName
// add a searchBox widget
container: '#search-box',
placeholder: 'Search for libraries in France...'
// add a hits widget
container: '#hits-container',
hitsPerPage: 10
// start
We natively support IE10+ and all other modern browsers without any dependency need on your side.
To get < IE10 support, please insert this code in the <head>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
We use the
Only the local example:
npm run dev
# open http://localhost:8080
# make changes in your widgets, or in example/app.js
Local example and docs:
npm run dev:docs
# open http://localhost:4000/
npm test # unit tests, jsdom + lint
npm run test:watch # unit tests, jsdom, watch
Most of the time npm run test:watch
is sufficient.
You need docker.
Run it like so:
docker pull elgalu/selenium
docker run --name=grid --net=host --pid=host --privileged=true \
-e VNC_PASSWORD=realtime \
-e NOVNC=true \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm elgalu/selenium
Then run functional tests dev command with auto reload:
npm run test:functional:dev
You can see the live browser at http://localhost:26080/vnc.html (password: fun).
You can use the full webdriverio API:
You can run the underlying web server for debugging purposes:
npm run test:functional:dev:debug-server
Useful when you want to modify the functional test app.
Your docker installation must be compatible and ready to make the --net="host" works.
instantsearch.js is MIT licensed.
We have a contributing guide, join us!