Pelican is a static site generator, written in Python.
- Write your content directly with your editor of choice (vim!) in reStructuredText, Markdown, or AsciiDoc formats
- Includes a simple CLI tool to (re)generate your site
- Easy to interface with distributed version control systems and web hooks
- Completely static output is easy to host anywhere
Pelican currently supports:
- Articles (e.g., blog posts) and pages (e.g., "About", "Projects", "Contact")
- Comments, via an external service (Disqus). (Please note that while useful, Disqus is an external service, and thus the comment data will be somewhat outside of your control and potentially subject to data loss.)
- Theming support (themes are created using Jinja2 templates)
- Publication of articles in multiple languages
- Atom/RSS feeds
- Code syntax highlighting
- PDF generation of the articles/pages (optional)
- Import from WordPress, Dotclear, or RSS feeds
- Integration with external tools: Twitter, Google Analytics, etc. (optional)
"Pelican" is an anagram for calepin, which means "notebook" in French. ;)
You can access the source code at:
If you want to see new features in Pelican, don't hesitate to offer suggestions, clone the repository, etc. There are many ways to :doc:`contribute<contribute>`. That's open source, dude!
Send a message to "authors at getpelican dot com" with any requests/feedback! You can also join the team at #pelican on Freenode (or if you don't have an IRC client handy, use the webchat for quick feedback.
A French version of the documentation is available at :doc:`fr/index`.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 getting_started settings themes plugins internals pelican-themes importer faq tips contribute report changelog