University of Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-nordgren/
Lists (1)
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Genomic data interpretation and visualization Workshop
Tools for manipulating biological data, particularly multiple sequence alignments
KAS-pipe is an analysis pipeline for KAS-seq data. KAS-seq allows rapid (within 5 min), sensitive and genome-wide capture and mapping of ssDNA produced by transcriptionally active RNA polymerases, …
a wordle clone in 1000 lines, using flask and vue
My personal core functions and scripts for manipulating sequence data, phylogenetic trees, and other things.
Data, scripts, and other resources to accompany murine discordance manuscript
A containerized tool for converting single-cell data between Seurat objects (R) and AnnData (Python) formats.
Code for a dynamic multilevel Bayesian model to predict US presidential elections. Written in R and Stan.
Data and methodology for the Big Mac index
The repo containing the Critical Role Dungeons and Dragons Dataset.
A great intro dataset for data exploration & visualization (alternative to iris).
Markdown archive & RSS/Atom feeds for Data Is Plural
A python module to help with extracting and correcting sequences from FASTQ files and general barcode-related utility functions.
Tools for correcting single cell barcodes for various scATAC-seq techniques and creating fragment files and spltting BAM files per cluster.
Python application to generate self-contained pages embedding IGV visualizations, with no dependency on original input files.
A command line interface for interacting with the Box API.
A complete tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis
GFF and GTF file manipulation and interconversion
A bioinformatics tool for working with modified bases