A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript.
Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching
from imperative to functional. It's like replacing nested for-loops with functional programming
concepts like map
and filter
. Stop working on individual events and work with event streams instead.
Combine your data with merge
and combine
Then switch to the heavier weapons and wield flatMap
and combineTemplate
like a boss.
It's the _
of Events. Too bad the symbol ~
is not allowed in JavaScript.
Here's the stuff.
- Homepage
- Source files
- Generated javascript
- Specs
- Examples
- Wiki with more docs, related projects and more
- Cheat Sheet
- My Blog with some baconful and reactive postings along with a Bacon.js tutorial
- Bacon.js Blog
- Bacon.js Google Group for discussion and questions
- TodoMVC with Bacon.js and jQuery
- Stack Overflow for well-formed questions. Use the "bacon.js" tag.
- Gitter chat for developers of Bacon.
You can also check out my entertaining (LOL), interactive, solid-ass slideshow.
And remember to give me feedback on the bacon! Let me know if you've used it. Tell me how it worked for you. What's missing? What's wrong? Please contribute!
- Bacon.js
- Table of contents
- Install
- Intro
- Creating streams
- Bacon.fromBinder for custom streams
- Common methods in EventStreams and Properties
- EventStream
- Property
- Combining multiple streams and properties
- Function Construction rules
- Lazy evaluation
- Latest value of Property or EventStream
- Bus
- Event
- Errors
- Join Patterns
- Introspection and metadata
- Cleaning up
- EventStream and Property semantics
- Atomic updates
- For RxJs Users
- Examples
- Build
- Test
- Dependencies
- Compatibility with other libs
- Compatibility with browsers
- Node.js
- Why Bacon?
- Contribute
- Sponsors
If you're targeting to node.js, you can
npm install baconjs
For bower users:
bower install bacon
Both minified and unminified versions available on cdnjs.
Starting from 0.7.45, you can build your own Bacon.js bundle with selected features only. See instructions here.
Prefer to drink from the firehose? Download from Github master.
Visual Studio users can obtain version 0.7.76 via NuGet Packages https://www.nuget.org/packages/Bacon.js/0.7.76
The idea of Functional Reactive Programming is quite well described by Conal Elliot at Stack Overflow.
Bacon.js is a library for functional reactive programming. Or let's say it's a library for working with events and dynamic values (which are called Properties in Bacon.js).
Anyways, you can wrap an event source,
say "mouse clicks on an element" into an EventStream
by saying
var clicks = $("h1").asEventStream("click")
Each EventStream represents a stream of events. It is an Observable object, meaning
that you can listen to events in the stream using, for instance, the onValue
with a callback. Like this:
clicks.onValue(function() { alert("you clicked the h1 element") })
But you can do neater stuff too. The Bacon of bacon.js is in that you can transform,
filter and combine these streams in a multitude of ways (see API below). The methods map
, for example, are similar to same functions in functional list programming
(like Underscore). So, if you say
var plus = $("#plus").asEventStream("click").map(1)
var minus = $("#minus").asEventStream("click").map(-1)
var both = plus.merge(minus)
.. you'll have a stream that will output the number 1 when the "plus" button is clicked
and another stream outputting -1 when the "minus" button is clicked. The both
stream will
be a merged stream containing events from both the plus and minus streams. This allows
you to subscribe to both streams with one handler:
both.onValue(function(val) { /* val will be 1 or -1 */ })
In addition to EventStreams, bacon.js has a thing called Property
, that is almost like an
EventStream, but has a "current value". So things that change and have a current state are
Properties, while things that consist of discrete events are EventStreams. You could think
mouse clicks as an EventStream and mouse position as a Property. You can create Properties from
an EventStream with scan
or toProperty
methods. So, let's say
function add(x, y) { return x + y }
var counter = both.scan(0, add)
counter.onValue(function(sum) { $("#sum").text(sum) })
The counter
property will contain the sum of the values in the both
stream, so it's practically
a counter that can be increased and decreased using the plus and minus buttons. The scan
was used here to calculate the "current sum" of events in the both
stream, by giving a "seed value"
and an "accumulator function" add
. The scan method creates a property that starts with the given
seed value and on each event in the source stream applies the accumulator function to the current
property value and the new value from the stream.
Properties can be very conveniently used for assigning values and attributes to DOM elements with JQuery. Here we assign the value of a property as the text of a span element whenever it changes:
property.assign($("span"), "text")
Hiding and showing the same span depending on the content of the property value is equally straightforward
function hiddenForEmptyValue(value) { return value == "" ? "hidden" : "visible" }
property.map(hiddenForEmptyValue).assign($("span"), "css", "visibility")
In the example above a property value of "hello" would be mapped to "visible", which in turn would result in Bacon calling
$("span").css("visibility", "visible")
For an actual tutorial, please check out my blog posts
creates an EventStream from events on a
jQuery or Zepto.js object. You can pass optional arguments to add a
jQuery live selector and/or a function that processes the jQuery
event and its parameters, if given, like this:
$("#my-div").asEventStream("click", ".more-specific-selector")
$("#my-div").asEventStream("click", ".more-specific-selector", function(event, args) { return args[0] })
$("#my-div").asEventStream("click", function(event, args) { return args[0] })
Bacon.fromPromise(promise [, abort] [, eventTransformer])
creates an EventStream from a Promise object such as JQuery Ajax.
This stream will contain a single value or an error, followed immediately by stream end.
You can use the optional abort flag (i.e. ´fromPromise(p, true)´ to have the abort
method of the given promise be called when all subscribers have been removed from the created stream.
You can also pass an optional function that transforms the promise value into Events. The default is to transform the value into [new Bacon.Next(value), new Bacon.End()]
Check out this example.
Bacon.fromEvent(target, eventName [, eventTransformer])
creates an EventStream from events
on a DOM EventTarget or Node.JS EventEmitter object, or an object that supports event listeners using on
You can also pass an optional function that transforms the emitted
events' parameters.
Bacon.fromEvent(document.body, "click").onValue(function() { alert("Bacon!") })
Bacon.fromCallback(f [, args...])
creates an EventStream from a function that
accepts a callback. The function is supposed to call its callback just
once. For example:
Bacon.fromCallback(function(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000)
This would create a stream that outputs a single value "Bacon!" and ends after that. The use of setTimeout causes the value to be delayed by 1 second.
You can also give any number of arguments to fromCallback
, which will be
passed to the function. These arguments can be simple variables, Bacon
EventStreams or Properties. For example the following will output "Bacon rules":
bacon = Bacon.constant('bacon')
Bacon.fromCallback(function(a, b, callback) {
callback(a + ' ' + b);
}, bacon, 'rules').log();
Bacon.fromCallback(object, methodName [, args...])
a variant of fromCallback which calls the named method of a given object.
Bacon.fromNodeCallback(f [, args...])
behaves the same way as Bacon.fromCallback
except that it expects the callback to be called in the Node.js convention:
callback(error, data)
, where error is null if everything is fine. For example:
var Bacon = require('baconjs').Bacon,
fs = require('fs');
var read = Bacon.fromNodeCallback(fs.readFile, 'input.txt');
read.onError(function(error) { console.log("Reading failed: " + error); });
read.onValue(function(value) { console.log("Read contents: " + value); });
creates an EventStream from an
ES Observable. Input can be any
ES Observable implementation including RxJS and Kefir.
Bacon.fromNodeCallback(object, methodName [, args...])
a variant of fromNodeCallback which calls the named method of a given object.
Bacon.fromPoll(interval, f)
polls given function with given interval.
Function should return Events: either Bacon.Next
or Bacon.End
. Polling occurs only
when there are subscribers to the stream. Polling ends permanently when
returns Bacon.End
creates an EventStream that delivers the given
single value for the first subscriber. The stream will end immediately
after this value. You can also send an Bacon.Error
event instead of a
value: Bacon.once(new Bacon.Error("fail"))
creates an EventStream that delivers the given
series of values (given as array) to the first subscriber. The stream ends after these
values have been delivered. You can also send Bacon.Error
events, or
any combination of pure values and error events like this:
`Bacon.fromArray([1, new Bacon.Error()])
Bacon.interval(interval, value)
repeats the single element
indefinitely with the given interval (in milliseconds)
Bacon.sequentially(interval, values)
creates a stream containing given
values (given as array). Delivered with given interval in milliseconds.
Bacon.repeatedly(interval, values)
repeats given elements indefinitely
with given interval in milliseconds. For example, repeatedly(10, [1,2,3])
would lead to 1,2,3,1,2,3...
to be repeated indefinitely.
Calls generator function which is expected to return an observable. The returned EventStream contains
values and errors from the spawned observable. When the spawned observable ends, the generator is called
again to spawn a new observable.
This is repeated until the generator returns a falsy value
(such as undefined
or false
The generator function is called with one argument — iteration number starting from 0
Here's an example:
Bacon.repeat(function(i) {
if (i < 3) {
return Bacon.once(i);
} else {
return false;
The example will produce values 0, 1 and 2.
creates an EventStream that immediately ends.
Bacon.later(delay, value)
creates a single-element stream that
produces given value after given delay (milliseconds).
new Bacon.EventStream(subscribe)
creates an EventStream
with the given subscribe function.
creates a stream of changes to the Property
. The stream does not include
an event for the current value of the Property at the time this method was called.
creates an EventStream based on this Property. The stream contains also an event for the current
value of this Property at the time this method was called.
new Bacon.Bus()
creates a pushable/pluggable stream (see Bus section below)
Pro tip: you can also put Errors into streams created with the
constructors above, by using an Bacon.Error
object instead of a plain
If none of the factory methods above apply, you may of course roll your own EventStream by using Bacon.fromBinder
The parameter subscribe
is a function that accepts a sink
which is a function that your subscribe
function can "push" events to.
For example:
var stream = Bacon.fromBinder(function(sink) {
sink("first value")
sink([new Bacon.Next("2nd"), new Bacon.Next("3rd")])
sink(new Bacon.Next(function() {
return "This one will be evaluated lazily"
sink(new Bacon.Error("oops, an error"))
sink(new Bacon.End())
return function() {
// unsub functionality here, this one's a no-op
As shown in the example, you can push
- A plain value, like
"first value"
- An
object includingBacon.Error
(wraps an error) andBacon.End
(indicates stream end). - An array of event objects at once
Other examples can be found on JSFiddle and the Bacon.js blog.
The subscribe
function must return a function. Let's call that function
. The returned function can be used by the subscriber (directly or indirectly) to
unsubscribe from the EventStream. It should release all resources that the subscribe function reserved.
The sink
function may return Bacon.noMore
(as well as Bacon.more
or any other value). If it returns Bacon.noMore
, no further events will be consumed
by the subscriber. The subscribe
function may choose to clean up all resources at this point (e.g.,
by calling unsubscribe
). This is usually not necessary, because further calls to sink
are ignored,
but doing so can increase performance in rare cases.
The EventStream will wrap your subscribe
function so that it will
only be called when the first stream listener is added, and the unsubscribe
function is called only after the last listener has been removed.
The subscribe-unsubscribe cycle may of course be repeated indefinitely,
so prepare for multiple calls to the subscribe function.
A note about the new Bacon.Next(..)
constructor: You can use it like
new Bacon.Next("value")
But the canonical way would be
new Bacon.Next(function() { return "value"; })
The former version is safe only when you know that the actual value in the stream is not a function.
The idea in using a function instead of a plain value is that the internals on Bacon.js take
advantage of lazy evaluation by deferring the evaluations of values
created by map
, combine
The opaque value sink
function may return. See Bacon.fromBinder
The opaque value sink
function may return. See Bacon.fromBinder
Both EventStream and Property share the Observable interface, and hence share a lot of methods. Methods typically return observables so that methods can be chained; exceptions are noted. Common methods are listed below.
subscribes given handler function to event stream. Function will receive event objects
for all new value, end and error events in the stream.
The subscribe() call returns a unsubscribe
function that you can call to unsubscribe.
You can also unsubscribe by returning Bacon.noMore
from the handler function as a reply
to an Event.
and property.subscribe
behave similarly, except that the latter also
pushes the initial value of the property, in case there is one.
subscribes a given handler function to the observable. Function will be called for each new value.
This is the simplest way to assign a side-effect to an observable. The difference
to the subscribe
method is that the actual stream values are
received, instead of Event
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
Just like subscribe
, this method returns a function for unsubscribing.
and property.onValue
behave similarly, except that the latter also
pushes the initial value of the property, in case there is one.
like onValue
, but splits the value (assuming its an
array) as function arguments to f
subscribes a callback to error events. The function will be called for each error in the stream.
Just like subscribe
, this method returns a function for unsubscribing.
subscribes a callback to stream end. The function will be called when the stream ends.
Just like subscribe
, this method returns a function for unsubscribing.
returns a Promise which will be resolved with the last event coming from an Observable.
The global ES6 promise implementation will be used unless a promise constructor is given.
Use a shim if you need to support legacy browsers or platforms.
caniuse promises.
returns a Promise which will be resolved with the first event coming from an Observable.
Like toPromise
, the global ES6 promise implementation will be used unless a promise
constructor is given.
Aliased as observable[Symbol.observable]()
. Returns an
ES Observable containing the
events from Bacon observable. This allows Bacon observables to be used with
and provides interoperability with other ES observable
implementations such as RxJS and Kefir.
maps values using given function, returning a new
stream/property. Instead of a function, you can also provide a constant
value. Further, you can use a property extractor string like
".keyCode". So, if f is a string starting with a
dot, the elements will be mapped to the corresponding field/function in the event
value. For instance map(".keyCode") will pluck the keyCode field from
the input values. If keyCode was a function, the result stream would
contain the values returned by the function.
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
The map
method, among many others, uses lazy evaluation.
maps the stream events to the current value of
the given property. This is equivalent to property.sampledBy(stream)
maps errors using given function. More
specifically, feeds the "error" field of the error event to the function
and produces a Next
event based on the return value.
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
You can omit the argument to produce a Next
event with undefined
returns a stream containing Error
events only.
Same as filtering with a function that always returns false.
skips all errors.
Adds an extra Next
event just before End. The value is created
by calling the given function when the source stream ends. Instead of a
function, a static value can be used. You can omit the argument to
produce a Next event with undefined
filters values using given predicate function.
Instead of a function, you can use a constant value (true
to include all, false
to exclude all) or a
property extractor string (like ".isValuable") instead. Just like with
, indeed.
filters values based on the value of a
property. Event will be included in output if and only if the property holds true
at the time of the event.
drops consecutive equal elements. So,
from [1, 2, 2, 1]
you'd get [1, 2, 1]
. Uses the ===
operator for equality
checking by default. If the isEqual argument is supplied, checks by calling
isEqual(oldValue, newValue). For instance, to do a deep comparison,you can
use the isEqual function from underscore.js
like stream.skipDuplicates(_.isEqual)
takes at most n values from the stream and then ends the stream. If the stream has
fewer than n values then it is unaffected.
Equal to Bacon.never()
if n <= 0
takes elements from source until a Next event appears in the other stream.
If other stream ends without value, it is ignored.
takes while given predicate function holds true, and then ends.
Function Construction rules apply.
takes values while the value of a property holds true, and then ends.
takes the first element from the stream. Essentially observable.take(1)
takes the last element from the stream. None, if stream is empty.
Note: neverEndingStream.last()
creates the stream which doesn't produce any events and never ends.
skips the first n elements from the stream
concatenates two streams/properties into one stream/property so that
it will deliver events from observable
until it ends and then deliver
events from other
. This means too that events from other
occurring before the end of observable
will not be included in the result
delays the stream/property by given amount of milliseconds. Does not delay the initial value of a Property
var delayed = source.delay(2)
source: asdf----asdf----
delayed: --asdf----asdf--
throttles stream/property by given amount
of milliseconds. Events are emitted with the minimum interval of
. The implementation is based on stream.bufferWithTime
Does not affect emitting the initial value of a Property
var throttled = source.throttle(2)
source: asdf----asdf----
throttled: --s--f----s--f--
throttles stream/property by given amount
of milliseconds, but so that event is only emitted after the given
"quiet period". Does not affect emitting the initial value of a Property.
The difference of throttle
and debounce
is the same as it is in the
same methods in jQuery.
source: asdf----asdf----
source.debounce(2): -----f-------f--
passes the first event in the
stream through, but after that, only passes events after a given number
of milliseconds have passed since previous output.
source: asdf----asdf----
source.debounceImmediate(2): a-d-----a-d-----
throttles the observable using a buffer so that at most one value event in minimumInteval is issued.
Unlike throttle
, it doesn't discard the excessive events but buffers them instead, outputting
them with a rate of at most one value per minimumInterval.
var throttled = source.bufferingThrottle(2)
source: asdf----asdf----
throttled: a-s-d-f-a-s-d-f-
returns a stream/property where the function f
is executed for each value, before dispatching to subscribers. This is
useful for debugging, but also for stuff like calling the
method for events. In fact, you can
also use a property-extractor string instead of a function, as in
Please note that for Properties, it's not guaranteed that the function will be called exactly once per event; when a Property loses all of its subscribers it will re-emit its current value when a new subscriber is added.
returns a stream/property where the function f
is executed for each error, before dispatching to subscribers.
That is, same as doAction
but for errors.
returns a stream/property that inverts boolean values
for each element in the source stream, spawn a new
stream using the function f
. Collect events from each of the spawned
streams into the result EventStream
. Note that instead of a function, you can provide a
stream/property too. Also, the return value of function f
can be either an
(stream/property) or a constant value. The result of
is always an EventStream
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
can be used conveniently with Bacon.once()
and Bacon.never()
for converting and filtering at the same time, including only some of the results.
Example - converting strings to integers, skipping empty values:
stream.flatMap(function(text) {
return (text != "") ? parseInt(text) : Bacon.never()
like flatMap
, but instead of including events from
all spawned streams, only includes them from the latest spawned stream.
You can think this as switching from stream to stream.
Note that instead of a function, you can provide a stream/property too.
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
like flatMap
, but only spawns a new
stream if the previously spawned stream has ended.
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
like flatMap
, but is applied only on Error
events. Returned values go into the
value stream, unless an error event is returned. As an example, one type of error could result in a retry and another just
passed through, which can be implemented using flatMapError.
observable.flatMapWithConcurrencyLimit(limit, f)
a super method of flatMap family. It limits the number of open spawned streams and buffers incoming events.
is flatMapWithConcurrencyLimit(1)
(only one input active),
and flatMap
is flatMapWithConcurrencyLimit ∞
(all inputs are piped to output).
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
a flatMapWithConcurrencyLimit
with limit of 1.
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
observable.scan(seed, f)
scans stream/property with given seed value and
accumulator function, resulting to a Property. For example, you might
use zero as seed and a "plus" function as the accumulator to create
an "integral" property. Instead of a function, you can also supply a
method name such as ".concat", in which case this method is called on
the accumulator value and the new stream value is used as argument.
var plus = function (a,b) { return a + b }
Bacon.sequentially(1, [1,2,3]).scan(0, plus)
This would result to following elements in the result stream:
seed value = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 2 = 3
3 + 3 = 6
When applied to a Property as in r = p.scan(seed, f)
, there's a (hopefully insignificant) catch:
The starting value for r
depends on whether p
has an
initial value when scan is applied. If there's no initial value, this works
identically to EventStream.scan: the seed
will be the initial value of
. However, if r
already has a current/initial value x
, the
seed won't be output as is. Instead, the initial value of r
will be f(seed, x)
. This makes sense,
because there can only be 1 initial value for a Property at a time.
observable.fold(seed, f)
is like scan
but only emits the final
value, i.e. the value just before the observable ends. Returns a
observable.reduce(seed, f)
synonym for fold
observable.diff(start, f)
returns a Property that represents the result of a comparison
between the previous and current value of the Observable. For the initial value of the Observable,
the previous value will be the given start.
var distance = function (a,b) { return Math.abs(b - a) }
Bacon.sequentially(1, [1,2,3]).diff(0, distance)
This would result to following elements in the result stream:
1 - 0 = 1
2 - 1 = 1
3 - 2 = 1
observable.zip(other [, f])
return an EventStream with elements
pair-wise lined up with events from this and the other EventStream or Property.
A zipped stream will publish only when it has a value from each
source and will only produce values up to when any single source ends.
The given function f
is used to create the result value from value in the two
sources. If no function is given, the values are zipped into an array.
Be careful not to have too much "drift" between streams. If one stream produces many more values than some other excessive buffering will occur inside the zipped observable.
Example 1:
var x = Bacon.fromArray([1, 2])
var y = Bacon.fromArray([3, 4])
x.zip(y, function(x, y) { return x + y })
# produces values 4, 6
See also zipWith
and zipAsArray
for zipping more than 2 sources.
observable.slidingWindow(max [, min])
returns a Property that represents a
"sliding window" into the history of the values of the Observable. The
result Property will have a value that is an array containing the last n
values of the original observable, where n
is at most the value of the
argument, and at least the value of the min
argument. If the
argument is omitted, there's no lower limit of values.
For example, if you have a stream s
with value a sequence 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5, the
respective values in s.slidingWindow(2)
would be [] - [1] - [1,2] -
[2,3] - [3,4] - [4,5]. The values of s.slidingWindow(2,2)
would be
[1,2] - [2,3] - [3,4] - [4,5].
logs each value of the Observable to the console.
It optionally takes arguments to pass to console.log() alongside each
value. To assist with chaining, it returns the original Observable. Note
that as a side-effect, the observable will have a constant listener and
will not be garbage-collected. So, use this for debugging only and
remove from production code. For example:
myStream.log("New event in myStream")
or just
logs each value of the Observable to the console. doLog() behaves like log
but does not subscribe to the event stream. You can think of doLog() as a
logger function that – unlike log() – is safe to use in production. doLog() is
safe, because it does not cause the same surprising side-effects as log()
observable.combine(property2, f)
combines the latest values of the two
streams or properties using a two-arg function. Similarly to scan
, you can use a
method name instead, so you could do a.combine(b, ".concat")
for two
properties with array value. The result is a Property.
observable.withStateMachine(initState, f)
lets you run a state machine
on an observable. Give it an initial state object and a state
transformation function that processes each incoming event and
returns an array containing the next state and an array of output
events. Here's an example where we calculate the total sum of all
numbers in the stream and output the value on stream end:
.withStateMachine(0, function(sum, event) {
if (event.hasValue())
return [sum + event.value(), []]
else if (event.isEnd())
return [undefined, [new Bacon.Next(sum), event]]
return [sum, [event]]
decodes input using the given mapping. Is a
bit like a switch-case or the decode function in Oracle SQL. For
example, the following would map the value 1 into the string "mike"
and the value 2 into the value of the who
property.decode({1 : "mike", 2 : who})
This is actually based on combineTemplate
so you can compose static
and dynamic data quite freely, as in
property.decode({1 : { type: "mike" }, 2 : { type: "other", whoThen : who }})
The return value of decode
is always a Property
creates a Property that indicates whether
is awaiting otherObservable
, i.e. has produced a value after the latest
value from otherObservable
. This is handy for keeping track whether we are
currently awaiting an AJAX response:
var showAjaxIndicator = ajaxRequest.awaiting(ajaxResponse)
ends the Observable
on first Error
event. The
error is included in the output of the returned Observable
ends the Observable
on first Error
event for which
the given predicate function returns true. The error is included in the
output of the returned Observable
. The Function Construction rules apply, so
you can do for example .endOnError(".serious")
lets you do more custom event handling: you
get all events to your function and you can output any number of events
and end the stream if you choose. For example, to send an error and end
the stream in case a value is below zero:
if (event.hasValue() && event.value() < 0) {
this.push(new Bacon.Error("Value below zero"));
return this.push(end());
} else {
return this.push(event);
Note that it's important to return the value from this.push
so that
the connection to the underlying stream will be closed when no more
events are needed.
sets the name of the observable. Overrides the default
implementation of toString
and inspect
Returns itself.
Sets the structured description of the observable. The toString
and inspect
use this data recursively to create a string representation for the observable. This method
is probably useful for Bacon core / library / plugin development only.
For example:
var src = Bacon.once(1)
var obs = src.map(function(x) { return -x })
--> Bacon.once(1).map(function)
obs.withDescription(src, "times", -1)
--> Bacon.once(1).times(-1)
observable.groupBy(keyF [, limitF])
Groups stream events to new streams by keyF
. Optional limitF
can be provided to limit grouped
stream life. Stream transformed by limitF
is passed on if provided. limitF
gets grouped stream
and the original event causing the stream to start as parameters.
Calculator for grouped consecutive values until group is cancelled:
var events = [
{id: 1, type: "add", val: 3 },
{id: 2, type: "add", val: -1 },
{id: 1, type: "add", val: 2 },
{id: 2, type: "cancel"},
{id: 3, type: "add", val: 2 },
{id: 3, type: "cancel"},
{id: 1, type: "add", val: 1 },
{id: 1, type: "add", val: 2 },
{id: 1, type: "cancel"}
function keyF(event) {
return event.id
function limitF(groupedStream, groupStartingEvent) {
var cancel = groupedStream.filter(function(x) { return x.type === "cancel"}).take(1)
var adds = groupedStream.filter(function(x) { return x.type === "add" })
return adds.takeUntil(cancel).map(".val")
Bacon.sequentially(2, events)
.groupBy(keyF, limitF)
.flatMap(function(groupedStream) {
return groupedStream.fold(0, function(acc, x) { return acc + x })
.onValue(function(sum) {
// returns [-1, 2, 8] in an order
a stream of events. See methods below.
merges two streams into one stream that delivers events from both
pauses and buffers the event stream if last event in valve is truthy.
All buffered events are released when valve becomes falsy.
adds a starting value to the stream, i.e. concats a
single-element stream contains value
with this stream.
skips elements until the given predicate function returns falsy once, and then
lets all events pass through.
The Function Construction rules below apply here.
skips elements until the value of the given Property is falsy once, and then
lets all events pass through.
skips elements from stream
until a Next event
appears in stream2
. In other words, starts delivering values
from stream
after first event appears in stream2
buffers stream events with given delay.
The buffer is flushed at most once in the given delay. So, if your input
contains [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], then you might get two events containing [1,2,3,4]
and [5,6,7] respectively, given that the flush occurs between numbers 4 and 5.
works with a given "defer-function" instead
of a delay. Here's a simple example, which is equivalent to
stream.bufferWithTime(function(f) { setTimeout(f, 10) })
buffers stream events with given count.
The buffer is flushed when it contains the given number of elements. So, if
you buffer a stream of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
with count 2
, you'll get output
events with values [1, 2]
, [3, 4]
and [5]
stream.bufferWithTimeOrCount(delay, count)
buffers stream events and
flushes when either the buffer contains the given number elements or the
given amount of milliseconds has passed since last buffered event.
creates a Property based on the
EventStream. Without arguments, you'll get a Property without an initial value.
The Property will get its first actual value from the stream, and after that it'll
always have a current value.
creates a Property based on the
EventStream with the given initial value that will be used as the current value until
the first value comes from the stream.
stream.flatScan(seed, f)
scans stream with given seed value and accumulator function, resulting to a Property.
Difference to scan
is that the function f
can return an EventStream
or a Property
of a pure value, meaning that you can use flatScan
for asynchronous updates of state. It serializes
updates so that that the next update will be queued until the previous one has completed.
a reactive property. Has the concept of "current value".
You can create a Property from an EventStream by using either toProperty
or scan
method. Note: depending on how a Property is created, it may or may not
have an initial value. The current value stays as its last value after the stream has ended.
creates a constant property with value x.
property.assign(obj, method [, param...])
calls the method of the given
object with each value of this Property. You can optionally supply
arguments which will be used as the first arguments of the method call.
For instance, if you want to assign your Property to the "disabled"
attribute of a JQuery object, you can do this:
myProperty.assign($("#my-button"), "attr", "disabled")
A simpler example would be to toggle the visibility of an element based on a Property:
myProperty.assign($("#my-button"), "toggle")
Note that the assign
method is actually just a synonym for onValue
the function construction rules below apply to both.
creates an EventStream by sampling the
property value at given interval (in milliseconds)
creates an EventStream by sampling the
property value at each event from the given stream. The result
EventStream will contain the property value at each event in the source
creates a Property by sampling the
property value at each event from the given property. The result
Property will contain the property value at each event in the source
property.sampledBy(streamOrProperty, f)
samples the property on stream
events. The result values will be formed using the given function
f(propertyValue, samplerValue)
. You can use a method name (such as
".concat") instead of a function too.
returns an EventStream
of property value changes.
Returns exactly the same events as the property itself, except any Initial
events. Note that property.changes()
does NOT skip duplicate values, use .skipDuplicates() for that.
combines properties with the &&
combines properties with the ||
adds an initial "default" value for the
Property. If the Property doesn't have an initial value of it's own, the
given value will be used as the initial value. If the property has an
initial value of its own, the given value will be ignored.
combines Properties, EventStreams and
constant values so that the result Property will have an array of all
property values as its value. The input array may contain both Properties
and EventStreams. In the latter case, the stream is first converted into
a Property and then combined with the other properties.
Bacon.combineAsArray(s1, s2...)
just like above, but with streams
provided as a list of arguments as opposed to a single array.
property = Bacon.constant(1)
stream = Bacon.once(2)
constant = 3
Bacon.combineAsArray(property, stream, constant)
# produces the value [1,2,3]
Bacon.combineWith(f, stream1, stream2...)
combines given n Properties,
EventStreams and constant values using the given n-ary function f(v1, v2 ...)
To calculate the current sum of three numeric Properties, you can do
function sum3(x,y,z) { return x + y + z }
Bacon.combineWith(sum3, p1, p2, p3)
Bacon.combineWith(f, streams)
like above, but with streams provided as a single array as opposed to a list
of arguments.
streams = [Bacon.constant(1), Bacon.constant(2)]
Bacon.combineWith(Math.max, streams)
Bacon.combineWith(streams, f)
like above
Bacon.combineWith(stream1, stream2..., f)
like above
combines Properties, EventStreams and
constant values using a template
object. For instance, assuming you've got streams or properties named
, username
, firstname
and lastname
, you can do
var password, username, firstname, lastname; // <- properties or streams
var loginInfo = Bacon.combineTemplate({
magicNumber: 3,
userid: username,
passwd: password,
name: { first: firstname, last: lastname }})
.. and your new loginInfo property will combine values from all these streams using that template, whenever any of the streams/properties get a new value. For instance, it could yield a value such as
{ magicNumber: 3,
userid: "juha",
passwd: "easy",
name : { first: "juha", last: "paananen" }}
In addition to combining data from streams, you can include constant values in your templates.
Note that all Bacon.combine* methods produce a Property instead of an EventStream.
If you need the result as an EventStream
you might want to use property.changes()
Bacon.combineWith(function(v1,v2) { .. }, stream1, stream2).changes()
merges given array of EventStreams or Properties. Returns an EventStream. See merge
Bacon.mergeAll(stream1, stream2 ...)
merges given EventStreams.
concatenates given array of EventStreams or Properties, returns an EventStream. See concat
Bacon.concatAll(stream1, stream2 ...)
concatenates given EventStreams.
zips the array of EventStreams / Properties in to a new
EventStream that will have an array of values from each source as
its value. Zipping means that events from each source are combined
pairwise so that the 1st event from each source is published first, then
the 2nd event from each. The results will be published as soon as there
is a value from each source.
Be careful not to have too much "drift" between streams. If one stream produces many more values than some other excessive buffering will occur inside the zipped observable.
x = Bacon.fromArray([1,2,3])
y = Bacon.fromArray([10, 20, 30])
z = Bacon.fromArray([100, 200, 300])
Bacon.zipAsArray(x, y, z)
# produces values [1, 10, 100], [2, 20, 200] and [3, 30, 300]
Bacon.zipAsArray(stream1, stream2...)
just like above, but with sources
provided as a list of arguments as opposed to a single array.
Bacon.zipWith(streams, f)
like zipAsArray
but uses the given n-ary
function to combine the n values from n sources, instead of returning them in an Array.
Bacon.zipWith(f, streams)
like zipAsArray
but uses the given n-ary
function to combine the n values from n sources, instead of returning them in an Array.
Bacon.zipWith(f, stream1, stream1...)
like above
Bacon.zipWith(stream1, stream1..., f)
like above
Bacon.onValues(a, b [, c...], f)
is a shorthand for combining multiple
sources (streams, properties, constants) as array and assigning the
side-effect function f for the values. The following example would log
the number 3.
function f(a, b) { console.log(a + b) }
Bacon.onValues(Bacon.constant(1), Bacon.constant(2), f)
Many methods in Bacon have a single function as their argument. Many of these actually accept a wider range of different arguments that they use for constructing the function.
Here are the different forms you can use, with examples. The basic form would be
maps values using the function f(x)
As an extension to the basic form, you can use partial application:
stream.map(f, "bacon")
maps values using the function f(x, y), using
"bacon" as the first argument, and stream value as the second argument.
stream.map(f, "pow", "smack")
maps values using the function f(x, y,
z), using "pow" and "smack" as the first two arguments and stream value
as the third argument.
Then, you can create method calls like this:
stream.onValue(object, method)
calls the method having the given name,
with stream value as the argument.
titleText.onValue($("#title"), "text")
which would call the "text" method of the jQuery object matching to the HTML element with the id "title"
disableButton.onValue($("#send"), "attr", "disabled")
which would call
the attr method of the #send element, with "disabled" as the first
argument. So if your property has the value true
, it would call
$("#send").attr("disabled", true)
You can call methods or return field values using a "property extractor" syntax. With this syntax, Bacon checks the type of the field and if it's indeed a method, it calls it. Otherwise it just returns field value. For example:
would return the value of the "length" field of
stream values. Would make sense for a stream of arrays. So, you'd get 2
for ["cat", "dog"]
would pick the length of the "stuffs"
array that is a field in the stream value. For example, you'd get 2 for
{ stuffs : ["thing", "object"] }
would pick the second object from the nested
"dudes" array. For example, you'd get "jack" for { dudes : ["john", "jack"] }
would call the "preventDefault" method of
stream values.
stream.filter(".attr", "disabled").not()
would call .attr("disabled")
stream values and filter by the return value. This would practically
inlude only disabled jQuery elements to the result stream.
If none of the above applies, Bacon will return a constant value. For instance:
mouseClicks.map({ isMouseClick: true })
would map all events to the
object { isMouseClick: true }
Methods that support function construction include
at least onValue
, onError
, onEnd
, map
, filter
, assign
, takeWhile
, mapError
and doAction
Methods such as map
and the combine
use lazy evaluation to avoid evaluating
values that aren't actually needed. This can be generally considered a Good Thing,
but it has it's pitfalls.
If you pass a function that referentially transparent, you'll be fine. This means that your function should return the same value regardless of when it's called.
On the other hand, if you pass a function that returns a value depending on time,
you may have problems. Consider a property contents
that's derived from events
like below.
var items = clicks.map(getCurrentValueFromUI).toProperty()
var submittedItems = items.sampledBy(submitClick)
Now the submittedItems
stream will produce the current value of the items
when an event occurs in the submitClick
stream. Or so you'd think. In fact, the value
of submittedItems
is evaluated at the time of the event in the submitClick
which means that it will actually produce the value of getCurrentValueFromUI
at that time,
instead of at the time of the original click
To force evaluation at the time of original event, you can just use flatMap
instead of map
As in here.
var items = clicks.flatMap(getCurrentValueFromUI).toProperty()
One of the common first questions people ask is "how do I get the latest value of a stream or a property". There is no getLatestValue method available and will not be either. You get the value by subscribing to the stream/property and handling the values in your callback. If you need the value of more than one source, use one of the combine methods.
is an EventStream
that allows you to push
values into the stream.
It also allows plugging other streams into the Bus. The Bus practically
merges all plugged-in streams and the values pushed using the push
new Bacon.Bus()
returns a new Bus.
pushes the given value to the stream.
ends the stream. Sends an End event to all subscribers.
After this call, there'll be no more events to the subscribers.
Also, the bus.push
and bus.plug
methods have no effect.
sends an Error with given message to all subscribers
plugs the given stream to the Bus. All events from
the given stream will be delivered to the subscribers of the Bus.
Returns a function that can be used to unplug the same stream.
The plug method practically allows you to merge in other streams after the creation of the Bus. I've found Bus quite useful as an event broadcast mechanism in the Worzone game, for instance.
has subclasses Bacon.Next
, Bacon.End
, Bacon.Error
and Bacon.Initial
next value in an EventStream or a Property. Call isNext() to
distinguish a Next event from other events.
an end-of-stream event of EventStream or Property. Call isEnd() to
distinguish an End from other events.
an error event. Call isError() to distinguish these events
in your subscriber, or use onError
to react to error events only.
returns the associated error object (usually string).
the initial (current) value of a Property. Call isInitial() to
distinguish from other events. Only sent immediately after subscription
to a Property.
returns the value associated with a Next or Initial event
returns true for events of type Initial and Next
true for Next events
true for Initial events
true for Error events
true for End events
the error value of Error events
events are always passed through all stream combinators. So, even
if you filter all values out, the error events will pass through. If you
use flatMap, the result stream will contain Error events from the source
as well as all the spawned stream.
You can take action on errors by using the observable.onError(f)
See documentation on onError
, mapError
, errors
, skipErrors
, Bacon.retry
and flatMapError
In case you want to convert (some) value events into Error
events, you may use flatMap
like this:
stream = Bacon.fromArray([1,2,3,4]).flatMap(function(x) {
if (x > 2)
return new Bacon.Error("too big")
return x
Conversely, if you want to convert some Error
events into value events, you may use flatMapError
myStream.flatMapError(function(error) {
return isNonCriticalError(error) ? handleNonCriticalError(error) : new Bacon.Error(error)
Note also that Bacon.js combinators do not catch errors that are thrown.
Especially map
doesn't do so. If you want to map things
and wrap caught errors into Error events, you can do the following:
wrapped = source.flatMap(Bacon.try(dangerousOperation))
For example, you can use Bacon.try
to handle JSON parse errors:
var jsonStream = Bacon
.once('{"this is invalid json"')
jsonStream.onError(function(err) {
console.error("Failed to parse JSON", err)
An Error does not terminate the stream. The method observable.endOnError()
returns a stream/property that ends immediately after first error.
Bacon.js doesn't currently generate any Error
events itself (except when
converting errors using Bacon.fromPromise). Error
events definitely would be generated by streams derived from IO sources
such as AJAX calls.
is used to retry the call when there is an Error
event in the stream produced by the source
The two required option parameters are:
, a function that produces an Observable. The function gets attempt number (starting from zero) as its argument.retries
, the number of times to retry thesource
function in addition to the initial attempt. Use the value o (zero) for retrying indefinitely.
Additionally, one may pass in one or both of the following callbacks:
, a function returningtrue
to continue retrying,false
to stop. Defaults totrue
. The error that occurred is given as a parameter. For example, there is usually no reason to retry a 404 HTTP error, whereas a 500 or a timeout might work on the next attempt.delay
, a function that returns the time in milliseconds to wait before retrying. Defaults to0
. The function is given a context object with the keyserror
(the error that occurred) andretriesDone
(the number of retries already performed) to help determine the appropriate delay e.g. for an incremental backoff.
var triggeringStream, ajaxCall // <- ajaxCall gives Errors on network or server errors
ajaxResult = triggeringStream.flatMap(function(url) {
return Bacon.retry({
source: function(attemptNumber) { return ajaxCall(url) },
retries: 5,
isRetryable: function (error) { return error.httpStatusCode !== 404; },
delay: function(context) { return 100; } // Just use the same delay always
Join patterns are a generalization of the zip
function. While zip
synchronizes events from multiple streams pairwse, join patterns allow
for implementation of more advanced synchronization patterns. Bacon.js
uses the Bacon.when
function to convert a list of synchronization
patterns into a resulting eventstream.
Consider implementing a game with discrete time ticks. We want to
handle key-events synchronized on tick-events, with at most one key
event handled per tick. If there are no key events, we want to just
process a tick.
[tick, keyEvent], function(_, k) { handleKeyEvent(k); return handleTick(); },
[tick], handleTick)
Order is important here. If the [tick] patterns had been written first, this would have been tried first, and preferred at each tick.
Join patterns are indeed a generalization of zip, and for EventStreams, zip is equivalent to a single-rule join pattern. The following observables have the same output, assuming that all sources are EventStreams.
Bacon.zipWith(a,b,c, combine)
Bacon.when([a,b,c], combine)
Note that Bacon.when
does not trigger updates for events from Properties though;
if you use a Property in your pattern, its value will be just sampled when all the
other sources (EventStreams) have a value. This is useful when you need a value of a Property
in your calculations. If you want your pattern to fire for a Property too, you can
convert it into an EventStream using property.changes()
or property.toEventStream()
creates a Property from an initial value and updates the value based on multiple inputs.
The inputs are defined similarly to Bacon.when
, like this:
var result = Bacon.update(
[x,y,z], function(previous,x,y,z) { ... },
[x,y], function(previous,x,y) { ... })
As input, each function above will get the previous value of the result
Property, along with values from the listed Observables.
The value returned by the function will be used as the next value of result
Just like in Bacon.when
, only EventStreams will trigger an update, while Properties will be just sampled.
So, if you list a single EventStream and several Properties, the value will be updated only when an event occurs in the EventStream.
Here's a simple gaming example:
var scoreMultiplier = Bacon.constant(1)
var hitUfo = new Bacon.Bus()
var hitMotherShip = new Bacon.Bus()
var score = Bacon.update(
[hitUfo, scoreMultiplier], function(score, _, multiplier) { return score + 100 * multiplier },
[hitMotherShip], function(score, _) { return score + 2000 }
In the example, the score
property is updated when either hitUfo
or hitMotherShip
occur. The scoreMultiplier
Property is sampled to take multiplier into account when hitUfo
A quick way to get some intuition for join patterns is to understand
them through an analogy in terms of atoms and molecules. A join
pattern can here be regarded as a recipe for a chemical reaction. Lets
say we have observables oxygen
, carbon
and hydrogen
, where an
event in these spawns an 'atom' of that type into a mixture.
We can state reactions
make_water = function(oxygen, hydrogen, hydrogen) { /* ... consume oxygen and hydrogen ... */ }
make_carbon_monoxide = function(oxygen, carbon) { /* ... consume oxygen and carbon ... */ }
[oxygen, hydrogen, hydrogen], make_water,
[oxygen, carbon], make_carbon_monoxide,
Now, every time a new 'atom' is spawned from one of the observables,
this atom is added to the mixture. If at any time there are two hydrogen
atoms, and an oxygen atom, the corresponding atoms are consumed,
and output is produced via make_water
The same semantics apply for the second rule to create carbon monoxide. The rules are tried at each point from top to bottom.
Properties are not part of the synchronization pattern, but are
instead just sampled. The following example take three input streams
, $quantity
and $total
, e.g. coming from input fields, and
defines mutally recursive behaviours in properties price
, quantity
and total
such that
- updating price sets total to price * quantity
- updating quantity sets total to price * quantity
- updating total sets price to total / quantity
var $price, $total, $quantity = ...
var quantity = $quantity.toProperty(1)
var price = Bacon.when(
[$price], id,
[$total, quantity], function(x,y) { return x/y })
var total = Bacon.when(
[$total], id,
[$price, quantity], function(x,y) { return x*y },
[price, $quantity], function(x,y) { return x*y })
The result functions of join patterns are allowed to push values onto
a Bus
that may in turn be in one of its patterns. For instance, an
implementation of the dining philosophers problem can be written as
follows. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dining_philosophers_problem)
// availability of chopsticks are implemented using Bus
var chopsticks = [new Bacon.Bus(), new Bacon.Bus(), new Bacon.Bus()]
// hungry could be any type of observable, but we'll use bus here
var hungry = [new Bacon.Bus(), new Bacon.Bus(), new Bacon.Bus()]
// a philosopher eats for one second, then makes the chopsticks
// available again by pushing values onto their bus.
var eat = function(i) {
return function() {
setTimeout(function() {
chopsticks[(i+1) % 3].push({})
}, 1000);
return 'philosopher ' + i + ' eating'
// we use Bacon.when to make sure a hungry philosopher can eat only
// when both his chopsticks are available.
var dining = Bacon.when(
[hungry[0], chopsticks[0], chopsticks[1]], eat(0),
[hungry[1], chopsticks[1], chopsticks[2]], eat(1),
[hungry[2], chopsticks[2], chopsticks[0]], eat(2))
// make all chopsticks initially available
chopsticks[0].push({}); chopsticks[1].push({}); chopsticks[2].push({})
// make philosophers hungry in some way, in this case we just push to their bus
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
hungry[0].push({}); hungry[1].push({}); hungry[2].push({})
Bacon.js provides ways to get some descriptive metadata about all Observables.
Returns a textual description of the Observable. For instance,
Bacon.once(1).map(function() {}))
would return "Bacon.once(1).map(function)".
Returns the an array of dependencies that the Observable has. For instance, for a.map(function() {}).deps()
, would return [a]
This method returns the "visible" dependencies only, skipping internal details. This method is thus suitable for visualization tools.
Internally, many combinator functions depend on other combinators to create intermediate Observables that the result will actually depend on.
The deps
method will skip these internal dependencies.
Returns the true dependencies of the observable, including the intermediate "hidden" Observables.
This method is for Bacon.js internal purposes but could be useful for debugging/analysis tools as well.
Contains a structured version of what toString
The structured description is an object that contains the fields context
, method
and args
For example, for Bacon.fromArray([1,2,3]).desc
you'd get
{ context: Bacon, method: "fromArray", args: [[1,2,3]] }
Notice that this is a field, not a function.
Adds your function as a "spy" that will get notified on all new Observables.
This will allow a visualization/analytis tool to spy on all Bacon activity.
As described above, a subscriber can signal the loss of interest in new events in any of these two ways:
- Return
from the handler function - Call the
function that was returned by thesubscribe()
Based on my experience on RxJs coding, an actual side-effect subscriber in application-code never does this. So the business of unsubscribing is mostly internal business and you can ignore it unless you're working on a custom stream implementation or a stream combinator. In that case, I welcome you to contribute your stuff to bacon.js.
The state of an EventStream can be defined as (t, os) where t
is time
and os
the list of current subscribers. This state should define the
behavior of the stream in the sense that
- When a Next event is emitted, the same event is emitted to all subscribers
- After an event has been emitted, it will never be emitted again, even if a new subscriber is registered. A new event with the same value may of course be emitted later.
- When a new subscriber is registered, it will get exactly the same events as the other subscriber, after registration. This means that the stream cannot emit any "initial" events to the new subscriber, unless it emits them to all of its subscribers.
- A stream must never emit any other events after End (not even another End)
The rules are deliberately redundant, explaining the constraints from different perspectives. The contract between an EventStream and its subscriber is as follows:
- For each new value, the subscriber function is called. The new
value is wrapped into a
event. - The subscriber function returns a result which is either
. Theundefined
value is handled likeBacon.more
. - In case of
the source must never call the subscriber again. - When the stream ends, the subscriber function will be called with
event. The return value of the subscribe function is ignored in this case.
A Property
behaves similarly to an EventStream
except that
- On a call to
, it will deliver its current value (if any) to the provided subscriber function wrapped into anInitial
event. - This means that if the Property has previously emitted the value
to its subscribers and that is the latest value emitted, it will deliver this value to the new subscriber. - Property may or may not have a current value to start with. Depends on how the Property was created.
From version 0.4.0, Bacon.js supports atomic updates to properties, with known limitations.
Assume you have properties A and B and property C = A + B. Assume that both A and B depend on D, so that when D changes, both A and B will change too.
When D changes d1 -> d2
, the value of A a1 -> a2
and B changes b1 -> b2
simultaneously, you'd like C to update atomically so that it
would go directly a1+b1 -> a2+b2
. And, in fact, it does exactly that.
Prior to version 0.4.0, C would have an additional transitional
state like a1+b1 -> a2+b1 -> a2+b2
Atomic updates are limited to Properties only, meaning that simultaneous events in EventStreams will not be recognized as simultaneous and may cause extra transitional states to Properties. But as long as you're just combining Properties, you'll updates will be atomic.
Bacon.js is quite similar to RxJs, so it should be pretty easy to pick up. The major difference is that in bacon, there are two distinct kinds of Observables: the EventStream and the Property. The former is for discrete events while the latter is for observable properties that have the concept of "current value".
Also, there are no "cold observables", which means also that all EventStreams and Properties are consistent among subscribers: when as event occurs, all subscribers will observe the same event. If you're experienced with RxJs, you've probably bumped into some wtf's related to cold observables and inconsistent output from streams constructed using scan and startWith. None of that will happen with bacon.js.
Error handling is also a bit different: the Error event does not
terminate a stream. So, a stream may contain multiple errors. To me,
this makes more sense than always terminating the stream on error; this
way the application developer has more direct control over error
handling. You can always use stream.endOnError()
to get a stream
that ends on error!
See Examples
See Specs
First check out the Bacon.js repository and run npm install
Then build the coffeescript sources into javascript:
Result javascript files will be generated in dist
directory. If your planning
to develop Bacon.js yourself, you'll want to run [tests] too.
You can also build a bundle with selected features only. For instance
./build flatmap combine takeuntil
The build system will do its best to determine the dependencies of the selected features and include those into the bundle too. You can also test the integrity of the bundle with your selected features using
./test flatmap combine takeuntil
Run all unit tests:
Run limited set of unit tests:
./test core _ frompromise
The names correspond to the file names under spec/specs
. The library will
be built with the listed features only.
You can also test all features individually:
This will loop thru all files under spec/specs
and build the library with the
single feature and run the test.
Run browser tests (using testem):
npm install
npm install -g testem
Run browser (without testem):
npm install
open browsertest/mocha.runner.html
Run performance tests:
performance/PerformanceTest.coffee flatmap
Run memory usage tests:
coffee --nodejs '--expose-gc' performance/MemoryTest.coffee
Runtime: jQuery or Zepto.js (optional; just for jQ/Zepto bindings) Build/test: node.js, npm, coffeescript
Bacon.js doesn't mess with prototypes or the global object. Only exceptions below.
- It exports the Bacon object, except in Node.js. In a browser, this is added to the window object.
- If jQuery is defined, it adds the asEventStream method to jQuery (similarly to Zepto)
So, it should be pretty much compatible and a nice citizen.
I'm not sure how it works in case some other lib adds stuff to, say, Array prototype, though. Maybe add test for this later?
TLDR: good.
Bacon.js is not browser dependent, because it is not a UI library.
I have personally used it Bacon.js with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 6+, iPhone, iPad.
Automatically tested on each commit on modern browsers.
Sure. Works. Try it out.
npm install baconjs
Then type node
and try the following
Bacon = require("baconjs").Bacon
Bacon.sequentially(1000, ["B", "A", "C", "O", "N"]).log()
Yep. Currently exports Bacon through AMD and assigns to window
for backwards
If you would like to use it with jQuery and AMD, you should monkey patch jQuery explicitly so that module loading order does not matter
define(function (require) {
var $ = require('jquery'),
Bacon = require('Bacon');
$.fn.asEventStream = Bacon.$.asEventStream;
$(document).asEventStream('click').onValue(function (e) {
console.log(e.clientX + ', ' + e.clientY);
Bacon.js exists largely because I got frustrated with RxJs, which is a good library, but at that time didn't have very good documentation and wasn't open-source. Things have improved a lot in the Rx world since that. Yet, there are still compelling reasons to use Bacon.js instead. Like, for instance, more consistent stream/property behavior and (arguably) simplicity of use.
Use GitHub issues and Pull Requests.
Note: this readme is generated from readme-src.coffee
. After updating the src file, run grunt readme
Thanks to BrowserStack for kindly providing me with free of charge automatic testing time.
Thanks also to Reaktor for supporting Bacon.js development and letting me use some of my working hours on open-source development.