#cobalt2 A Sublime Text theme based on our old blue friend cobalt.
A refined colour scheme that is easy on the eyes and takes small UI elements into account. Includes full sublime theme (sidebar, search, tabs, etc...) as well as support for SublimeLinter, git diffing and a growing number of plugins.
See below for examples. Read more at http://wesbos.com/cobalt2-theme-sublime-text-2/
Installation is easy, just follow these steps:
Open your Sublime Text packages directory
→Browse Packages
Download this repo, rename the folder to
Theme - Cobalt2
, and Drop in theTheme - Cobalt2
directory here (Right into /Preferences/). It is very important that the folder name is exactlyTheme - Cobalt2
. -
Lastly, open
→Settings - User
. Add the following two lines:"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cobalt2/cobalt2.tmTheme", "theme": "Cobalt2.sublime-theme",
If these are the last two lines of your settings file, make sure to omit the trailing ,
While cobalt2 covers all languages, I write mostly JavaScript and CSS so I welcome any additions for other languages.
Images borrowed from Soda Theme by Ian Hill
Kyle Knight for pushing cobolt2 past the code screen and styling the entire editor.