#Anchor Server Manager ###ASM - 1.1.0 - ALPHA
- Grabs info regarding it's host.
- Confirms its permissions.
- Creates a one-time token.
- Hosts endpoints, files, and backups
- Checks for updates.
- Updates if necessary.
- Starts gameserver.
- Handles command-line input
- Handles remote commands
###Terminal Commands
- log
- Dumps latest.log to term.
- console
- Pipes STDOUT of java proc to term.
- start
- duh.
- stop
- duh.
- restart
- duh.
- backup
- duh.
- quit
- "quit" safely shuts down the gameserver, then kills the asm proc.
- "quit force" kills everything (java proc then asm proc)
- send
- supply a message after "send", and it will be passed as an admin msg to the gameserver.
- EX: "send hello world" will show in game as "[AnchorHosting] hello world" (in red)
- Anything not listed is interpreted as a gameserver command, and as such is passed to the STDIN of the java proc.
###Web thingies
- /serve/
- banned-ips
- banned-players
- ops
- server-properties
- whitelist
- log
- /func/
- start
- stop
- restart
- backup
- /func/command/:arg
- requires argument after "command/"
- for example, /func/command/say hi
- /backups
- lists backups in JSON format
- /backup/:id
- downloads backup :id as world-:id.tar.gz
##In Active Development!