This a node based tool for creating caffe networks. It works inside the graphics application 'blender' as a plugin. The reason for this is blender's highly stable, and universally compatible node editor.
- The latest commits add a huge number of features, and bundle the application into one single extension for blender. You will need to disable/remove all the old CGT addons, and then install the latest version a slightly different way to before
- These Commits also MASSIVELY change how the addon is used. No more spacebar --> create solution. Make sure you read the Wiki! On the plus side - CGT now has .prototxt import features, and asyncronous network training/plotting. Everything has also been hugely refactored for clarity.
- Huge changes such as the recent commits mean bugs will slip through. Please feel free to report any in the issues manager and I will try and patch them same-day.
- .prototxt import - load networks up to and including googlenet
- Train networks asyncronously within blender
- Plot loss in real time
- Manage different network structures, store networks with attached comments
- Storage in native .cexp format, enabling node trees to be stored and recovered together with the performance data of that network
- Plot and compare Multiple networks' loss
- Autonaming of top,bottom, and layer names
- Visual editing of layer properties
- Reliable duplication of layers with SHIFT+D
- Saving & Loading nodetrees, along with their performance and info data for later editing
- Generation of train_test, _deploy, _solver, prototxts, and the training bash script