JSON API <-> NSObject in one line. Powered by RubyMotion and BubbleWrap.
Let's say we have some User and Question objects retrievable via our API. We can do fun stuff like:
# GET http://ourapi.com/users/1.json -> {:user => {id: 1}}
user = User.find(1) do |user|
# async
# GET http://ourapi.com/users/1/questions.json -> {:questions => [...]}
Question.find_all(user_id: user.id) do |questions|
# async
puts questions
# Later...
=> [#<Question @user=#<User>,
#<Question @user=#<User>]
Here's what our files look like:
class User < RemoteModule::RemoteModel
attr_accessor :id
has_many :questions
collection_url "users"
member_url "users/:id"
class Question < RemoteModule::RemoteModel
attr_accessor :id, :question, :is_active
belongs_to :user
collection_url "users/:user_id/questions"
member_url "users/:user_id/questions/:id"
custom_urls :active_url => member_url + "/make_active"
# The urls substitute params based on a passed hash and/or object's methods,
# so we define user_id to use for the collection/member urls
def user_id
user && user.id
# An example of how we can use custom URLs to make custom nice(r) methods
# EX
# a_question.make_active(false) do |question|
# p question.is_active
# end
def make_active(active)
post(self.active_url, payload: {active: active}) do |response, json|
self.is_active = json[:question][:is_active]
if block_given?
yield self
Add the git repos as submodules in ./vendor:
git submodule add git://github.com/mattetti/BubbleWrap.git ./vendor/BubbleWrap
git submodule add git://github.com/clayallsopp/remote_model.git ./vendor/remote_model
Then add the lib paths to your ./Rakefile:
Motion::Project::App.setup do |app|
app.files = Dir.glob(File.join(app.project_dir, 'vendor/BubbleWrap/lib/**/*.rb'))
+ Dir.glob(File.join(app.project_dir, 'vendor/remote_model/lib/**/*.rb'))
+ app.files
Add an initialization file somewhere, like ./app/initializers/remote_model.rb. This is where we put the API specifications:
module RemoteModule
class RemoteModel
# The default URL for our requests.
# Overrideable per model subclass
self.root_url = "http://localhost:5000/"
# Options attached to every request
# Appendable per model subclass
self.default_url_options = {
:headers => {
"x-api-token" => "some_token",
"Accept" => "application/json"
RemoteModel is designed for JSON APIs which return structures with "nice" properties.
When you make a request with a RemoteModel (self.get/put/post/delete), the result is always parsed as JSON. The ActiveRecord-esque methods take this JSON and create objects out of it. It's clever and creates the proper associations (belongs_to/has_one/has_many) within the objects, as defined in the models.
The AR methods also use the member/collection defined URLs to make requests. These URLs are a string which you can use :symbols to input dynamic values. These strings can be formatted using a hash and/or using an object (it will look to see if the object responds to these symbols and call the method if applicable):
>> s = RemoteModule::FormatableString.new("url/:param")
=> "url/:param"
>> s.format({param: 6})
=> "url/6"
>> obj = Struct.new("Paramer", :param).new(param: 100)
=> ...
>> s.format({}, obj)
=> "url/100"
RemoteModels can define custom urls and call those as methods (see question.rb above).
- More tests
- CoreData integration