is a Docker image with node
running on top of the official clearlinux base image.
Node is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
For other Clear Linux* OS based container images, see:
Clear Linux* OS is an open source, rolling release Linux distribution optimized for performance and security, from the Cloud to the Edge, designed for customization, and manageability.
Clear Linux* OS based container images use:
- Optimized libraries that are compiled with latest compiler versions and flags.
- Software packages that follow upstream source closely and update frequently.
- An aggressive security model and best practices for CVE patching.
- A multi-staged build approach to keep a reduced container image size.
- The same container syntax as the official images to make getting started easy.
To learn more about Clear Linux* OS, visit:
Download the node chart and install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm install --name my-release node
To uninstall/delete the my-release
$ helm delete my-release
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the node chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.replicaCount |
node pod count | 2 |
image.repository |
node image repository | |
image.imagepullPolicy |
node image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
service.type |
node service type | NodePort |
service.port |
node service port | 80 |
service.targetPort |
node service targetPort | 80 |
service.nodePort |
node service nodePort | 30001 |
config.enabled |
If apply custom config file to node service | True |
config.content |
custom file content | your own custom conf | |
config volume name | nodejs-mount |
ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress controller resource | false |
ingress.hosts[0].host |
Host to your Node installation | chart-example.local |
ingress.hosts[0].paths |
Path within the url structure | [] |
ingress.hosts[0].tls |
Utilize TLS backend in ingress | [] |
ingress.hosts[0].annotations |
Annotations for this host's ingress record | {} |
All licenses for the Clear Linux* Project and distributed software can be found at