is a Docker image with httpd
running on top of the
official clearlinux base image.
Httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server program. It is designed to be run as a standalone daemon process. When used like this it will create a pool of child processes or threads to handle requests.
For other Clear Linux* OS based container images, see:
Clear Linux* OS is an open source, rolling release Linux distribution optimized for performance and security, from the Cloud to the Edge, designed for customization, and manageability.
Clear Linux* OS based container images use:
- Optimized libraries that are compiled with latest compiler versions and flags.
- Software packages that follow upstream source closely and update frequently.
- An aggressive security model and best practices for CVE patching.
- A multi-staged build approach to keep a reduced container image size.
- The same container syntax as the official images to make getting started easy.
To learn more about Clear Linux* OS, visit:
The easiest way to get started with this image is by simply pulling it from Docker Hub.
*Note: This container uses the same syntax as the official httpd image.
Pull the image from Docker Hub:
docker pull clearlinux/httpd
Start a container using the examples below:
docker run --name some-httpd -dit -p 8080:80 clearlinux/httpd
curl http://localhost:8080/ # locally curl http://${server-ip}:8080/ # remotely
The Dockerfiles for all Clear Linux* OS based container images are available at These can be used to build and modify the container images.
Clone the clearlinux/dockerfiles repository.
git clone
Change to the directory of the application:
cd httpd/
Build the container image:
docker build -t clearlinux/httpd .
Refer to the Docker documentation for default build arguments. Additionally:
- specifies arguments to pass to the Clear Linux* OS software manager. See the swupd man pages for more information.
All licenses for the Clear Linux* Project and distributed software can be found at