(c) Cleuton Sampaio 2018
In today's programming languages, there is the concept of Object Orientation, allowing us to declare classes and instantiate objects from them. Go does not have this concept.
Go has no concept of classes
Go lets us create complex Types. These types are represented by the interface Type (we will see later).
A Type is a struct (a complex type) like this:
package main
import (
type Student struct {
name string
func main() {
var newStudent Student
newStudent.name = "John Doe"
fmt.Println(newStudent, reflect.TypeOf(newStudent))
{John Doe} main.Student
Open file [typesample.go] (./code/typesample.go).
We created a struct called Student containing only one member: The student's name. Pay attention to the use of capital letters in the name Student, it allows the type to be exported to other packages. Anything you declare capitalized in the package scope will be exported to other packages, but you must use the full declaration (with var).
After we run, we see the content of the Student object and its type name, which is the package name and the struct name.
Pointers and memory
Go has pointers. We can get the address of a variable and store it in a pointer with the "&" operator:
pst := &newStudent
fmt.Println(pst.name, reflect.TypeOf(newStudent))
John Doe main.Student
The pst variable now points to the object (memory location) of the variable newStudent. In other languages, such as C ++, we would need to dereference explicitly using the "*" operator:
fmt.Println((*pst).name, reflect.TypeOf(newStudent))
When we declare a variable using a struct we create a new memory area for it:
var other Student
other.name = "Other Student"
fmt.Println(pst.name, other.name)
John Doe Other Student
As we can see, each variable has its own memory area. It is actually a pointer to a created memory area.
And we can initialize a struct using a literal struct that contains the values in the same order as struct types:
p := Student{"Pamela"}
We can create functions within structs, better known as methods in other programming languages. For example, if we wanted to create a class Course that contains a description and student list, we would do this in Java:
class Course {
String description;
List<Student> students;
In Go an array can be of type struct, but not static arrays! Your type is declared along with its size! Only slices are dynamic. So how do we declare struct?
// Course This is a course
type Course struct {
description string
students []Student
(First of all struct put a comment with the name and some bla-bla-bla, otherwise the compiler will be disturbing you)
I created a variable students which is a slice (a vector with no size declaration) and will create a method for adding new students:
func (c *Course) register(s Student) {
c.students = append(c.students, s)
A method is a function that receives a receiver (before its name). A receiver is a function initiator and is what turns it into a method. The receiver can be the value or a pointer to an instance of the struct. If we just want to use the properties of the struct, we inform receiver as a common variable, but if we want to modify any property of the struct, we inform it as pointer.
In this case, the register() method gets a pointer to a Course object (note the asterisk), so it can modify any property of the Course object. And he does it by appending the new student to the slice of Students.
Now let's look at how we use Course type and how we register new students:
engineering := Course{"Engineering", make([]Student, 0)}
{Engineering [{John Doe} {Pamela}]}
Go does not have the concept of inheritance, in which one class inherits the properties and methods of another. It has the concept of composition, in which one class can include another and access its properties. For example, let's create a distance learning course modality:
// EadCourse This is another course type
type EadCourse struct {
course Course
website string
ead := EadCourse{Course{"New EAD", make([]Student, 0)}, "http://eadcourse"}
{ {New EAD [{John Doe}] } http://eadcourse}"
Methods in other types
We can declare methods in other types that we create. For example, I will create a method for rounding a float64 to a certain number of decimal places:
// NewFloat float with steroids
type NewFloat float64
func (nf NewFloat) roundBy(places float64) NewFloat {
nplaces := math.Pow(10.00, places)
return NewFloat(math.Round(float64(nf)*nplaces) / nplaces)
var n NewFloat = 5.0293019384
As you can see, I created a method for a NewFloat class derived from float64.
Create a method for removing students from a course.
Tip: Use slice to remove students (append (slice [: i], slice [i + 1:] ...)) and use a for to find out the student's index (i) be removed.