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README(1) | Geodesic
Erik Osterman
May 2019


README - Documentation for Geodesic


This directory contains a number of markdown-formatted "man" pages. These will be available inside of the container.



To rebuild the man pages, run docs update


To list all available man pages, run help. Then for more information on any topic, run help and pass the command as an argument.


To search for help, run help "topic" where "topic" is what you want more information on.


All documentation for geodesic belongs in the docs/ folder. Use markdown appropriate formatting and styles.


In order to be consistent with UNIX Man pages, all section titles should be UPPERCASE and begin with a single ##. Subsections should be properly capitalized and use ###. Avoid going more than (2) sections deep.

Use standard section names.

Here are some examples.

  • ## NAME The name of the command or function, followed by a one-line description of what it does.
  • ## SYNOPSIS In the case of a command, a formal description of how to run it and what command line options it takes. For program functions, a list of the parameters the function takes and which header file contains its declaration.
  • ## DESCRIPTION A textual description of the functioning of the command or function.
  • ## EXAMPLES Some examples of common usage.
  • ## SEE ALSO A list of related commands or functions.
  • ## OPTIONS A list of supported options for the command
  • ## SYNTAX An explation of the command's syntax
  • ## ENVIRONMENT A list of supported environment variables
  • ## RETURN VALUES A breakdown of the expected return values or exit codes
  • ## STANDARDS Some of the "best practices"
  • ## SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS Recommended settings for safer operation
  • ## BUGS Some known issues
  • ## HISTORY Background on command to give readers more context