- Lille, France
This repository is deprecated head to phonegap/phonegap-push-plugin
cluster / tapestry-jersey
Forked from yunglin/tapestry-jerseyJersey Tapestry Integration
Hornet Connector - Java Implementation
cluster / tapestry5
Forked from nirvdrum/tapestry5Mirror of Apache Tapestry 5
cluster / strophejs
Forked from metajack/strophejsStrophe.js is an XMPP library for JavaScript
cluster / wooki
Forked from spreadthesource/wookiWooki* is a smart tool to write documents. It let you publish them and get reviews.
cluster / xui-plugins
Forked from xuijs/xui-pluginsExtends XUI (a lightweight mobile javascript framework) with more features
cluster / requirejs
Forked from requirejs/requirejsA file and module loader for JavaScript
cluster / xui
Forked from brianleroux/xuiA tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
cluster / sizzle
Forked from jquery/sizzleA sizzlin' hot selector engine.
filmaj / xui
Forked from brianleroux/xuiA tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
phonegap / phonegap
Forked from sintaxi/phonegapaccess core functions on Android, iPhone and Blackberry using JavaScript